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LOL time. Pakistan on google!

google is no friend of nobody, don't emotionally attached, just use it like a whore to get the most bang of your buck. but at least it's not jew controlled. facebook is a jew effort. i'll see how it goes when these two f*cks screw each other, well, under the table, they must be doing it.
nothing is coming...:rofl:

Google Pakistan:

Google Saudi Arabia:


Google India:

Well firstly, you need to chalk out a clear code of conduct for the media to follow, how the media reports an incident really determines how the rest of the world perceives it. They need to lay low on the doom and gloom and show the more positive side of Pakistan. Did you know you stand a greater chance of a tourist being raped in South Africa than dying in a terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Then how come they get to host the world cup where as we can hardly play a cricket match in our country. The quicker the media matures, the faster we move to countering "Pakistanophobia".
Well firstly, you need to chalk out a clear code of conduct for the media to follow, how the media reports an incident really determines how the rest of the world perceives it. They need to lay low on the doom and gloom and show the more positive side of Pakistan. Did you know you stand a greater chance of a tourist being raped in South Africa than dying in a terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Then how come they get to host the world cup where as we can hardly play a cricket match in our country. The quicker the media matures, the faster we move to countering "Pakistanophobia".

Isnt it called the rape capital of the world?
Well firstly, you need to chalk out a clear code of conduct for the media to follow, how the media reports an incident really determines how the rest of the world perceives it. They need to lay low on the doom and gloom and show the more positive side of Pakistan. Did you know you stand a greater chance of a tourist being raped in South Africa than dying in a terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Then how come they get to host the world cup where as we can hardly play a cricket match in our country. The quicker the media matures, the faster we move to countering "Pakistanophobia".
About south africa, it is known for violent crime. Many were predicting bad things about football world cup,but they did it almost perfect(only vuvuzelas ruined it)
About south africa, it is known for violent crime. Many were predicting bad things about football world cup,but they did it almost perfect(only vuvuzelas ruined it)

Exactly, there were a couple of incidents where drunk fans took a couple of swings at each other, a couple of cuts and bruises but even that was kept hush hush by the SA News Channels and only small corner column in newspapers reported these incidents. That is responsible reporting........
Exactly, there were a couple of incidents where drunk fans took a couple of swings at each other, a couple of cuts and bruises but even that was kept hush hush by the SA News Channels and only small corner column in newspapers reported these incidents. That is responsible reporting........

The issues which South Asia face are much more serious and given South Asia is a far less economically developed region than South Africa , such introspection is sometimes required ...otherwise many of the critical issues , needed to rectified will never gain public attention .
The issues which South Asia face are much more serious and given South Asia is a far less economically developed region than South Africa , such introspection is sometimes required ...otherwise many of the critical issues , needed to rectified will never gain public attention .

I am not in anyway saying that critical issues need to be ignored, however the overly "Self-critical" approach of Pakistani mdia has become a nuisance. Pakistan is not the only country in the world faced with hard times. I believe India had it going pretty rough for them in the 80s, but national consensus brought them through. In today's world, consensus is forged by media, but if the media keeps showing people's limbs hanging off ceiling fans after bomb blasts, give wide coverage to obnoxious politico-religious parties who have no representation in parliament, cover one suicide and portray it as the failure of the entire nation, then of course intl media will also cash on this and the result will be that the intl community will watch all this and say "These people are probably crazy" and all for the sake of ratings.
I am not in anyway saying that critical issues need to be ignored, however the overly "Self-critical" approach of Pakistani mdia has become a nuisance. Pakistan is not the only country in the world faced with hard times. I believe India had it going pretty rough for them in the 80s, but national consensus brought them through. In today's world, consensus is forged by media, but if the media keeps showing people's limbs hanging off ceiling fans after bomb blasts, give wide coverage to obnoxious politico-religious parties who have no representation in parliament, cover one suicide and portray it as the failure of the entire nation, then of course intl media will also cash on this and the result will be that the intl community will watch all this and say "These people are probably crazy" and all for the sake of ratings.

Gotta agree with you on this ...there has to be a be a balance between reporting just for the sake of increased ratings , viewership ---and keeping the sensationalism down to reassure the public.

One good way to make this happen is to have an increased amount of Govt control i.e stricter norms by the Information and Broadcasting ministry over what private media houses can air or not .

Of course , civil rights and liberties groups will raise a hue and cry but ideally in public interest some measure of control is required to prevent a free-for all . Both India , Pakistan , other countries of South Asia has I believe greatly suffered in many fields diplomacy , reputation in sports , a perceived negative view of the country, and many other things because of this .

This is also the reason why China has to face so less problems-- In its dealings with other countries , its in international image etc ....although the media controls there are too strict for an ideal free society , so a balance is very much the need of the hour in our region....
Well firstly, you need to chalk out a clear code of conduct for the media to follow, how the media reports an incident really determines how the rest of the world perceives it. They need to lay low on the doom and gloom and show the more positive side of Pakistan. Did you know you stand a greater chance of a tourist being raped in South Africa than dying in a terrorist attack in Pakistan ? Then how come they get to host the world cup where as we can hardly play a cricket match in our country. The quicker the media matures, the faster we move to countering "Pakistanophobia".

South Africa cannot be compared in any way to Pakistan, they are generations apart, have you ever even been to SA ? Please go there before commenting, I have been there so please dont criticize a country when you know nothing about it.
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