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Typical lol....

Not all muslims are terrorists. Thats fine.

Not all Israelis are zionists.

Not all jews are zionists.

Zionists = Those who supports the Palestine occupation and apartheid ways of the israeli government etc.

Some people - Even educated people cant seen to understand this easy thing.

Before I get called for a jew, israeli, kaafir,

I want to clarify that im indeed a pakistani(Norwegian born and raised though) and a muslim.....

Shut up you jew, kaafir, Israeli. :lol:
Starting a New List, List of Failed POSTS :D

This is the most enlighting post of all, BD at war with both it's neighbors :enjoy:

ASEAN+3 means ASEAN+China+Japan+South Korea and you know what NATO means. And which "KIND" would that be genius? Why do you think we have a separate country called Bangladesh, if we could stick with Indians?

The only ASEAN country we have problem with is Burma and that will also be fixed sometime in the future.

Bangladesh wants to and will have good relationship with all countries of the world, but if you guys do not learn to behave and meddle in our internal affairs, like your support and backing of Awami League, you can never have a normal relationship with Bangladesh. As it is you are engaged in a covert war to turn and keep Bangladesh as a vassal state under India's control using Awami League. This project will never fly, so you guys better put a stop to it, before its too late.

Key Words - Fixed & Too Late.
@Safriz would suggest you to start a poll for the best fail thread.

keeping 10 best options.

I think this can be one rare poll where members from every nationality can vote.
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