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Life :(


Sep 17, 2008
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Guys share the worst moment of your life here, the best one gets an award.

Here's Mine:

I haven't been attending my calculus lecture's since the start of semester, So i went to pick up my calculus midterm from the professor. He hands me the exam and i take a quick look through it, one of the question had a few marks taken off. Too me the answer looked right, so i asked him "what was wrong with it?", he replied by asking me if i had been attending classes. I lied to him saying i did attend the classes, then he asked me what's the room number, i told him it was "lg14", when it was "lg11", but i corrected my self. So he told me, that i shldn't be in university and he should have given me a 0 on the question. Then i asked him, if i could look at the solutions so i can see, why i should not be in university. He replies by saying "If you would have attended your class, you would have the solutions".:hitwall::hitwall:

Any ways looking 4ward to ur contributions, on this thread.
Thats no good man. You're paying for the class and not attending it! That makes no sense.

I personally don't study at all. Between work, work and life, there's really not much time for it. But I make sure I attend all my classes. In fact the only time I did bad at school were when I had to miss out on the class. Attend the class, pay super attention, be involved in the class, ask your gazillion questions. You won't need to study the extra hours.

Calculus is insane, anyway. I initially took up computer engineering during my undergrad, and then after a semester of calculus, I quickly changed to computer science :P. The problem I think is Maths professors. Growing up in all the different Maths classes I was never told the reason behind so and so formula and I can't get my head around things with no reason. Although now in the real world, I do get to see reason behind Maths too, but Maths teachers are programmed not to impart reasoning, they follow algorithms. I was pretty good with physics, which itself had a pretty heavy use of formulas. Physics was logical. Maths was not.

I'm pretty sure that would be true with 90% of all the Maths teachers. When you probe them about it, they go like "Some students have the aptitude for Maths and some don't". Well thats true, some people do get it like from that movie "A beautiful mind" but if you can just go beyond and explain the nature of Maths, rather than the procedure of Maths, I think most students would get it then.
Thats no good man. You're paying for the class and not attending it! That makes no sense.

I personally don't study at all. Between work, work and life, there's really not much time for it. But I make sure I attend all my classes. In fact the only time I did bad at school were when I had to miss out on the class. Attend the class, pay super attention, be involved in the class, ask your gazillion questions. You won't need to study the extra hours.

Calculus is insane, anyway. I initially took up computer engineering during my undergrad, and then after a semester of calculus, I quickly changed to computer science :P. The problem I think is Maths professors. Growing up in all the different Maths classes I was never told the reason behind so and so formula and I can't get my head around things with no reason. Although now in the real world, I do get to see reason behind Maths too, but Maths teachers are programmed not to impart reasoning, they follow algorithms. I was pretty good with physics, which itself had a pretty heavy use of formulas. Physics was logical. Maths was not.

I'm pretty sure that would be true with 90% of all the Maths teachers. When you probe them about it, they go like "Some students have the aptitude for Maths and some don't". Well thats true, some people do get it like from that movie "A beautiful mind" but if you can just go beyond and explain the nature of Maths, rather than the procedure of Maths, I think most students would get it then.

Calculus is the only class i miss lol, it drives me crazy.It's not because i don't get it, just because the prof is Chinese, its gives u an headache sitting their n tryin to understand him lol. So i stay in library n study.

The problem with math is, it takes lot of practice to understand it.
You students kill me..
I spent the last 2 full time years of my engineering degree not attending a lecture at all. Ok I attended the first and last lectures of each subject and I did do the assignments. No it was no second rate uni either as these don’t exist here.
I still passed with honours. Add to that I started my eng masters before I finished my undergard degree.

I do admit I did drop the eng masters when the uni decided the topic was too hard for the staff to supervise. That was after completing 2/3 of it.
So I went off and did a comp science masters, again no lectures waste of time. The only thing that was annoying is they insisted on 3 hour exams and I hate 3 hour exams so I had to complete each in at least 1 – 1 1/2 hours. Still passed quite well also.

Worst moment? Which one? So many!

Worst possibly was when my grandmother gave me something she was cooking said it would not have any bad after effects, garlic and anchovies paste. Quite nice actually.
Well went out that night with girlfriend. The garlic and anchovies ruined everything.
Bad breath that would not die and kept going the next day.

Rule: never trust smiling grandmother when you are about to go out with a girl and grandmother knows.

agreed most classes are a waste of time, cuz profs just read of the book.

agreed most classes are a waste of time, cuz profs just read of the book.

I have no idea what uni you go to but I can tell you when I was a student they did not read from books. You had to take all the notes down from the board.
So missing classes was difficult but since I was working full time it was simpler. I did end up with a library of books better than the Uni’s for my discipline in engineering. Worse was having students came to my place to get tutoring in many of the difficult topics.

As for reading out of books, my last 15+ years I was a lecture at the UniSA and no way did I read out of a book. Reason: students should be able to read, they can thus read the book. What I covered in lectures was not in the book, nor in the lovely hand out lecture material. Just basically mean, made them work. Yes they benefited from having to actually take real notes.
I have no idea what uni you go to but I can tell you when I was a student they did not read from books. You had to take all the notes down from the board.
So missing classes was difficult but since I was working full time it was simpler. I did end up with a library of books better than the Uni’s for my discipline in engineering. Worse was having students came to my place to get tutoring in many of the difficult topics.

As for reading out of books, my last 15+ years I was a lecture at the UniSA and no way did I read out of a book. Reason: students should be able to read, they can thus read the book. What I covered in lectures was not in the book, nor in the lovely hand out lecture material. Just basically mean, made them work. Yes they benefited from having to actually take real notes.

Well basically our profs go through the book, post lectures online(more reasons not to go to classes), they do examples from the book, the same examples they show u step by step in book.
Well basically our profs go through the book, post lectures online(more reasons not to go to classes), they do examples from the book, the same examples they show u step by step in book.

Yes the so called new and wonder approach. All BS.
So given this style why call then profs? Sound like the normal lectures and lazy at that.

lectures are where you discuss the concepts, tutorial where you practice it and notes online or elsewheer where you do your intro reading before the lecture. Hence a lecture should not just be a read of the notes, it should expand those ideas.
A lecture is a 2 way communication even with a class of 300. It can be done as I use to run my classes this way.
True different to most others but it works and hold the class.
whomever invented calculus ought to be shot - why cant we just have simple math!
The worst part of my life was a business that I started from scratch at age 22, after college, made it grew. By age 30, I was on top of the world. Then my greed, to say the least chased a bigger target then what I was doing. Besides going to specifics, by age 33, lost it all, even my house. Was on the street with my family. Well working back again, I have made my foudation built again, and starting on the same formula that I started when I was young. But I can say this, in the process of failure, I have learned alot. Interms of my education how to deal with lawsuits, IRS, and many other details (list is long).
whomever invented calculus ought to be shot - why cant we just have simple math!

Don't be so negative, calculus was fun and simple once you understood the background theory.

The problem now is that the real theory is not taught anymore so it is a case of do it by rote and that does not work.

I remember doing calc exams, one was so boring I finished it super early. Spent the rest of the exam period sketching a nice cute girl who was doing the same exam. Yes I passed.
Worst moments:

During a course when i was appearing in an exam regarding NBCW i missed a 7 marks question just because i missed a damn class. Details: i was called by a senior instructor (not was bashing but for something guud) and i had to miss my class. i was so lame that i never consulted anyone when i came back as i thought that the thing being currently taught was all to look at.
The test came i knew everything except that damn question and then i had to enter into an argument with the guy who had made the paper, then he had to make me stand in front of the class and get acknowledgment from them that this section has been taught and was included in the syllabus.

i missed it because it was a short course and we were not being taught everything in every chapter, so as i have missed its class i read the chapter but missed that topic.

There i was screwed of complete 7 marks. And i got 42.4 out 50 in that test and that damn thing (difference of complete 7 marks) affected my position in the course like hell.

Without prejudice (for the indian members)

While serving at a post at XYZ place during the days when hostilities were rough with the indians (i.e. we used to engage each other whenever we got a chance) i saw a large movement of indian troops. They were so near and close that a single volley of artillery fire would have taken them all to task (though out of small arms range). But lucky they, i went out of communication with the gun position. Those troops were bold (or i must say otherwise enough) that they stopped for rest right at the place. My figures went bleeding while ringing the damn gun position. So they happily lived ever after:) and moved on.

P.S. Though i got them the next day!!! With more strength of indian troops and my preparation.
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Don't be so negative, calculus was fun and simple once you understood the background theory.

The problem now is that the real theory is not taught anymore so it is a case of do it by rote and that does not work.

I remember doing calc exams, one was so boring I finished it super early. Spent the rest of the exam period sketching a nice cute girl who was doing the same exam. Yes I passed.

lucky you!:smitten:and i was sent down from calc-1 to algebra-2!:enjoy:passed it barely!:yahoo:
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