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Lon Nol killed Vietnamese Population during Cambodia Civil War 1970s

Viets speak Mon/Khmer laguage too, and we could help Cambodian brothers take back land of Khmer Surin people in Thailand first.

Why don't you take some Mon-Khmer land from India? Seriously. They get treated like shit.
You're an idiot if you think this is true.

You lie, no evidence is proof for that.

Dude just get out this forum at once, this forum Chinese own. They trap you here so they can insult you without being attack back. All Viet should get out of this forum, let them talk to themselves, self-masturbating superpower. Find a Viet forum, there we can trash them freely like they did about Viet in here.

To be cool, bro. we are here to telling them that who they are .
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Lon Nol was a great hero stopping the viets from massacring Cambodians. First Viets took Saigon land from Khmer, then they tried to genocide Cambodians to take more land.
Lon Nol was a great hero stopping the viets from massacring Cambodians. First Viets took Saigon land from Khmer, then they tried to genocide Cambodians to take more land.

don't spread hatred here with lying. Both Lon Nol and Pol Pot is Hua chinese in native. They were descent of Qinxi Huang, how many Khmer Cambodian, Hua Cambodian, Viet Cambodian were murdered in killing fields in Cambodia ?
Khymer also committed genocide of Cambodian Muslims.


Cambodia remembers its fallen Muslims
By Julie Masis

PHNOM PENH - In September 1975, 2,000 or so Cambodian Muslims picked up their swords and machetes and for several days fought off heavily armed Khmer Rouge soldiers at the village of Svay Khleang. The rebellion was sparked during the holy month of Ramadan in response to Khmer Rouge attempts to arrest Muslims for praying at their local mosque.

The rebellion was defeated but won't soon be forgotten: a museum that will preserve the stories of Muslim survivors of the Khmer Rouge's genocidal reign of terror from 1975-79 is scheduled toopen at the Mabarak mosque outside Phnom Penh later this year.
Between 100,000 and 400,000 Cham Muslims died under the Khmer Rouge regime, according to figures provided by the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, either from murder, starvation or disease. Most of the country's mosques were destroyed or desecrated during the Khmer Rouge's radical attempt to create a communist utopia.

After the Khmer Rouge put down the Svay Khleang rebellion, the village's women were separated from the men and the revolt's leaders were sent to prison. Other villagers were deported to live in forested areas where many eventually died from malaria or starvation.

The persecution of Muslims remains an understudied aspect of Cambodia's genocide experience - where as many as two million people perished - but the extent of that suffering is now coming to academic light. According to the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DCC), Muslims who were forcibly relocated from their communities died at a higher rate than any other ethnic or religious group.

Cambodia's population is predominantly Buddhist; Muslims currently make up around 2% of the population, according to official statistics. While Cambodia's Muslims are no longer systematically persecuted, as they were under the atheist Khmer Rouge, they remain largely segregated from the Buddhist majority and are under-represented in the country's universities and bureaucracy.

The DCC has collected 500 interviews with Cambodian Muslims about there experiences under the Khmer Rouge, testimonies that will be accessible at the new memorial museum, according to Farina So, the project's oral history leader. The museum will feature Cambodia's first genocide-related exhibit inside a mosque and will be housed in a former Islamic school that was converted to a communal cafeteria under the Khmer Rouge.

The memorial's creation coincides with the ongoing legal proceedings at the United Nations-sponsored Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), where former top Khmer Rouge leaders are currently on trial for their alleged roles in genocide.

In July, the ECCC convicted former Khmer Rouge prison warden, Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, for war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced him to 35 years in prison. His sentence was commuted to 19 years in compensation for the time he was ruled to have been illegally detained by a military court.

The ECCC's proceedings have brought back bitter memories among the regime's Muslim survivors. Him Soh, a Muslim survivor who lost seven family members including his parents and siblings during the Khmer Rouge period, recalls how soldiers murdered Muslim community leaders and deported Cham Muslims to other provinces where they were forced to integrate into ethnic Khmer villages.

"The Khmer Rouge did not allow Muslims to pray in the mosque or at home," he said. "They spied to see if a person prayed and if the person prayed they were taken away and killed."

The Khmer Rouge also forced Muslim girls to cut their hair and made men shave their beards – deliberate affronts to Muslim culture. Nor did they allow Chams to cover their heads or wear traditional Muslim clothes. The Koran was confiscated and in certain instances the pages were used for toilet paper, Soh said.

Chi Sleh, a 75-year-old survivor, was imprisoned twice during the Khmer Rouge regime but lived to tell his tale after a sympathetic Khmer Rouge soldier helped him. Sleh said he had to watch as soldiers destroyed the mosque in his home village, which he says the Khmer Rouge razed for scrap metal. "Some mosques were destroyed; others were used to store rice," he recalls.

Because of Cambodia's history of Cham-led rebellions, the Khmer Rouge were particularly suspicious of Muslim populations. "The Khmer Rouge viewed the Cham people as an internal enemy," So said. "Some people were asked if they were Cham and if they were Cham, they were killed. Some survived by hiding their identity."

The Mabarak mosque aims to promote understanding about Cham culture. The new memorial museum will be housed in a mosque built in 1963, one of the oldest Islamic shrines in the country to survive the Khmer Rouge's demolition campaign. It was bombed and damaged in 1973 during the war between the Khmer Rouge and the government's army. The building's bullet-scarred walls still bear witness to that conflict.

The memorial will contain a collection of artifacts, including Cambodian-language Korans which were buried for safekeeping during Khmer Rouge purges, as well as the swords the Chams used during their rebellion. On the lighter side, the exhibitions will introduce visitors to Cham culture and languages, as well as other minority groups which suffered under the Khmer Rouge.

Many of Cambodia's Muslims are descendents of the Cham, an ethnic group which once boasted a far-reaching kingdom known as Champa that included territory in today's central and southern Vietnam. The kingdom was defeated by the Vietnamese in the early 1700s and many Chams fled to areas of modern day Cambodia, including the province now known as Kampong Cham.

Julie Masis is a Cambodia-based journalist.

(Copyright 2011 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)
Viets speak Mon/Khmer languages too, so and we could help Cambodian brothers take back land of Khmer Surin people in Thailand first.

More like they'll help the Chinese and Thai's take over you filthy Viets. Never met a Cambodian that liked a Yuan in real life.

Why don't you take some Mon-Khmer land from India? Seriously. They get treated like shit.


Lon Nol was a great hero stopping the viets from massacring Cambodians. First Viets took Saigon land from Khmer, then they tried to genocide Cambodians to take more land.

A true hero indeed. Would have been great if he had finished the job
More like they'll help the Chinese and Thai's take over you filthy Viets. Never met a Cambodian that liked a Yuan in real life.


A true hero indeed. Would have been great if he had finished the job

Yuan :eek:
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More like they'll help the Chinese and Thai's take over you filthy Viets. Never met a Cambodian that liked a Yuan in real life.

Yes, from old time, Cambodian didn't liked who came to Cambodia and said that they came from Zhong Yuan 中原 .
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Yes, from old time, Cambodian didn't liked who came to Cambodia and said that they came from Zhong Yuan 中原 .
Cambodia, and Thai called Vietnamese Yuon for long... time.
But to conclude that Yuon is from Zhong Yuan, I just heard 1st time in my life. Said by EastSea.

You have study first, after that you can troll on us.

Both Lon Nol and Polpot killed Vietnamese in the last century. Khmer Rouge killed Vietnamese when they invaded in to Bachuc Perfecture in Tay Ning Province in Vietnam.Pls see a pictures as the link I copied here under.

Thảm sát An Giang: Những hang động chôn người tập thể - VTC News

Talking about geopolitcal ambition, do you know about geopolitic ambition of Lon Nol ? I quoted below for you reference:

Political views
....He termed his ideology, a blend of chauvinist nationalism and mysticism, as 'Neo-Khmerism': he expressed an ambition of reuniting the ethnic Khmers of Cambodia with the Khmer Krom of the Mekong Delta and the Khmer Surin of Thailand, projecting a state of "thirty million" Khmers by the year 2020. Asking his followers to embrace the traditions of what he referred to as Mon-Khmer 'holy warriors' (yuthesel), he also encouraged them to refer to him as their "Black Papa", a name referring to the dark skin considered to be the sign of an 'authentic' Khmer.

Lon Nol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will study that. Pleas find English source.
If this is true, how stupid Khmer Rouge is, to invade a much larger nation with 1 million vet soldiers like VN?
Cannot understand.
Cambodia, and Thai called Vietnamese Yuon for long... time.
But to conclude that Yuon is from Zhong Yuan, I just heard 1st time in my life. Said by EastSea.
Why do Thai people call Vietnamese as Youn? Does it mean like we call Thai as Xiem (Siam) and Cambodia as Mien?
I will study that. Pleas find English source.
If this is true, how stupid Khmer Rouge is, to invade a much larger nation with 1 million vet soldiers like VN?
Cannot understand.
Because Chinese government backed Khmer Rouge by supplying modern weapon and promising to attack Vietnam in the north.
Cambodia, and Thai called Vietnamese Yuon for long... time.
But to conclude that Yuon is from Zhong Yuan, I just heard 1st time in my life. Said by EastSea.

I will study that. Pleas find English source.
If this is true, how stupid Khmer Rouge is, to invade a much larger nation with 1 million vet soldiers like VN?
Cannot understand.

From time 1282 Sogetu, General of Yuan Dynasty (Mongolia) attacked and conquered Champs and Chen-la. in the year 1284, 200,000 Yuan troops under commando of Sogetu dropped in to Champs and Chen-la.

There is the first Chinese were in the region southern of Indochina Peninsula. Many of this soldiers were escaped from Yuan Dynasty's Army and went to Cambodia. They claimed themselves as Yuan people. It is similar to story of Chinese, they came to Vietnam from time of Ming Dynasty China's and claimed themselves as Ming People. They are Minh Huong people in South Vietnam today.

From this time, Yuan is going changed to "Yuon" and got a meaning as "foreigner" in Khmer language. Today, Cambodian say Yuon to Vietnamese with idea to the race discrimination.
Why do Thai people call Vietnamese as Youn? Does it mean like we call Thai as Xiem (Siam) and Cambodia as Mien?

Because Chinese government backed Khmer Rouge by supplying modern weapon and promising to attack Vietnam in the north.

Wait. The parties not over yet. Round 2 coming soon baby. Israel will look like an angel once China's finished with you this time. China, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos can share the wealth.

From time 1282 Sogetu, General of Yuan Dynasty (Mongolia) attacked and conquered Champs and Chen-la. in the year 1284, 200,000 Yuan troops under commando of Sogetu dropped in to Champs and Chen-la.

There is the first Chinese were in the region southern of Indochina Peninsula. Many of this soldiers were escaped from Yuan Dynasty's Army and went to Cambodia. They claimed themselves as Yuan people. It is similar to story of Chinese, they came to Vietnam from time of Ming Dynasty China's and claimed themselves as Ming People. They are Minh Huong people in South Vietnam today.

From this time, Yuan is going changed to "Yuon" and got a meaning as "foreigner" in Khmer language. Today, Cambodian say Yuon to Vietnamese with idea to the race discrimination.

:omghaha: Gotta love Viet people! And n***er means 'strong'. Haha
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