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Lockheed Martin CEO Phil Shaw :Talks with the INDIAN NAVY for AEGIS air-to-air defence system

The biggest threat for India is the Northern and Western borders.
Aegis IMO is more useful if the attack emanates over water. Can someone correct my perception?
Wasnt there an news on how an Su34 bomber with an Jammer blinded the Aegis in the Mediterranean and how the US sailors were demotivated?
So if Russians can disable the Aegis, maybe we can too, if we buy that tech ftom them. Honestly, Aegis is an overkill in Indian Ocean Realm where MF Star with Barak has already tilted the scales to a very large extent.

It's only claimed but in no way enforced or proven. It's just simply not possible for a higher jet to blind any powerful system equipped boat. It's actually foolish of such sites to spread lies which can't be backed scientifically.
That's well and good.

But now that we have moved ahead with MF STAR , B8 package complementing other desi sensors and management systems , we should stick to it

May be SM6....

But the American Destroyers have a very strong countermeasures , decoy systems. Hope we get those too, and if better than the present Indo/Israeli options , then induct them.
Wasnt there an news on how an Su34 bomber with an Jammer blinded the Aegis in the Mediterranean and how the US sailors were demotivated?
So if Russians can disable the Aegis, maybe we can too, if we buy that tech ftom them. Honestly, Aegis is an overkill in Indian Ocean Realm where MF Star with Barak has already tilted the scales to a very large extent.

Su34 ,I don't know why IAF is not going behind this wonderful platform instead of raffle. Initial cost,payload,customisation flexibility and range (only aircraft out in market which can fly over to Chinese mainland by taking off from India) all these are in favour for su34 over rafale. Of course it's not an omnirole aircraft like rafi.
None of them is chinese so can't be classified as junk.
but they all touched by technological primitive Indian, so even junk is highly praised```the question is, can your lousy skill make a screw out of anything high tech without reading English, French, Russian, Israeli or Italian manuscripts?

so get rid-off your delusion, your funny ego can only be met by buying from others
but they all touched by technological primitive Indian, so even junk is highly praised```the question is, can your lousy skill make a screw out of anything high tech without reading English, French, Russian, Israeli or Italian manuscripts?

so get rid-off your delusion, your funny ego can only be met by buying from others

Ouch! Its better to grow studying and reading than copying. Your foundations are laid on other's researchs and findings. India by your own logic reads and studies and puts in some Indianness to its products and earns far more value and respect than stealing or copying.

The day you cant steal or copy is the day you are pushed to stone age.So get rid-off your delusion, your funny ego can only be met by stealing from others.
Aegis is a proven potent system``and MF-STAR+ Barak-8 and Brahmos = junk
not too late to dump that junk for the real stuff

chinese talking about junk.. don't you have the thing called... mind your own business or stfu.. try to understand.. before you troll..
Ouch! Its better to grow studying and reading than copying. Your foundations are laid on other's researchs and findings. India by your own logic reads and studies and puts in some Indianness to its products and earns far more value and respect than stealing or copying.

The day you cant steal or copy is the day you are pushed to stone age.So get rid-off your delusion, your funny ego can only be met by stealing from others.
kid, you Indian steals everthing, just look at your pharmaceutical IP suits your companies having```

anyway, for your India's case buying stuff is better than copying and stealing (as you called studying) with your lousy DIY skills
Still,I doubt BSF will need anything more than Karl Gustav.Army/Airforce might buy it for Helos/Drones,but agencies like CRPF and BSF are more than happy with Karl Gustav.

The Goose is nice. It's a very adaptable system that's keeping up with modern threats thanks to modern upgrades, but is also outranged by 7,000 meters by Hellfire.

Whether the BSF is interested or not is left to them, not me or anyone else here, but it's a step up from rocket artillery like the Karl Gustav. Rather then recommend it for border security forces, I'd sooner extol its qualities for special operations. In this respect, it's also seeing usage by a few nations:






It's bulky, it's costly, but its also fairly alone in its class. It has twice the range of Javelin and a larger warhead too.


TOW can't match the range either, and it's even more bulky to lug around. Spike's man portable launcher is similar to TOW, and it too is out-ranged by Hellfire.

Only Spike's NLOS variant outranges Hellfire, but it's vehicle mounted.


There's a lot going to the ground-launched Hellfire that comparable missiles can't match. And when they do match or exceed the range and warhead, they become too bulky and require a vehicle or heavy, hard to move launcher.

BSF? Maybe it doesn't quite fit into their doctrine or mission profile. But as a special operations weapon, it's largely unmatched.
The Goose is nice. It's a very adaptable system that's keeping up with modern threats thanks to modern upgrades, but is also outranged by 7,000 meters by Hellfire.

Whether the BSF is interested or not is left to them, not me or anyone else here, but it's a step up from rocket artillery like the Karl Gustav. Rather then recommend it for border security forces, I'd sooner extol its qualities as a special operations. In this respect, it's also seeing usage by a few nations:






It's bulky, it's costly, but its also fairly alone in its class. It has twice the range of Javelin and a larger warhead too.


TOW can't match the range either, and it's even more bulky to lug around. Spike's man portable launcher is similar to TOW, and it too is out-ranged by Hellfire.

Only Spike's NLOS variant outranges Hellfire, but it's vehicle mounted.


There's a lot going to the ground-launched Hellfire that comparable missiles can't match. And when they do match or exceed the range and warhead, they become too bulky and require a vehicle or heavy, hard to move launcher.

Very Nice. Hellfire does seem to be best in class as you said but in the end it comes down to the economics of it. On Indian soil it wouldn't see much use as the terrorists are often dispersed and travelling on foot. It takes manpower intensive operation to hunt them down.

If allowed access, I am sure India SF would love to get their hands on it. That much ranged firepower can come in handy in few situations if and when Indian leadership generates enough political will to hit the HVTs across the LOC. The main thing is stealth in this cases. SF sneaking around, identifying the terrorist base, designating the target, and launching the strike from Indian ground.

I have no idea if that could work but if it does then sure Hellfire would be a nice ace in our deck.
kid, you Indian steals everthing, just look at your pharmaceutical IP suits your companies having```

anyway, for your India's case buying stuff is better than copying and stealing (as you called studying) with your lousy DIY skills

lol. Kid,if any country has an issue with India's patent laws, then they should raise it at the WTO. The office of the USTR has also named China among countries requiring close scrutiny for IPR weaknesses in diverse areas including pharma, IT and publishing.India’s efforts to set a high standard for patents on life-saving medicines whose costs are often beyond reach of the majority of the population is humanly and would largely benefit those nations who cannot afford costly life saving drugs.

For your country, copying is a nation sport and boasting about it is a pride. So Cheap!!
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but they all touched by technological primitive Indian, so even junk is highly praised```the question is, can your lousy skill make a screw out of anything high tech without reading English, French, Russian, Israeli or Italian manuscripts?

so get rid-off your delusion, your funny ego can only be met by buying from others

If all junk has to be dumped, have you left China by now? :lol:

Whatever we may read, we never read junk chinese. The only chinese I read is cookery book to make chowmein.
Aegis on p17a and p15b:smitten: or on p168-)

Say wut??!!Why do you want Aegis to be on the old Godavari class FFGs??

I am not an expert in Modern Technologies :undecided: I am more attracted towards classic weapons like Bows , Swords and Shields .

Only Bows for me.Which kind takes your fancy by the way - the composite ones or the Long bows??I for one like the composite recurves simply because of the variety of looks they come in where as in case of the longbows, you seen one, seen them all!!

It will be a significant step forward. There are only a very few combat systems which can compete with Aegis and getting hands on this for the existing and new ships will be a major development and a significant improvement for Indian navy.

The only problem with the Aegis is that virtually all of its SAM components, the SMX ones I mean, are mostly optimised against long range ballistic missiles but their effectiveness against anti ship cruise missiles is not yet proven, and India,as you know, does not have any sea borne ballistic missile threat!!So............
Say wut??!!Why do you want Aegis to be on the old Godavari class FFGs??

Only Bows for me.Which kind takes your fancy by the way - the composite ones or the Long bows??I for one like the composite recurves simply because of the variety of looks they come in where as in case of the longbows, you seen one, seen them all!!

The only problem with the Aegis is that virtually all of its SAM components, the SMX ones I mean, are mostly optimised against long range ballistic missiles but their effectiveness against anti ship cruise missiles is not yet proven, and India,as you know, does not have any sea borne ballistic missile threat!!So............
My bad, I was confused between p16 and p18(which I think is follow on of Visakhapatnam class)
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