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Lockheed Martin gives thumbs-up to Indian Innovation Growth Programme again


Jul 6, 2009
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Tarmak007 -- An Indian Defence blog with a difference: Lockheed Martin gives thumbs-up to Indian Innovation Growth Programme again

Buoyed by the success of innovations, in-depth knowledge and commitment exhibited by Indian innovators, global information technology and security giant Lockheed Martin announced the extension of its support for the ongoing Indian Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP). “We are extending our commitmennt towards IIGP through 2012. Today’s increasingly complex, global challenges require innovative and affordable solutions. Innovation is a key driver to solving these global challenges, and this program will nurture the new ideas that will become these solutions,” says Dr Ray O. Johnson, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Lockheed Martin Corporation.
The IIGP, launched in March 2007, has helped Indian innovators successfully transition their technologies to both the Indian and global markets. This nationwide program enhances the growth and development of India's entrepreneurial economy, and it accelerates the introduction of new, innovative Indian technologies into markets in the United States and around the world. The only program of its kind, the IIGP focuses on training the entrepreneurs using world-class commercialization strategies.
The Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India jointly with Lockheed Martin Corporation, the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas, The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the Indo-US Science &Technology Forum are the pioneers behind this unique initiative christened – DST-Lockheed Martin-IIGP.
“The IIGP is an attempt to identify and fill in the existing gap between technological innovations and their appropriate commercialization,” says V.K. Topa, Advisor to the Secretary General of FICCI. “There is a strong need to create higher synergies between the world of science and the world of business to ensure that the intellectual capital available with our scientific fraternity gets appropriately translated into commercial products and services for the benefit at large,” he adds.
Since its introduction in India, the programme has received an overwhelming response from innovators, inventors, scientists and researchers working across diverse sectors throughout India. So far, 240 innovators have received training on commercialization strategies. In addition, advanced training in areas such as technology commercialization strategies, venture formation and finance, and marketing has been provided to 120 innovators.
Boom time for innovators at Chennai tech expo
FICCI has setup a centre for technology commercialization to provide an organized structure to link the mind to the market. “Programmes like the DST-Lockheed Martin-IIGP provide a complete platform for innovators looking to take their ideas into the commercial market space,” says Nirankar Saxena, Director, FICCI. Senior officials of IIGP are holding a one-day technology expo in Chennai today (September 9). Leading innovators who are part of IIGP-2010 are participating in the event. “Winners of the IIGP 2010 will sign business agreements with industry partners and venture capitalists so that the innovations get into the market,” Chennai Tech Expo-2010 organisers said.
Based on the feedback received till date from IIGP selected technology participants of 2007-09, the cumulative revenue generated by them during 2007-20 amounts to more than Rs 350 crore. For 2011, the revenues are expected to touch the Rs 500-crore mark. “The programme has come as huge blessing to passionate innovators. Today through this initiative, the recognition, commercial viability and courage to take risks to develop more technologies have gone up by many folds. The IIGP is definitely a professional platform for dian innovators to repose faith in,” says one of the participants at Chennai Expo.
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