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Lockheed Martin Delivers First Five Sentinel A4 Air & Missile Defense Radars To U.S. Army

On May 26, 2022, the STARE Project Office, U.S. Army Sentinel Product Office received the first five radars of its initial contract with Lockheed Martin. The Sentinel A4 radar is developed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin in Syracuse, N.Y., and has been on an accelerated schedule since the project was awarded in September 2019.

“We are one step closer to getting this enhanced capability to our warfighters,” stated Leah Cook, Sentinel Product Director for the U.S. Army Sentinel A4 program office. “The delivery of the first five radars is a result of collaboration and a continued commitment to the U.S. Army.”

TheU.S. Army and Lockheed Martin have a strong partnership founded on collaboration and trust. The process has included virtual reviews and working groups to maintain momentum through all program development phases.

Read More: https://bit.ly/39aYf0N


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