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Life of a soldier.

mona khan


New Recruit

Feb 10, 2011
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This is a must story to read .................. Shared by Friend of Captain Omarzeb Shaheed
"He was only 24 years old, a month older to me and he was very smart and handsome boy. He loved my sister and she loved him and we all loved him just as much as his own family loved him. He was engaged to my younger sister and they were looking forward to getting married by next year.

On 11th of May, 2009, he was deployed to Lower Dir as part of the Operation Rah-e-Rast’ against Militants in Swat and near-by areas. He left from Rawalpindi and we all prayed for him. We never knew he was leaving forever.

Let me narrate to you what happened just 10 hours before he embraced martyrdom we Muslims call Shahadat.’

It was mid-night the beginning of the painful 21st May, 2009. He called up my sister and wished her a very happy birthday. The 21st of May was the day when 23 years ago my younger sister came into this world. He sang to her birthday song in 6 different languages, he gave her his prayers and told her how bad he feels for not being there with her on her birthday. He was in Lower Dir and she was here with us in Rawalpindi. She said to him, I wish you were here on my birthday. I wish I could have celebrated my birthday with you. And he replied, Do you want me to come over? Should I come over to Rawalpindi in the morning and we celebrate your birthday together?

She said, yes, please, please do. He did come over on her birthday but not the way we wanted him to come over. He didnt come to her walking on his feet, holding a bouquet in his hands just the way he promised to her last night.

Instead, he came on the shoulders of sad soldiers in a box we call a martyrs coffin! I received a call at around 11:30 in the morning, I was in Islamabad.

It was my ill-fated sister and she was crying like a mad woman. She was literally screaming in the phone so I couldn't understand what she was trying to tell me. I heard something like a blast in Lower Dir, a strip running on a TV channel showing my sisters fiances name among the martyred. She was hysterical. She wanted me home right away.

I left in panic, I kept praying the news I just heard was false. It took me an hour to reach home from Islamabad to Rawalpindi.

I was met with screams of my sister who was out of control of almost everyone. She wasn't accepting the fact that her love has left her on her birthday. She kept screaming, You guys are lying to me. He is not dead. He cannot leave me. He promised me to celebrate 93 birthdays with me. This was our first. He cant leave me on our (her) first birthday, he promised me 93 birthdays together. I couldn't see her like this; I had broken down into tears. My mother was half-living half-dead. We all left for his house.

What I saw there, I cannot narrate in words. His mother was still, tears in her eyes, she hugged me and the first thing she said was, Hold on to your sister, she will die. Take care of her. I was looking at her. This was the mother of a brave soldier, a soldier who was our loved one, but a soldier who came home on his loves birthday but not the way any member of his family or mine would have ever imagined or wanted him back.

Even if I want to tell you what my family on the whole and specifically my younger sister is going through, I wont be able to because there are no words to put down my pain, my family's loss, his family's sufferings and most of all my sisters desolation.

Two families were destroyed when one soldier died…..

14 hearts wept dry of blood when one heart stopped beating on the 21st of May. All sacrifices in the name of a peaceful, safe, terrorism-free country. Capt. Omerzeb, like many soldiers sacrificed his life for the greater good of his nation but is the nation even thankful to those families who have been left scarred for life.
When sons, brothers, husbands, and fathers die every other day while fighting the militants, how many people in our nation pray for their safety, their long lives, their safe return?

They know that when they are sitting in the comforts of their homes, it is these brave men fighting on the borders for them to have that sense of security and comfort.

My heart breaks every time I see my younger sister who has not regained herself so far. Who wakes up in the middle of the night and weeps like a child, who hasn't eaten in 24 hours, and whose eyes have swollen dry of tears that have drained her off completely.

I wish this fight against the militants come to an end soon. Till now every time a soldier died,

we thought we felt the pain but no, we couldn't. Nobody can until your loved one goes away when you are least expecting.

Now, I can truly say I know what a martyrs family goes through when their beloved leaves them forever. May his soul rest in peace, may all those soldiers who have given their lives for this noble cause, for their country rest in peace. Most of all, the families who have lost their sons, their brothers, their husbands and their fathers, may God give them strength, patience, and peace of heart."
Capt Omarzeb:

I do not want to thank post # 1 for in my opinion the sadness of someone is not to be thanked.

One can understand the sense of shock & grief of a young girl & both the families.
mark post no#1 for title cover please.
@mona khan
A very well posted story.Indeed we have lost and are loosing thousands of personnels after 'operation enduring freedom' was launched in Afghanistan.This operation is the parent operation by United States which gave birth to current catastrophe.Our brave soldiers and their families are facing this apocalypse,and so do those civilians who are martyred due to TTP blasts.Then these insurgents claim themselves as 'momins'
Our civil regime which is consisting of weak and corrupted individuals seems incapable to engineer best policy-heck they are not even united while our some media representatives,claiming themselves as 'tribunes' are shamelessly critising military minds for non sense.Our armed sector right now require our support more then anything.
Kick Imran khan, and Iftikhar chaudary where ever you see them. It will be a great sawab.
By Farzeen Rana
Life as a soldier

Every day we wake up and start our daily chore. In our daily routine have we ever thought that we are about to be attacked by a foreign enemy, the neighboring hostilities are threatening our peace and existence. We are not likely to have such convictions. Pakistan military is the reason we live our lives out of the precarious thoughts. Soldiers of Pakistan military are protecting us from every end land, water, and air. They spend their lives on the borders to safe guard the civilians like us

Life of a soldier is not as facile as we anticipate. They live under strict ethics and regulations. A child would enter the military as a cadet, the struggle starts right away. At first they get a new hair cut like all other army men, they are given their uniform and an informal dress which they wear at the supper times. When a cadet is recruited he is considered as a freshman who does not know much about the ethics. Special dinner nights and supper nights are arranged for the soldiers to train them how to eat properly, how to use the cutlery, how the food is properly served, how to sit in formal dinners, and how to talk to other officers.

The life of a soldier goes in a tough schedule where they have to balance their academic and military training separately. Their day starts with physical training (PT), academic classes, parade, games, and military exercises, mess timings are to be followed properly. In addition to the already tiresome routine punishments are also added. Whenever a soldier is caught for wrong doing he is asked to shout his number, the numbers which are used for their recognition instead of their names. All of those under punishment have to do extra punishment parade.

Apart from all the difficult times they go through, they also enjoy some privileges for instance the honor paid at dinner, soldiers can take anything they want to eat , no food keeper stands there. All they have to do is make a chit of the food items they have taken. A soldier gets recruited as a cadet and runs through a number of Ranks from Handiwaal(freshman) to Ustad, from Sahib to battalion Hawaldaar major, from a junior to a senior. The cadets share a special bond with each other because they all have the same spirit for their country, they face similar difficulties. Cadets call each other as Buddies and Bros.

Entering the unit finally is one of the most contended times. A soldier becomes second lieutenant. There is a famous prank which is experienced by all of the army men. A bet man is given to the second lieutenants. The senior officers such as captains mostly dress up as the bet men, they make fun of the second lieutenants, take their money, and when they ask for the money or become harsh with the bet men they show them who they really are. This prank has been going on from years. The ranks of the soldiers keep up grading with the struggle they do for the country and people living in it.

Every morning and evening the surroundings roar with the slogans of Allah hu. The slogan which gives them strength to fight with every fear. To wipe out all the enemies who dared to put a bad eye on our beloved country. The slogan which unites all of us. Soldiers expend all of their lives for us, living on the borders under the naked sky, fighting the wars, protecting the civilians, spending every last drop of their blood for country and its defense.. May all of them be under the protection of Allah . May Pakistan prevail till the end of time.

Published in Young Nation on 05-Sep-2015
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