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Lon Nol killed Vietnamese Population during Cambodia Civil War 1970s


Jun 27, 2014
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According to VN members here, Pol Pot, the leader of Khmer Rouge, was responsible for killing ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia. I search in Wiki, it does not say Pol Pot did that. Perhaps among many killed in Khmer Rouge's killing fields, there are many of ethnic Vietnamese. Here in Wiki says Lon Nol killed ethnic Vietnamese in Khmer.

Cambodian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This thread topic can extend to talk about general Cambodia Civil War during 1970s and the Vietnam conquest of Cambodia.

Massacre of the Vietnamese
Most of the population, urban and rural, took out their anger and frustrations on the nation's Vietnamese population. Lon Nol's call for 10,000 volunteers to boost the manpower of Cambodia's poorly equipped, 30,000-man army, managed to swamp the military with over 70,000 recruits.[64] Rumours abounded concerning a possible PAVN offensive aimed at Phnom Penh itself. Paranoia flourished and this set off a violent reaction against the nation's 400,000 ethnic Vietnamese.[62]

Lon Nol hoped to use the Vietnamese as hostages against PAVN/NLF activities, and the military set about rounding them up into detention camps.[62] That was when the killing began. In towns and villages all over Cambodia, soldiers and civilians sought out their Vietnamese neighbors in order to murder them.[65] On 15 April, the bodies of 800 Vietnamese floated down the Mekong River and into South Vietnam.

The South Vietnamese, North Vietnamese, and the NLF harshly denounced these actions.[66] Significantly, no Cambodians—including Buddhist community—condemned the killings. In his apology to the Saigon government, Lon Nol stated that "it was difficult to distinguish between Vietnamese citizens who were Viet Cong and those who were not. So it is quite normal that the reaction of Cambodian troops, who feel themselves betrayed, is difficult to control."[67]
this thread will be hot, believe me
We only focus on Pol Pot massacre coz it a good reason for VN to explain that VN come to save Kam from genocide.

Lon Nol is just an US's puppet, we dont talk much abt him.
Lon Nol is Hua Chinese in native - Cambodian.

After military coupe removal of Norodom Sihanouk. He claimed himself to be President of Cambodia.

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According to VN members here, Pol Pot, the leader of Khmer Rouge, was responsible for killing ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia. I search in Wiki, it does not say Pol Pot did that. Perhaps among many killed in Khmer Rouge's killing fields, there are many of ethnic Vietnamese. Here in Wiki says Lon Nol killed ethnic Vietnamese in Khmer.

I reminder you that Pol Pot is Hua Chinese descendant too.
I reminder you that Pol Pot is Hua Chinese descendant too.
I think you have hidden assumption that Hua must help China.?
In general, this is not the case in Thialand.
Perhaps Vietnamese Descent would help Vietnam?
Perhaps it is this loyalty to VN that Vietkiew in Cambodia was persucuted?

Tristan Do football player is ethnic Vietnamese. His gradfather migrate from Vietnam to Thailand. His father got Thai citizenship. Now he play for Thailand.
Tristan Do football player is ethnic Vietnamese. His gradfather migrate from Vietnam to Thailand. His father got Thai citizenship. Now he play for Thailand.

did Tristan Do played in the last mach ? U23 Thai- U23 Viet, Viet U 23 is lost to Thai 1-3.
I think you have hidden assumption that Hua must help China.?
In general, this is not the case in Thialand.
Perhaps Vietnamese Descent would help Vietnam?
Perhaps it is this loyalty to VN that Vietkiew in Cambodia was persucuted?

Tristan Do football player is ethnic Vietnamese. His gradfather migrate from Vietnam to Thailand. His father got Thai citizenship. Now he play for Thailand.

What do you think about Red shirts and Yellow shirts demonstration in Thailand ? who were killed in such violent ?
did Tristan Do played in the last mach ? U23 Thai- U23 Viet, Viet U 23 is lost to Thai 1-3.
Don't know, bro. I got coup from TV since high school T.T

What do you think about Red shirts and Yellow shirts demonstration in Thailand ? who were killed in such violent ?
both red and yellow shirts. Some of them.
According to VN members here, Pol Pot, the leader of Khmer Rouge, was responsible for killing ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia. I search in Wiki, it does not say Pol Pot did that. Perhaps among many killed in Khmer Rouge's killing fields, there are many of ethnic Vietnamese. Here in Wiki says Lon Nol killed ethnic Vietnamese in Khmer.

Cambodian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This thread topic can extend to talk about general Cambodia Civil War during 1970s and the Vietnam conquest of Cambodia.

Massacre of the Vietnamese
Most of the population, urban and rural, took out their anger and frustrations on the nation's Vietnamese population. Lon Nol's call for 10,000 volunteers to boost the manpower of Cambodia's poorly equipped, 30,000-man army, managed to swamp the military with over 70,000 recruits.[64] Rumours abounded concerning a possible PAVN offensive aimed at Phnom Penh itself. Paranoia flourished and this set off a violent reaction against the nation's 400,000 ethnic Vietnamese.[62]

Lon Nol hoped to use the Vietnamese as hostages against PAVN/NLF activities, and the military set about rounding them up into detention camps.[62] That was when the killing began. In towns and villages all over Cambodia, soldiers and civilians sought out their Vietnamese neighbors in order to murder them.[65] On 15 April, the bodies of 800 Vietnamese floated down the Mekong River and into South Vietnam.

The South Vietnamese, North Vietnamese, and the NLF harshly denounced these actions.[66] Significantly, no Cambodians—including Buddhist community—condemned the killings. In his apology to the Saigon government, Lon Nol stated that "it was difficult to distinguish between Vietnamese citizens who were Viet Cong and those who were not. So it is quite normal that the reaction of Cambodian troops, who feel themselves betrayed, is difficult to control."[67]
you mixed things up. Lon Nol controlled the country before Pol Pot took over. different periods.
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