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Live baby 10days old found buried in India

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Mothers are under lot of pressure from husbands and his family,no mother will kill her own child.

Actually she wasn't referring to mothers. She told me about women in villages who killed others' babies. By the way, what exactly makes them to hate baby girls? Is it because of dowry?
I agree with you 100% .these thing are going on from century some makes to the headlines other die with the child .we fought hard to get rid of Sati practice and i don't know how long it will take us to get rid of these shameful act from our society.

I think government should come forward and make some benefit to girls child parent like free medical,school,college and job assistance and ancourage their parent with free ration for the girl child with regular checkup for girl child.

Dont Muslims on the Indian subcontinent use 786 as an abbreviation for the phrase 'bism illāh ir-raḥmān ir-raḥīm' ?

Consider that number in your name, It would be safe to assume you are a muslim Indian.

Why dont you comment on the shameful act of mulim men marrying upto 4 women and not paying alimony after divorce ? Why dont you protest the shah banno case ?

And people wonder why I bring religion into these discussions. :tdown:

Sati practice started with the barbaric Islamic invasion that sanctioned Rape and slavery. Indian women chose to die rather than become muslims or become slaves to these muslim barbarians. Of course those women who did not kill themselves got raped and became muslims and their kids continue to be muslims. I hope we can gloss over this shameful act too.

As to protection of girl child, the govt. would do well to provide enough rights and protections to all sections of society. The girl child will then automatically get protected. They are not any inferior beings that need special reservations or protections.
Ḥashshāshīn;4490940 said:
A random Indian on the internet knows more about me than myself; news to me. Just FYI, I would never even consider such a vile act, I would put my life before the children.

That poor women had to make that choice .....I hope god gives you the opportunity too to make good your promise. :sick:
Actually she wasn't referring to mothers. She told me about women in villages who killed others' babies. By the way, what exactly makes them to hate baby girls? Is it because of dowry?

Dowry among many other things.
Basically a girl is looked upon as a burden for the family especially in rural areas.
Sometimes they are not even allowed to attend the schools.
Dont Muslims on the Indian subcontinent use 786 as an abbreviation for the phrase 'bism illāh ir-raḥmān ir-raḥīm' ?

Consider that number in your name, It would be safe to assume you are a muslim Indian.

Why dont you comment on the shameful act of mulim men marrying upto 4 women and not paying alimony after divorce ? Why dont you protest the shah banno case ?

And people wonder why I bring religion into these discussions. :tdown:

Sati practice started with the barbaric Islamic invasion that sanctioned Rape and slavery. Indian women chose to die rather than become muslims or become slaves to these muslim barbarians. Of course those women who did not kill themselves got raped and became muslims and their kids continue to be muslims. I hope we can gloss over this shameful act too.
He is just another wana be Indian, must be BDeshi, just ignore him.
What's it to with need or no need? Her parents tried to kill her. That's murder. What's there to say beyond facts?

Cause you immediately assumed that the child was illegitimate.
What kind of cold hearted ba$tard would do such a thing. One seriously need to rip his/her heart out first to do this.
These disease of killing girl child is going on from century like the practice of SATI and DOwry . most people with money and power they do abortion .thousand of baby girl killed in small nursing home across the country and if these is happening in such a large scale in our society then who is responsible the society .

Outcast[Dalits] are excluded from shame list please enjoy your freedom :rofl:

More sickos ..... kindly remove me and my family from your shame list.

Feel free to include your father, mother , sister etc... you have my full permission to tell them to be ashamed.

There is no mess....only one sick act followed by multiple acts of kindness. Only the sick and perverted see only that singular desperate act of that childs mother.

No one I know thinks girl bring shame....maybe your family does. That is to your and their shame.

Millions of poor people get married in India every day. It is further more sick to assign motives to this death.

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I am not lying and she doesn't lie either. You can ignore these problems as you wish but that doesn't mean the problems will be forgotten or solved automatically.

You dingbat, if you are responsible for the death of 100 infants, you wouldn't go talking about it. There is this thing called law in India. Either you are a liar, or your mother is a liar. Your pick.
These disease of killing girl child is going on from century like the practice of SATI and DOwry . most people with money and power they do abortion .thousand of baby girl killed in small nursing home across the country and if these is happening in such a large scale in our society then who is responsible the society .

Outcast[Dalits] are excluded from shame list please enjoy your freedom :rofl:

Disease of marrying and raping children has been going on for centuries among muslims. Disease of keeping women as slaves has been going on for centuries among muslims. Muslim children are married off to Arab sheiks for money by their parents, divorced and then sold again to new arab sheiks. If this is happening large scale in your community who is responsible ? :azn:

Sadly No muslim is left from this shame list. Enjoy your freedom in India. :coffee:
From where you got hindu and muslim did i mention any thing about religion .i am just talking about society if these practise is so common then its our responsibility as a fail society and if we work togather to remove this stigma thats what i am sugesting and if not then shame on us .

Disease of marrying and raping children has been going on for centuries among muslims. Disease of keeping women as slaves has been going on for centuries among muslims. Muslim children are married off to Arab sheiks for money by their parents, divorced and then sold again to new arab sheiks. If this is happening large scale in your community who is responsible ? :azn:

Sadly No muslim is left from this shame list. Enjoy your freedom in India. :coffee:
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