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Lockdown: Massive clash in Faridpur's Saltha, one killed in police firing


Aug 2, 2018
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বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকার কাছে ফরিদপুরের সালথায় করোনা পরিস্থিতি মোকাবেলায় লকডাউন কার্যকর করা নিয়ে পুলিশের সাথে স্থানীয় একদল ব্যক্তির সংঘর্ষে একজন নিহত হয়েছে।
পুলিশ বলছে, সোমবার রাতে স্থানীয় একটি বাজারে উপজেলা সহকারি কমিশনারের (ভূমি) পরিদর্শনকে কেন্দ্র করে এ ঘটনা ঘটে।
অতিরিক্ত পুলিশ সুপার জামাল পাশা বলেন, রাত আটটা থেকে সাড়ে আটটার দিকে সালথা থানার এসি-ল্যান্ড ফোকরা বাজারে গিয়েছিলেন এবং সেখানে তিনি একটি মুদি দোকান বন্ধ করতে বলেন।
"এটা নিয়ে তাদের মধ্যে বাক-বিতন্ডা হয়। এক পর্যায়ে স্থানীয় লোকজন এসি ল্যান্ড এবং তার সাথে থাকা লোকজনদের ধাওয়া করে। এসি ল্যান্ড পুলিশকে খবর দেয়। পুলিশ সেখানে গেলে স্থানীয়দের সাথে সংঘর্ষ হয়"।

এ সংঘর্ষে একজন পুলিশ সদস্য আহত হন।
পরে পুলিশ সদস্যরা আহত পুলিশ সদস্যকে উদ্ধার করার জন্য গেলে এলাকার লোকজন সংঘবদ্ধ হয়ে পুলিশের ওপর চড়াও হয় বলে অভিযোগ করেন অতিরিক্ত পুলিশ সুপার।
"এক পর্যায়ে এখানকার কয়েক হাজার মানুষ সালথা থানা, উপজেলা পরিষদের অফিস ঘেরাও করে। অফিসের ইটপাটকেল ছোড়ে, উপজেলা নির্বাহী অফিসে ঢুকে ভাংচুর করে, দুইটি গাড়িতে আগুন দিয়ে দেয়, সালথা থানার পিছনের দিকে অগ্নিসংযোগ করে"।

"এক পর্যায়ে সালথা থানার প্রধান ফটক ভেঙ্গে প্রবেশ করার চেষ্টা করলে পুলিশ আইনশৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতির অবনতি ঠেকাতে, জানমালের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করতে এবং আত্মরক্ষার্থে গুলি চালায়," বলেন মি. পাশা।
এতে জোবায়ের মোল্লা নামে স্থানীয় একজন নিহত হয় এবং রাতেই তার পরিবার তাকে দাফন করে।
এ ঘটনায় মামলা দায়েরের প্রস্তুতি চলছে বলে জানাচ্ছে পুলিশ।
করোনাভাইরাসের দ্বিতীয় ঢেউ সামাল দিতে সোমবার থেকে যে লকডাউন শুরু হয়েছে বাংলাদেশে শুরু থেকেই তার বিরোধীতা করছেন বাংলাদেশের ব্যবসায়ীরা।
রবিবার ঢাকার একাধিক স্থানে লকডাউন বিরোধী বিক্ষোভ হয়। ঢাকার নিউমার্কেট এলাকায় ব্যবসায়ীদের সাথে পুলিশের সংঘর্ষ, ধাওয়া পাল্টা ধাওয়া ও যানবাহন ভাংচুরের ঘটনা ঘটে।
সোমবারও বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন স্থানে ব্যবসায়ীরা বিক্ষোভ করেছে বলে খবর আসে।
তবে শেষ পর্যন্ত ফরিদপুরের সালথার এই বিক্ষোভ এবং সংঘর্ষের ঘটনাটিতে প্রানহানীর ঘটনা ঘটলো।

Google translate -

One person has been killed in a clash between police and a group of locals in Faridpur's Saltha near Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.

Police say the incident took place on Monday night during a visit to a local market by the Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land).

Additional Superintendent of Police Jamal Pasha said he went to the AC-Land Fokra Bazaar of Saltha Police Station between 8.30pm and 8.30pm and asked him to close a grocery shop there.

"There was an argument between them. At one point, the locals chased AC Land and the people with him. AC Land informed the police. When the police went there, there were clashes with the locals."

A policeman was injured in the clash.

Later, when the policemen went to rescue the injured policeman, the people of the area rallied and attacked the police, the Additional Superintendent of Police alleged.

"At one stage, several thousand people surrounded the Saltha Thana, the Upazila Parishad office. They threw brickbats at the office, broke into the Upazila Nirbahi office, set fire to two vehicles and set fire to the back of the Saltha Thana."

"At one point, the police tried to break through the main gate of Saltha police station to prevent the law and order situation from deteriorating, to ensure the safety of life and property, and to shoot in self-defense," he said. Dice.

A local named Mollah of Jobay was killed and his family buried him at night.

Police said they were preparing to file a case in the incident.

Bangladeshi businessmen have been opposing the lockdown that started on Monday to deal with the second wave of coronavirus.

Anti-lockdown protests took place in several places in Dhaka on Sunday. Police clashed with traders in the New Market area of Dhaka, chased them and vandalized vehicles.

It is reported that traders have also protested in different parts of Bangladesh on Monday.

In the end, however, the protests and clashes at Salthar in Faridpur resulted in casualties.

Source : - https://www.bbc.com/bengali/news-56645839
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Nurul terms ‘lockdown’ as ‘crackdown’ on anti-Modi protesters

Former Dhaka University Central Students’ Union vice-president Nurul Haque Nur on Monday said that the weeklong ‘lockdown’ imposed by the government seemed a ‘crackdown’ to resist people from taking to the streets as impacts of the protests centring the visit of Indian prime minister Narendra Modi in the past month had continued.

‘We think that the government declared the lockdown completely with a political intention. All sections of people, including leftists, rightists, students and general people, started the anti-Modi protests and the impacts of the protests have continued,’ said Nurul, coordinator of the Chhatra, Juba and Sramik Adhikar Parishad.

‘I think that the government has launched a crackdown in the name of lockdown to resist people from taking to the streets,’ he told a press conference at his office in Dhaka.

During 10 days when the government held programmes and foreign guests visited the country in the past month, there was no problem but suddenly the government has declared a ‘lockdown’, he said.

Some 17 people were killed in police firing over protests and violence during and after the visit of Indian prime minister in March 26-27.

Nurul said that the decision to impose the ‘lockdown’ was impractical as one third of the country’s population were in the low income group and they had no way but to go out for livelihoods.

Nurul called the press conference over an alleged attempt to abduct him Sunday evening at Badda.

His said that after his abduction bid had been foiled, one of the leaders of his organisation, Bin Yamin Mollah, was arrested along with two others.

A court on Monday remanded Bin Yamin in police custody for two days in a case filed with the Paltan police station on March 25 over anti-Modi protests in Dhaka’s Mothjheel.

Nurul said that their protests were not meant to resist the visit of the Indian prime minister, rather to give a strong message to the Indian government that the people of Bangladesh were not happy with the hegemonic India foreign policy.

In a joint statement, 17 noted personalities and activists, including Dr Kamal Hossain of Gono Forum and Zafrullah Chowdhury of Gonoshasthaya Kendra, called on authorities to follow the due legal process during an arrest instead of trying to abduct someone.

PS: Are we literally living in "Hirok Rajar deshe"? . Icche hoilo lockdown dilam rojar age , small businessmen der sbar o peter bhat merechilam ebar vikkhay namabo? vikkhay namlei ba ki sorkari adesh mana lagbe to, (Asole dhoni der jan bachan lagbe to ) , pete bhat hok ba na hok!

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Police say the incident took place on Monday night during a visit to a local market by the Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land).

Additional Superintendent of Police Jamal Pasha said he went to the Fokra Bazaar of Saltha Police Station between 8.00 pm and 8.30 pm and asked a shopkeeper to close a grocery shop there.
I wonder what kind of administration is being run by the govt of Golden Bangladesh. Why a Land Officer should visit a Bazaar and order someone to close his shop? Is it part of his duty?
I wonder what kind of administration is being run by the govt of Golden Bangladesh. Why a Land Officer should visit a Bazaar and order someone to close his shop? Is it part of his duty?
They are fuktards. Egore asole diner por din bhat pani na dia ghusher takay bhora ghore baindha thuilei bujhbe manusher koshto, sathe minister gulareo.( sathe PDF er kichu bangali keo ) zara sob kichhur moddhe brihottoro sartho khuje! Bhat pani bondho kore dile bujhbo ze bhaate kurkuray naki unnoyone kurkuray. They are literally making the country ,"Hirok rajar desh" .
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একুশে আইন

শিব ঠাকুরের আপন দেশে,
আইন কানুন সর্বনেশে !
কেউ যদি যায় পিছ্‌লে প'ড়ে
প্যায়দা এসে পাক্‌ড়ে ধরে,
কাজির কাছে হয় বিচার—
একুশ টাকা দণ্ড তার ৷৷

সেথায় সন্ধ্যে ছ'টার আগে,
হাঁচতে হ'লে টিকিট লাগে ;
হাঁচ্‌লে পরে বিন্‌টিকিটে—
দম্‌দমাদম্ লাগায় পিঠে,
কোটাল এসে নস্যি ঝাড়ে—
একুশ দফা হাঁচিয়ে মারে ৷৷

কারুর যদি দাঁতটি নড়ে,
চারটি টাকা মাশুল ধরে,
কারুর যদি গোঁফ গজায়,
একশো আনা ট্যাক্‌স চায়

খুঁচিয়ে পিঠে গুঁজিয়ে ঘাড়,
সেলাম ঠোকায় একুশ বার ৷৷

চলতে গিয়ে কেউ যদি চায়,
এদিক ওদিক ডাইনে বাঁয়,
রাজার কাছে খবর ছোটে,
পল্টনেরা লাফিয়ে ওঠে,
দুপুর রোদে ঘামিয়ে তায়
একুশ হাতা জল গেলায় ৷৷

যে সব লোকে পদ্য লেখে,
তাদের ধ'রে খাঁচায় রেখে,
কানের কাছে নানান্ সুরে,
নামতা শোনায় একশো উড়ে,
সামনে রেখে মুদীর খাতা
হিসেব কষায় একুশ পাতা ৷৷

হঠাৎ সেথায় রাত দুপুরে,
নাক ডাকলে ঘুমের ঘোরে,
অম্‌নি তেড়ে মাথায় ঘষে,
গোবর গুলে বেলের কষে,
একুশটি পাক ঘুরিয়ে তাকে
একুশ ঘন্টা ঝুলিয়ে রাখে ৷৷

This is our laws nowadays!

This is a Rhyme of Sukumar Roy , it's related to Anarchy .
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Lockdown is not going to work when people are hungry. They will come out and look for work to feed their family.

Perhaps, queen hasina give every family a year worth of foods. She always brag about economic development, so share with people otherwise f off and let people take care of their business.
She always brag about economic development, so share with people otherwise f off and let people take care of their business.
If the lockdown isn't withdraw by govt, many people will become extremely poor and some will literally become pauper.

That's why they are in street instead of the fantasy of govt.
They are fuktards. Egore asole diner por din bhat pani na dia ghusher takay bhora ghore baindha thuilei bujhbe manusher koshto, sathe minister gulareo.( sathe PDF er kichu bangali keo ) zara sob kichhur moddhe brihottoro sartho khuje! Bhat pani bondho kore dile bujhbo ze bhaate kurkuray naki unnoyone kurkuray. They are literally making the country ,"Hirok rajar desh" .
So, criminal charges should be brought against this Officer who has no jurisdiction to order a shop closed. Probably, he was there to earn a late evening two pice.
Lockdown is not going to work when people are hungry. They will come out and look for work to feed their family.

Perhaps, queen hasina give every family a year worth of foods. She always brag about economic development, so share with people otherwise f off and let people take care of their business.
You must be heavily anti-Bangladesh. You are talking about hunger here and people's daily minimum necessities when our great thinker/philosopher @UKBengali is asking the govt to borrow $1600 Crore to build fancy Bullet train lines for the daily COMMUTING purpose for whom I don't know. He thinks it is development.
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So, criminal charges should be brought against this Officer who has no jurisdiction to order a shop closed. Probably, he was there to earn a late night two pice.
Nah not that . Actually this time govt declared to close all shops during the political lockdown. But grocery ,pharmacy and other necessary shops were allowed to open till 6 pm.

So technically it was his duty to close the grocecry .

But my point was for different issue that I said in jest.

My real point was against this lockdown that is actually imposed to control Hehajati Mullahs .

But why people will suffer? 7 days may not be a big deal for others , but for any types of cloth businessmen earn more than half of their annual income in this Ramadan month, and they made it clear to administration and police in the first day , they said that they were already hugely harmed last year , now they took loan and invest , if they have to close shops ,then they will literally be pauper , some of them will become extremely poor.

None of them earn limitless bribe money like police and administrators.

So instead of taking action they should have informed the problem to govt ( as people requested ), but I think they ( administration and police)didn't care about it.

So actually they don't care about people's reality, but forcefully want to make people obey such absurd law , that's why they should be treated like that, only then maybe they will realise the problem of people.

Fixed salary and sathe ghush kheye lakh lakh taka urano lok gula to bujhbe na ze small business people ra rojar mase pray Sara rat dokan khola rakhe.
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You must be heavily anti-Bangladesh. You are talking about hunger here and people's daily minimum necessities when our great thinker/philosopher @UKBengali is asking the govt to borrow $1600 Crore to build fancy Bullet train lines for the daily COMMUTING purpose for whom I don't know. He thinks it is development.
Unfortunately many people who live aboard don't understand the ground reality of Bangladesh.

They love to believe the garbage that govt want them to believe.

I myself know the ground reality of cloth business , as one of my very close friend had ready made cloth shop.

He earned a good amount form it but later ditched the business and started new business 3/4 years ago, because cloth businessmen need to work very hard during Ramadan month as in this one month they earn more than half of their annual income.

So if you want to be successful in such business you alone can't do it . And in Ramadan month no cloth shop keepers closed their shops before 2 Am or 3 AM, specially from 2/3 days before Ead many shops are open whole night.

And in the rest of the years poor people don't buy cloth from stores but go to hat ( হাট) to buy slightly defective clothes , or even a huge number of lower middle class do the same too because the slightly defective cloths you can easily wear at home ,and price is less than half compared to reputed cloth stores.

So as I said because of this case most of cloth stores heavily rely on Eid ul Fitor market for their livelihood.

They are either middle class or more ( let's say higher middle class ) ,who are not used to meet their life expense with few money.

And this year they not only invest heavily but take loan as last year was totally lose.

But why they take loan and invested huge amount ? ( reputed businessesmen only ; there are poor footpath business men two who invested minuscule amount compared to the big owners ,but still it's also their only available property, so now case is same for big and small business people) , because everything was fine , they had no slightest idea that govt will do the drama.

And people aren't living in 1960 time , but it's modern age , people are not fool , they know it very well that the fuking lockdown is only to control Hefajati Mullahs that are the product of BAL. People now don't believe in everything govt ( and sidekicks) want them to believe.

So why people will lose their everything? To fill BAL and folks belly ?No way.

If people didn't come to AID BNP against BAL because they were happy , economy was good, and atmosphere was good ,but now when their livelihood is under threat , they already came to street to save themselves.

Now if govt understand the ground reality, then it's better for them. Otherwise they are going to face public outrage. What we are seeing it's nothing, if govt doesn't withdraw the lockdown , I am afraid that the consequence isn't going to be positive.

No one want to rely on BAL fantasy of saving people with the hillorious lockdown, where everything is unlocked, but only shopping malls and transport are closed.

In the end all development will be useless and will be fall if these people became extremely poor to almost beggar.

Think about very small hawkers who take debt in high interest from NGOs?

What they will do? If you want to pay the high interest loan , you have to sell a good amount.

Will BAL sushils give them the money? Mane na bujhe na shune zeta mone ase bole dilam, amra bhul kortei parina ,ei holo eder mind setting.
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My real point was against this lockdown that is actually imposed to control Hehajati Mullahs .

If the government's real intention is to control Hefazat mullahs then I support fully. Hefazat needs to be controlled. Not because they are an Islamic Party but because they are some of the most ignorant, uneducated and almost illiterate of all the Islamic parties in BD. The recent agitation they caused, they have been very violent, they even beat up some photo journalists in front of Baitul Mukarram for no reason and took their cameras. What is the fault of a photo journalist whose job is only to take photos for newspapers? I hope Hefazat is not ever allowed to even come into politics and God save us from any possibility of them ever coming to power.

So actually they don't care about people's reality, but forcefully want to make people obey such absurd law , that's why they should be treated like that, only then maybe they will realise the problem of people.

I doubt government doesn't care about poor peoples livelihood. For what reason a government will stop poor people from going to their daily jobs and businesses, what benefit the ruling government will get from doing it. I dislike BAL for many other reasons but I don't really see why they would deliberately hurt people's livelihood, it makes no sense. You are coming to wrong conclusions.

Either they are doing it to control Hefazat and I would say it's a good move because hefazat trash must be controlled.

Or they are doing it to control the pandemic. The recent spike in covid-19 in BD is very serious, even worse than the first wave, if it's not controlled at least to some kind of manageable level it will be a disaster. And BD people are some of most undisciplined and reckless, they don't obey any rule of health advice for the pandemic, only way it can be done is by a lock down. I even think a curfew for a week or 2 is required to enforce the health guideline because BD people won't obey any rules which caused the recent spike. Please also read about the new strain found in India which is causing 100K infection a day and Indian health authorities are also trying to enforce lock down before the new strain goes out of control. Because of direct border with India, the new strain will enter BD, may have already entered. Pandemic management is not so easy. Please read up on what kind of lock downs are being implemented in first world countries, in Australia last year, we have been put under lock down for more than 6 weeks, and the lock down meant nobody can go out of their houses at all except to buy food, any violation 5000 dollar fine.

Only thing is whether it is to control hefazat or to control the latest spike came at a very bad time which is close to Ramadan.

As for the police and officials being ghushkhor, totally agree. Also agree poor people will suffer because of the lock down. But we are stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Either we lift the lock down and make poor peoples' lives easier and the infection rate explodes with massive death rates OR we have the lock down for a week or two, reduce the infection rate to a manageable level, reduce death rate but poor people suffer for 1 or 2 weeks. Both choices are difficult but you have to choose one.
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If the government's real intention is to control Hefazat mullahs then I support fully.
Firstly there is no lockdown,if you watch news you will see the gathering.

Shopping malls must open ,you can control Hefajati Mullhas simply by stopping gathering.

Finally covid 19 didn't spike in a day , they had to impose lockdown in March instead of now.

Whatever maybe the case you just can't destroy others to save few.

Besides govt decided to open city bus service today , so surely you can't stop corona in Bangladesh like this.

Kothin sastho bidhi mene sob khola thaklei valo.

Sovasommelone seta korar suzog nai, se ojuhatei eguloke sohojei nishiddho kora zay.

Hefajot eivabei controll a thakbe.
Firstly there is no lockdown,if you watch news you will see the gathering.

Shopping malls must open ,you can control Hefajati Mullhas simply by stopping gathering.

Finally covid 19 didn't spike in a day , they had to impose lockdown in March instead of now.

Whatever maybe the case you just can't destroy others to save few.

Besides govt decided to open city bus service today , so surely you can't stop corona in Bangladesh like this.

Kothin sastho bidhi mene sob khola thaklei valo.

Sovasommelone seta korar suzog nai, se ojuhatei eguloke sohojei nishiddho kora zay.

Hefajot eivabei controll a thakbe.

There are 2 choices

1. Lockdown lifted fully --> poor people don't suffer --> infection rate skyrockets and death toll skyrockets

Result of option 1 : Poor people don't suffer, many deaths of people of all society

2. Lockdown implemented for 2 weeks --> poor people suffer --> infection rate and death rate reduced.

Result of option 2 : Poor people suffer economically but DON'T die, deaths of people of all society REDUCED

Both are valid options. It seems you are the proponent of option 1.

I am the proponent of option 2 and my resasing is: Poor people will suffer for few weeks but won't die but many people of all walks of society will die.

I think you may probably see a roughly 50/50 distribution of supporters of option 1 and 2.

There is nothing left to discuss in this thread.
I am the proponent of option 2 and my resasing is: Poor people will suffer for few weeks but won't die but many people of all walks of society will die.
It's not only for poor , but for middle class who will become pauper. There are variety of businesses and all have selling in different times other than cloth business, specially in small areas.

As I said they earn more than half of their annual income in this one month.

So they are on street and you can't enforce lockdown on them , as last year already they suffered hugely.

Bangladesh is such a country where you can't impose lockdown properly even for one week.

So make them maintain health , it will benefit in the end.

People of Bangladesh already became more conscious than past days.

So police should make them wear musk , and also in the front gate of shopping malls police should be controlling crowed, inside shopping mall they will monitor.

You have to open shopping malls 24 hours instead of few hours, only then people won't swarm as they have 24 hours instead of buying in just few hours.

So they will have sufficient time for shopping, so for their own and family safety they will not swarm in market.

Same goes for bank , everyone needs money, so if banks are open always people can have sufficient time , so they will not gather and there will be less crowed.

Main point of controlling covid 19 is public consciousness , and you cang oppose the reality.

People who are on street are for right reason, so you can't controll them forever without fulfilling their demand.
I have posted the following bit in another thread, here. Also quoting that bit in Italic below.

In my opinion, unlikely he came for climate talks. If he visited India only then it would make sense. But he is also visiting BD for climate, if he visits BD, why not Sri Lanka also and other small countries?

Qaud has already done a naval exercise on 5th April in BAY OF BENGAL. UN special envoy for Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener issued waring on 1st April "a bloodbath is imminent" suggesting civil war in Myanmar. Kerry comes for "Climate Talks" on 2nd April. 1st April US ordered some of their diplomats in Myanmar to evacuate. All of these seem to revolve around the situation in Myanmar.

God knows what is coming. Only saving grace should be India should never want civil war in Myanmar or military action by US in Myanmar because both India and Bangladesh, as well as Thailand will face massive influx of refugees. And with refugees, lot of arms will enter Myanmar and then also enter in neighboring countries.

I have a strong feeling that the above paragraph, the lockdown in BD and the hefazat agitation are related. Below are my arguments:

If the Civil war is imminent and the US+QUAD Allies have determined it is imminent and QUAD navies will be deployed in the surrounding waters to take absolute control of the surrounding seas and oceans, then the following events are related.

1. Modi's visit in BD and receipt of a grand welcome from BAL.
2. Kerry's visit to only BD and India for "climate talks". India is US ally, BAL is Indian ally, so US+India+BAL are allies if the civil war is imminent.

Therefore, I postulate that BAL has already given confirmation to the US and India that they will stay on the side of US lead alliance.

If the Civil war is imminent and the Chinese navy will also try to control the surrounding oceans and they have already understood BAL will be on US side then the following are relevant.

1. Unprecented level of violence by Hefazat that has never been seen before without any sign of abating as of now.

2. The agitations are taking place in various districts and successive manners (read recent news in BD). It appears the agitations are systematic, organized and planned.

3. Hefazat illiterates never had this kind of organization ability. Some outsiders doing it. Likely Jamat and BNP also secretly involved. By extension one of our ummah brothers are involved, by extension China is involved. China does not have this level of capability in BD, must be done through some allies who do. One of our ummah brothers has a lot of historic connection with BNP, Jamat and ahem, fireworks groups.

4. a ummah brtoher only recently started making many overtures to improve relationship. Maybe they chinese first tried the alliance method with BAL (through the ummah brother), didn't work, now trying the hefazat method (through the ummah brother)

Therefore, I postulate that China is trying by indirect means to overturn BAL in favor of another government to ensure BD stays on Chinese side.

Why BD is important if US and China will have a naval showdown? Chittagong may be one of the important locations for both the navies for supplies, logistics etc. Maybe both sides are trying to keep BD on their side.

This could be a total figment of my imagination but it's not an impossibility at least.

But if I am somehow correct,

1. BAL has taken a very wise decision to stay on US side.
2. BAL must not be removed for any reason in this time no matter how much of a killer of democracy they are. If the civil war and showdown is really coming, we are in for a massive influx of refugees and destabilization in the region and BD will be heavily affcted. A strong government that has firm control of the country should stay on to see through the crisis. Not the right time to remove BAL.

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