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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

I am talking about killings by police. Show me one instance. Londonistan police must be commended for showing this much restraint.

you are telling lie

read your post bellow and read what did you say

Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..
Saw it on your very own BBC, British Broadcast Corporation!!,,,,at 12 top of the hour news, the bald guy gave it out, three muslim, suspected Pakistanis, after coming from a mosque, were saving their shop when a car rammed into them, the car has been impounded and investigation is going on.

Sir even they are saying that they were suspected pakistanis. Why do you need to play victim card here. when people from all countries are suffering equally.
you are telling lie

read your post bellow and read what did you say

What is lie in that. I changed my mind because had it really being terrorist then police would have shot dead those people. They did not shoot them and hence they wrere not terrorists but simple rioteres.

Now lying allegation back to your court.
I personally dont think it was a racist attack on the 3 muslim men, they should of stayed at home instead of trying to protect they shop with 3 people only.
The three people killed were not Pakistanis but British. they were rammed by a car and I doubt the person who rammed them even knew which country they were from.
The three people killed were not Pakistanis but British. they were rammed by a car and I doubt the person who rammed them even knew which country they were from.

they are reported to be Pakistani, they were trying to protect their shop from looters.... this is what I heard on tv.
Sir even they are saying that they were suspected pakistanis. Why do you need to play victim card here. when people from all countries are suffering equally.

Sorry, didnt see any Indian or Bengali or Thai getting rammed to death. And not playing the victim card here, just highlighting the amount of control the police have over these guys, some people are right , the military should be brought in.
I personally dont think it was a racist attack on the 3 muslim men, they should of stayed at home instead of trying to protect they shop with 3 people only.

How do you know the people you are going to ram the car is a muslim or not? Dont give it racist angle until proven by some news.
Victim card will not play.
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