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Live with Dr Shahid Masood -5th August 2019


Jul 26, 2018
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Dr Shahid made a few interesting points. I will list a few.

  • The military leadership suspected/knew that this was in the works and have been planning for this eventuality. There are multiple plans of action to fight this out.
  • It is understood by the top brass that there are many options available - Inaction, however, is not an option.
  • It is also understood that the matter of Kashmir very closely related to the issue of water and the Indus Water Treaty. So this whole other dimension is also being fully considered.
  • It is also believed that inaction will invite future aggression. Balochistan, for instance, may see an increase in insurgency.
  • The S400 system hasn't arrived in India yet. Good opportunity before it arrives (what sort of opportunity do they have in mind)
  • The military understands now that things are set in motion, there is no going back.
  • This move has opened a new chapter in the Kashmir issue - not ended the issue of kashmir.
  • There are no illusions about the implications of this. How many strategic issues of defence and survival are connected with this. Thus - no backing out now.
  • Despite some attempts to sabotage, Pakistan and Chinese state are as close as ever.
  • There is a clear understanding that the ones who must fight this fight is us. Our friends can support us in various ways, but this is our fight. We alone must fight it.

The Corps Commanders conference tomorrow is the most important meeting regarding this issue. There will be a carefully crafted press release that should make things clear enough. The PM may give a speech as well once the strategy has been finalised.

This matter is of utmost importance and is being treated as such.

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Waiting for Corps commander conference . I hope decisions will be taken soon .

Dr Shahid made a few interesting points. I will list a few.

  • The military leadership suspected/knew that this was in the works and have been planning for this eventuality. There are multiple plans of action to fight this out.
  • It is understood by the top brass that there are many options available - Inaction, however, is not an option.
  • It is also understood that the matter of Kashmir very closely related to the issue of water and the Indus Water Treaty. So this whole other dimension is also being fully considered.
  • It is also believed that inaction will invite future aggression. Balochistan, for instance, may see an increase in insurgency.
  • The S400 system hasn't arrived in India yet. Good opportunity before it arrives (what sort of opportunity do they have in mind)
  • The military understands now that things are set in motion, there is no going back.
  • This move has opened a new chapter in the Kashmir issue - not ended the issue of kashmir.
  • There are no illusions about the implications of this. How many strategic issues of defence and survival are connected with this. Thus - no backing out now.
  • Despite some attempts to sabotage, Pakistan and Chinese state are as close as ever.
  • There is a clear understanding that the ones who must fight this fight is us. Our friends can support us in various ways, but this is our fight. We alone must fight it.

The Corps Commanders conference tomorrow is the most important meeting regarding this issue. There will be a carefully crafted press release that should make things clear enough. The PM may give a speech as well once the strategy has been finalised.

This matter is of utmost importance and is being treated as such.


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