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Lockheed shows interest in building F-16s in India

Your Daddy USA majority combat front line fleet dependent on that 40 years aircraft. Forgt to mention US also don't have 2015 newly designed SU30.
Thanks for the info (As if I didn't know already ;) )

However, their aging F-16 fleet is being replaced by the F-35. So why should we accept something that's being dumped because of their aging technology?

Pakistan would do well to buy them as they'll be put on a discount sale. Buy one get two free. :P
Thanks for the info (As if I didn't know already ;) )

However, their aging F-16 fleet is being replaced by the F-35. So why should we accept something that's being dumped because of their aging technology?

Pakistan would do well to buy them as they'll be put on a discount sale. Buy one get two free. :P

Your so called State of the Art Aircraft Carrier is 30 years old. LOL why you accpted something that's beign dumped 30 40 years ago ? why not go for Abraham lincon ? oh forgt to mention reduced 120 + to 36 Rafale... :lol:

PS: Your best buddy Israel front line fleet also dependent on old junk according to you :lol:
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