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Life is too short

This is bit of a random thread.
Ive been a member of this forum for like 10 months, and every time I visit it, Im reminded about some of the intense hate that exists, with all the extreme posts that is poisining it (and poisining my mind, whenever Im here).

Btw Im not innocent in all this, not by any stretch of the imagination. I observe some of the posts I write, and get deeply ashamed of all the hatred I myself project.
This is not meant as a peace thread between Iranians and Saudis or anything like that. But its worth just reflect on the matter.

We have so many threads where Iranians vs Saudis, Israelis vs Palestinians, Indians vs Pakistanis etc verbal conflict becomes central and just diminishes the possibility of rational discussion, but especially highlights the divisions and intense animoisity. To a point where we dont see the other side as human beings, like ourselves.
I just figured I wanted to open this to reflect on things like that.
Isnt all this exhausting to you?

Life is too short and valuable to waste energy on hatred and ill-wishes for other people, depending on their race, religious affiliation or creed.

Im just saying, that even if this iscjust the Internet and not everything is to be taken at face value and seriously, I am still so f.ucking exhausted from the deep-rooted and intense hate that takes its ugly form in our posts.

Seeing as this is the Internet and not real life, Im not sure how many have gotten genuinly hurt by anything I have said. But if you have, then I genuinly appologize.
I wish the best for all people (including Saudis), and in reality dont have genuine feelings of enmity and ill-wishes for anyone.
Sorry for sounding like a panzy. lol
But I felt the need to say it and get it on the table.
Im just tired of it all.

Have a nice evening.

Now we can go out for a beer
Being from a hybrid race and with hints of both Arab and Persian ancestry if they go to war we will have to kill ourselves.

btw does anybody think life is quite long... in my case it seems to go on and on and on since my birth with no end in sight... sometimes I think I may have to be a proactive and take things into my own hand... but then I am master procrastinator :hang2: @Anubis

I find life to be quite pointless.....What's the point of sitting around for 60-70 years?
I find life to be quite pointless.....What's the point of sitting around for 60-70 years?

Negation to worldly affairs!!! Now you are ready to be baptized in the holy Ganges.Come to India my friend,the world of Moksha awaits you here:hang2:
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btw does anybody think life is quite long... in my case it seems to go on and on and on since my birth with no end in sight... sometimes I think I may have to be a proactive and take things into my own hand... but then I am master procrastinator :hang2: @Anubis
Oh, dont worry there is a end, trust me... :D
This forum is way too sectarian, it is a true reflection of the Pakistani society. I saw many Pakistani members here symphatizing with Islamic terrorists.

Also Jihadists on this website like ''Dawla al islamiya'' continue to troll the forum with their propaganda.

I have to make the same confession. I am very much a part of that Saudi Arabian - Iranian hostility here.
I believe that I am the number 1 target among the Iranians here (LOL). But I feel you bro.

In fact, despite taking part in many constructive discussions and debates otherwise, the trolling is quite tiring (usually the same discussions and same few users) and it also made me think about quitting the forum altogether also because I already use WAY too much time here and because I have many important exams coming up (chemical engineering) that might have a big influence on my actual future and life outside the computer screen.

Just saw your post and had to agree and make a reply.

My Danish is still rather weak (don't use it much) but at least I can say "god besked kammerat" LOL.
It's great to ser you guys talking. It'd be a great day when Iran and KSA are on cordial terms.
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