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listen to saleem bukhari and his MQM rants, even Nani can make better stori


Jan 20, 2011
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listen to saleem bukhari and his MQM rants, even Nani can make better stories than him

does this journalist have any credibility who like few other low rated journalist predicted imran farooq's case to be wound up before his death anniversary?

let me summarise few points the credibility of this journalist in the childish points he made

1) he sees international conspiracy along with pakistani govt based on mutual enemy that MQM should be eliminated through military operation as we are seeing today, but he fails to say that it was MQM itself who demanded this operation and shouted about it

2) what has new york times got to do with what is happening in London because he says that altaf has become a liability

3) he blames MQM to every thing from kidnapping for ransom to bank robbery to banned alquaeda outfits to everything

he is just like typical nut cases we see in PDF anti MQMers now a days, how he is making a big conspiracy with involvement of international powers is just mind blowing
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