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Lockheed Martin F-35 Operating Costs May Reach $1 Trillion


Mar 21, 2010
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Lockheed Martin F-35 Operating Costs May Reach $1 Trillion

It may cost as much as $1 trillion to operate the military’s fleet of Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) F-35 aircraft for several decades, according to a preliminary Pentagon estimate sent to Congress.

The figure is 9.3 percent more than the $915 billion estimate by the Defense Department in its 2009 Selected Acquisition Report to Congress.

The long-term cost estimate, which includes inflation, was submitted to Congress on April 15 in a report obtained by Bloomberg News. It assumes 8,000 hours of flying time for each of the 2,443 aircraft over a 30-year period. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have their own variations of the aircraft, with the last in the fleet to be produced in 2035.

The estimate was calculated by the Pentagon’s independent cost analysis group based on models using historical data from other fighters, David Van Buren, Air Force service acquisition executive, said in an interview today.
$1 trillion over a 30 year period for 2443 fighters is not that bad.
yup not that bad for 30 years of service but with the current economic condition it will be just my 2 cents
abe saale khalistan_zindabad khande ka avatar hata .its sacred. and shove khalistan in your....... u know where. the real sikh is here..
I have Reported That ' Khalistan ' guy , Just Report Him guys , He is a ' Suicide Troll '
There really isn't any control over the Pentagon as it is, they are allowed a free reign in spending, so no problem for them.
$1 trillion over a 30 year period for 2443 fighters is not that bad.

the hell? $1 trillion is not that bad? maybe you dont know how much a TRILLION is.

let me put it in another way for you. it would cost $51,166.60 to fly ONE F-35 for ONE HOUR.
the hell? $1 trillion is not that bad? maybe you dont know how much a TRILLION is.

let me put it in another way for you. it would cost $51,166.60 to fly ONE F-35 for ONE HOUR.

No worrry, just issue more T-bonds, I am sure US government can afford that with anuual GDP of around $15 Trillion a year. Tax payers would not be happy though.....
Pentagon officially kills alternate F-35 engine

Posted : Monday Apr 25, 2011 15:39:08 EDT

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Monday notified the maker of an alternative engine for the next-generation F-35 fighter that its contract has been terminated.

Defense Department-funded work on the F136 engine was stopped a month ago, saving $1 million a day on a project that Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called wasteful.

At the time, the General Electric/Rolls-Royce team developing the spare engine said it would continue development, for an undetermined period, on its own dime.

When Congress passed a long-delayed 2011 defense budget earlier this month, it contained no money for the engine, and the Pentagon then made the decision to kill it.

In congressional testimony Gates said the second engine would require another $3 billion to develop.

Pentagon officially kills alternate F-35 engine - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times
I think India is more interested in the PAK-50 project from Russia.

It is not bad, but still no match against the F-22 Raptor.

yeah,agree with you.I think this is the most bad deal for the IAF to pick pak-fa as their combat aircraft.Iaf should just buy f35 and try their best to get the f22.
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