Are you serious? How many rockets have you sent passed the moon since your first rocket launch? Even Elon Musk did it before you.
Do you want a list pages long of what NASA did in its
first 27 years? We actually had a probe inspecting Mars within 10 years of NASA's founding and a lander within 20.. You haven't even made it there yet.
You guys have done pretty much nothing in comparison in 27 years. We already had two craft heading out of the solar system by then.
They are still reporting too
View attachment 701211
04 December 2020
The Voyager probes have detected an entirely new kind of electron burst outside the solar system.
The shock waves themselves come from coronal mass ejections, which are clumps of hot gas and energy that are thrown out of the Sun at roughly a million miles an hour. The Voyager spacecraft are now so far away what even at that speed they take a year to be detected.