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Live: special coverage 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games Openning Ceremony


Nov 4, 2011
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Live: special coverage 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games Openning Ceremony​

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Opening ceremony was so disappointing. Very generic and nothing spectacular like 2008 opening ceremony. Where were the drones? Where were the variety and scale of the fireworks display?

So disappointed with Zhang Yimou.


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Xinjiang Uyghur athlete delivers final Olympic flame in Beijing opening ceremony

For a country that has been condemned for its treatment of the Uyghurs the symbolism was impossible to miss.


Olympic torch is brought into the stadium by Chinese athletes Dinigeer Yilamujiang, left, and Zhao Jiawen.Jae C. Hong / AP

Feb. 4, 2022, 11:04 PM CST / Updated Feb. 4, 2022, 11:09 PM CST
By Saphora Smith

The 2022 Winter Olympics kicked off Friday in unexpected fashion as one of the final torchbearers in the opening ceremony was revealed to be Uyghur cross-country skier Dinigeer Yilamujiang.

For a country that has been condemned for its treatment of the Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang, the symbolism was impossible to miss.

The lighting of the Olympic cauldron by the final torchbearer has long been a centerpiece of Olympic opening ceremonies and marks the beginning of the Games. It is considered a great honor to be the last athlete to carry the flame.

This year there was no cauldron per se, but a giant snowflake in the center of which Yilamujiang and another athlete, Zhao Jiawen, placed the flame.


Yilamujiang is the first Chinese cross-country skiing medalist at an International Ski Federation event, according to China’s official Xinhua news outlet. Born in Xinjiang to a father who was a cross-country skier, this is her first Olympics, according to her official Olympic bio which says she is 20 years old.

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Xinjiang Uyghur girl Dinigeer Yilamujiang lights the final Olympic torch, family cry tears of joy​

Xinjiang Uyghur girl Dinigeer Yilamujiang, a cross-country skier , was chosen to be the final torchbearer. Her whole family gathered together and were overwhelmed with joy and pride when they witnessed their proud daughter lighting the torch of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games, her mother can't help crying tears of joy.


Xinjiang Kazakh girl Ahenaer, representing China to compete in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games​

Xinjiang ethnic Kazakh girl Ahenaer, Chinese speed skating athlete, representing China to compete in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

She is beautiful..

Xinjiang Kazakh girl Ahenaer, representing China to compete in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games​

Xinjiang ethnic Kazakh girl Ahenaer, Chinese speed skating athlete, representing China to compete in 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

She is beautiful..

paid actor

everyone knows why
paid actor

everyone knows why
She won several golds in 3000meters and 5000meters speed skating Chinese national championship in the past a couple of years, won bronze in the world championship, how can that be paid, can you analyze and explain? Think tank analyst.


2月2日,中国选手阿合娜尔·阿达克(右)、马语含(左)和陈翔宇在比赛中。 当日,国际滑联四大洲速滑锦标赛女子团体追逐赛在美国密尔沃基结束。由陈翔宇、马语含和阿合娜尔·阿达克组成的中国队以3分14秒153的成绩获得铜牌。 新华社记者 李颖 摄
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