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Life Could Not Be More Difficult For Pakistan's Ahmadis?

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Sunnis have openly fired on shias in buses, mosques and public places in Pakistan with no fear of arrests or punishment by law. You seem to be the stupid one because it wont take a minute to post killing in numbers.

Minorities in Pakistan have no freedom! How shameful can it get when a country advertises toilet cleaning positions and says only for non muslims! and Pakistanis crib and cry over other countries hiding their own deep filled hate they have for people of other faith and sadly their own - read shias and ahmedias.

I can prove that sectarian violence kills more muslims in pakistan by pakistanis. No wonder you are termed tier 1 for religious freedom or more for the lack of it.
no that is some serious work of self-fellatio but its coming from an Indians so i am not surprised you lot are know for it all over the world
Pakistan isnt a heaven for minorities but its still better than hindutva infested hell hole being ruled by neo Nazis
we didn't make a Mass murderer our PM either our Chief ministers were caught on camera advocating necrophilia with minority women nor unlike India forced conversion(Ghar wapsi) is a state policy
Indian Law makers statements are on record telling people either to convert or leave India
India to become a Hindu nation by 2024, announces BJP MP

Demonstrators gather outside Bikaner House in New Delhi, India on December 9, 2017, in protest over the murder of Mohammad Afrazul, a worker from West Bengal who became the latest Muslim victim of Hindu extremists. Afrazul’s killer Shambu Lal Regar, filmed his murder and threatened all Indian Muslims (Photo: Javed Sultan/Anadolu Agency)

Sajeda Haider

Surendra Singh, an elected lawmaker of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced that by 2024 India will become an exclusively Hindu nation, and all Muslims who wish to stay in India will have to convert to Hinduism or go in exile.

“There are a very few Muslims who are patriotic. Once India becomes a Hindu nation, Muslims who assimilate into our culture (read convert) will stay in India. Those who will not are free to take asylum in any other country” said the Member of the Legislative Assembly of the northern state of Uttar Pradesh from where the BJP last year won a landslide victory and placed a controversial Hindu sadhu (holy man) as its Chief Minister.


India rally against killings of Muslims for alleged cow killing at Jantar Mantar New Dlehi June 30, 2017 (Photo: Javed Sultan/Anadolu Agency)

Singh’s comments go against the very tenet of the Constitution which says India is a secular nation that guarantees freedom of religion [Article 25 to 28]. His announcement would also have colossal ramification for the country’s estimated 180 million Muslim nationals – the second largest Muslim population in the world.

His inflammatory and blatantly unconstitutional statement on January 13 is simply voicing the secret intentions of his party and its ideological mentor organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Singh selected 2024 as the year for India’s official conversion into a Hindu nation to mark RSS’ centenary in 2025. The RSS, a militant Hindu supremacist and chauvinist organisation, has been banned three times in post-Independence India and the BJP is its political wing.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, began his career in the RSS, his hard-line belief in the ideology helped him quickly rise in the ranks. For many, his elevation to the premiership made the inception of a Hindu nation a foregone conclusion.

For many analysts, India is already a de facto Hindu country and has been so since 2014 when the Modi Government came to power and implemented laws and policies which demoted Muslim and Christian minorities to second-class citizens. The discriminatory policies have emboldened and protected violent anti-Muslim Hindu extremists as evident in the rising numbers of Hate Crimes.

“India is swiftly transforming into a republic of hate and fear, especially for its religious minorities and disadvantaged castes. The response of the ruling establishment to rising Hate Crime is cynical, combining strategic silences and official denial with tacit encouragement and incitement of hate speech and violence, and patronising vigilante groups and militias,” says Harsh Mander, a former bureaucrat and now a full-time social activist working with the impoverished and survivors of mass violence. He is also the Director of Centre for Equity Studies.

Since the Modi Government took office the protection of cows has become the biggest single excuse with which to target Muslims.

In addition to being demonised as terrorists, traitors and foreigners, Muslims are now dubbed “cow-killers”. The cow is considered sacred among Hindus, particularly in northern India where the BJP continuously win elections. The BJP has been beefing up their cow protection laws in their stronghold states, making cow slaughter illegal and cattle farming dangerous for Muslims. Self-styled cow vigilantes called ‘gau rakshaks’ (‘cow protectors’) roam roads in northern India seeking Muslims with cows, who are assaulted or even killed in the most horrific manner and falsely accused of taking the cow for slaughter.

In 2015 Mohammed Akhlaq became the first reported victim of mob-lynching on the pretext of cow slaughter. The 52-year-old was killed by his neighbours who accused him and his family of eating and storing beef. Forensic tests on the meat showed that it was actually mutton. Since his lynching things have just got from bad to worse with far-fetched allegations of him smuggling cattle to Bangladesh, transporting beef, or very simply as in the case of 16-year-old Junaid Khan killed on a train during Ramadan – he is a “beef-eater”. It is just enough to be a Muslim for vigilantes to kill you and then accuse you of having something to do with the holy cow as the cause of the murder.

IndiaSpend, a non-profit data media portal, collated all cow related mob attacks reported after 2010. They found that 97 percent of attacks occurred after Modi assumed office in May 2017. In the last seven years, there have been a total of 63 cases of violence triggered by ‘cow protection’ of which 20 happened in the first six months of 2017. According to the data released, 28 people were killed and 124 others were injured in the attacks. Of the 28 killed, 24 were Muslims which is a whopping 86% of the fatalities.

As part of a ‘Caravan of Love’ Mander visited 55 families of Hate Crimes in eight states, a fraction of the Hate Crimes taking place and according to what he saw on the ground the violent incidents runs into thousands.

Shockingly not a single person has been convicted in any of the reported murder cases, and ironically while most of the accused are often not even arrested as they enjoy the protection of the ruling party victims of violence or their families are all facing court cases accusing them of cow-related offences. The Government offers a barefaced official denial of the scale of hate crimes.

Minister of Home Affairs Rajnath Singh, told Parliament on December 27, 2017, that until July that year there were only two cases of mob lynching in the country. IndiaSpend found that 2017 recorded the highest death toll of 11 and the most number of incidents of hate violence (37) related to cows and religion since 2010.

While objective observers report systematic violence, the BJP passes off all the murders of Muslims as exaggerated and isolated criminal incidents used to malign their Government. “The culpable silences that surround mounting hate crimes are societal, political and official. More troubling is the scarcity of compassion and solidarity with victims of hate crimes” says Mander.

With a narrative already in place that has demonised Muslims, many of the religious practices of minorities slowly being throttled, India is already not far from being a Hindu nation. Observers argue that if Modi and the BJP win the 2019 general election they will remove the word ‘secular’ from the Indian Constitution and officially turn India into a Hindu country.

Once India Becomes 'Hindu Rashtra', Only Those Muslims Who Assimilate Into Hindu Culture Will Stay, Says BJP MLA

Once India Becomes 'Hindu Rashtra', Only Those Muslims Who Assimilate Into Hindu Culture Will Stay, Says BJP MLA



In a controversial remark, a BJP MLA from Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, has said that once India becomes a "Hindu rashtra", only those Muslims will stay in the country who assimilate into the Hindu culture.

"There are a very few Muslims who are patriotic. Once India becomes a Hindu rashtra (Hindu nation), Muslims who assimilate into our culture will stay in India. Those who will not are free to take asylum in any other country," Bairia MLA Surendra Singh told reporters last night.

He also claimed that by 2024, India would become a Hindu nation.

Describing Prime Minister Narendra Modi as an "avatar purush" (reincarnation of a deity), Singh said, "As the RSS completes 100 years in 2025, by 2024, India will become a Hindu rashtra. By the grace of god, India is going to be a global superpower thanks to the leadership of Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Not only will India become a 'vishwa guru', it will also become a Hindu rashtra by 2024."

Taking a jibe at Congress president Rahul Gandhi, the BJP MLA said, "There are two sets of values in Rahul Gandhi -- one is Italian, while the other one is Indian...He can never become the torchbearer of the Indian thought."

He said the Gandhi scion could coin any slogan to become the prime minister of the country, but he lacked the strength and values to make India strong.

"His (Rahul Gandhi's) is a mix of Indian and Italian culture," Singh said and claimed that the Congress chief was not aware of what India and Indianness were all about.


June 1, 2018 by Lindy Lowry in Asia, Stories of Persecution

Over the last three years, India has jumped from #25 on 2015’s World Watch List to #15 in 2017 and is now at #11–on the cusp of being among the world’s top 10 most dangerous countries to be a Christian today. The 2011 census in India found that Christianity is India’s third most followed religion, with approximately 63 million believers today.

In a video being widely circulated on social media, a controversial Hindu leader has called for Christians to leave India in a video that shows a group stomping on images of Pope Francis.

The video, posted on May 26, shows Hindu leader Om Swami Maharaj and a group of around 20 people carrying placards and banners with pictures of Pope Francis, near the Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi, reported Catholic news site UCAN.

In the video, Maharaj spread on the ground a banner featuring a picture of the pope and then, with several others, stomped on it. Slogans of “Pope Francis murdabad” (Down with Pope Francis) were shouted.

The Hindu leader accuses Indian Christians of promoting terrorism and Maoism and demands that they leave India. He adds that if Christians don’t exit voluntarily, they will be expelled by force.

Stay informed about Christian persecution in India and the rest of the world. Sign up here to receive news delivered to your inbox.

The blatant video has grabbed the attention of Christian groups in central India who have reported it to police, asking them to stop its circulation.

Richard James, spokesman for the Rashtriya Isai Mahasangh, the ecumenical national Christian forum based in the state of Madhya Pradesh, said the police have been alerted to the video.

“This kind of public display of hate toward any religious group or leader would not be allowed in a civilized society,” James said.

Jaideep Prasad, inspector general of police in Bhopal (capital of India’s Madhya Pradesh state), said that his officers would “not allow anyone to spread discord among people with such videos,” but the video has not yet been taken down.

pastoral letter issued by an archbishop in Delhi. The letter was criticized by the leaders of the governing Hindu nationalist BJP, who said it compelled them to question the “patriotism” of Indian Christians.
Last week, speakers at a conference marking four years of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government called for concerted action to uphold the country’s constitution and fundamental rights.

Describing the current religious climate of India, Professor Ganesh Narayan Devy, a scholar on India’s religious and linguistic diversity, noted that anyone expressing a view contrary to Hindu nationalism was deemed “anti-national.”

The conference also heard how 2017 saw a 20 percent increase in the number of violent incidents against Christians.

The increase in persecution is a direct result of the ongoing Hindunization of India or Hindu nationalism—essentially, the belief that India must be a Hindu nation, and any other religion is not Indian. This radical nationalism has been spurred on by the political situation in India, which saw a nationalist government elected in 2014. The reasons for increased persecution are many:

  • The election of Prime Minister Modi in 2014 was seen by many observers as a tacit acceptance of Hindu nationalism. If anything, Mr. Modi’s tolerance of religious extremism has only increased since his election victory.
  • There have been recent calls for the Modi government to address Christian persecution, but those calls have gone unanswered. Of particular concern are allegations that Hindu nationalists are acting in collusion with some local governments and police forces.
  • In early 2017, Yogi Adityanath was elected chief minister of India’s most populous state (out of 29 states), Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath is widely known as a Hindu nationalist who has advocated for violence in the name of Hinduism and insists that India is distinctly Hindu. He’s particularly known for stoking violence against Muslims.
  • Garwapsi-264x300.jpg

    Photo taken at a train station in India early 2017
    Leaders have vowed to rid the country of Christians and Muslims by 2021. The leader of Dharam Jagran Samiti—a group focusing on activism against religious conversion and working for the reconversion of Muslims and Christians to Hinduism—made international headlines in December 2014 in a public address in the Indian city of Agra (home to the Taj Mahal). The group’s leader, Rajeshwar Singh, declared, “Our target is to make India a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation) by 2021. The Muslims and Christians don’t have any right to stay here. So they would either be converted to Hinduism or forced to run away from here.”

  • To achieve their prime agenda, the government is systematically misusing the anti-conversion laws, religious laws, administration, and police to deprive freedom of religion to Christians. Brutal violence is often inflicted on Christian believers by Hindu Extremists, who eventually go unpunished because they have complete protection by the government. As a result, there is a constant rise in Christian persecution.
  • Christian converts from a Hindu background bear the brunt of the persecutionin India. These believers face harassment on an almost daily basis and are constantly under pressure to return to Hinduism. They are often physically assaulted, hospitalized and sometimes even killed. They live mostly in the countryside, where they face societal pressure not only from family, friends, community members and local Hindu priests, but also from radical Hindus.
  • Even Christian charities that are non-evangelistic in nature are having trouble surviving the current climate in India, where their ability to receive international funding is dependent on government approval. For instance, in 2017, Compassion International was forced to close its offices.
  • Since the second half of 2014, Hindu radicals launched a homecomingcampaign (a.k.a. Ghar Wapsi), designed to lure Muslims and Christians back to the Hindu fold. Several campaigns have been held in which hundreds of people returned to Hinduism. The Ghar Wapsi campaign reached its peak in 2015 and early 2016.
  • Recent political events suggest change isn’t in the near future. In the summer of 2017, a new national president was elected. President Ram Nath Kovind has been described by one church planter in an interview with Christianity Today as having “no room for Christians.” Additionally, online polling of Indian readers suggests that Prime Minister Modi’s popularity is in no danger of waning.
In India, Open Doors is working through partners on the ground to strengthen the Church by providing aid like Christian literature, Bibles, pastoral training, legal aid, relief and more. Your support reminds them they are not alone–that they are part of God’s worldwide family.

Will finish Christianity and Islam in India by 2021: Rajeshwar Singh

this is as tolerant as it gets
On cam: BJP neta slaps girl over 'inter-religion' affair
even your own low caste brethren are not safe in hell hole you
hail from

no that is some serious work of self-fellatio but its coming from an Indians so i am not surprised you lot are know for it all over the world
Pakistan isnt a heaven for minorities but its still better than hindutva infested hell hole being ruled by neo Nazis
we didn't make a Mass murderer our PM either our Chief ministers were caught on camera advocating necrophilia with minority women nor unlike India forced conversion(Ghar wapsi) is a state policy
Indian Law makers statements are on record telling people either to convert or leave India
India to become a Hindu nation by 2024, announces BJP MP

Demonstrators gather outside Bikaner House in New Delhi, India on December 9, 2017, in protest over the murder of Mohammad Afrazul, a worker from West Bengal who became the latest Muslim victim of Hindu extremists. Afrazul’s killer Shambu Lal Regar, filmed his murder and threatened all Indian Muslims (Photo: Javed Sultan/Anadolu Agency)

Sajeda Haider

Surendra Singh, an elected lawmaker of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced that by 2024 India will become an exclusively Hindu nation, and all Muslims who wish to stay in India will have to convert to Hinduism or go in exile.

“There are a very few Muslims who are patriotic. Once India becomes a Hindu nation, Muslims who assimilate into our culture (read convert) will stay in India. Those who will not are free to take asylum in any other country” said the Member of the Legislative Assembly of the northern state of Uttar Pradesh from where the BJP last year won a landslide victory and placed a controversial Hindu sadhu (holy man) as its Chief Minister.


India rally against killings of Muslims for alleged cow killing at Jantar Mantar New Dlehi June 30, 2017 (Photo: Javed Sultan/Anadolu Agency)

Singh’s comments go against the very tenet of the Constitution which says India is a secular nation that guarantees freedom of religion [Article 25 to 28]. His announcement would also have colossal ramification for the country’s estimated 180 million Muslim nationals – the second largest Muslim population in the world.

His inflammatory and blatantly unconstitutional statement on January 13 is simply voicing the secret intentions of his party and its ideological mentor organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Singh selected 2024 as the year for India’s official conversion into a Hindu nation to mark RSS’ centenary in 2025. The RSS, a militant Hindu supremacist and chauvinist organisation, has been banned three times in post-Independence India and the BJP is its political wing.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, began his career in the RSS, his hard-line belief in the ideology helped him quickly rise in the ranks. For many, his elevation to the premiership made the inception of a Hindu nation a foregone conclusion.

For many analysts, India is already a de facto Hindu country and has been so since 2014 when the Modi Government came to power and implemented laws and policies which demoted Muslim and Christian minorities to second-class citizens. The discriminatory policies have emboldened and protected violent anti-Muslim Hindu extremists as evident in the rising numbers of Hate Crimes.

“India is swiftly transforming into a republic of hate and fear, especially for its religious minorities and disadvantaged castes. The response of the ruling establishment to rising Hate Crime is cynical, combining strategic silences and official denial with tacit encouragement and incitement of hate speech and violence, and patronising vigilante groups and militias,” says Harsh Mander, a former bureaucrat and now a full-time social activist working with the impoverished and survivors of mass violence. He is also the Director of Centre for Equity Studies.

Since the Modi Government took office the protection of cows has become the biggest single excuse with which to target Muslims.

In addition to being demonised as terrorists, traitors and foreigners, Muslims are now dubbed “cow-killers”. The cow is considered sacred among Hindus, particularly in northern India where the BJP continuously win elections. The BJP has been beefing up their cow protection laws in their stronghold states, making cow slaughter illegal and cattle farming dangerous for Muslims. Self-styled cow vigilantes called ‘gau rakshaks’ (‘cow protectors’) roam roads in northern India seeking Muslims with cows, who are assaulted or even killed in the most horrific manner and falsely accused of taking the cow for slaughter.

In 2015 Mohammed Akhlaq became the first reported victim of mob-lynching on the pretext of cow slaughter. The 52-year-old was killed by his neighbours who accused him and his family of eating and storing beef. Forensic tests on the meat showed that it was actually mutton. Since his lynching things have just got from bad to worse with far-fetched allegations of him smuggling cattle to Bangladesh, transporting beef, or very simply as in the case of 16-year-old Junaid Khan killed on a train during Ramadan – he is a “beef-eater”. It is just enough to be a Muslim for vigilantes to kill you and then accuse you of having something to do with the holy cow as the cause of the murder.

IndiaSpend, a non-profit data media portal, collated all cow related mob attacks reported after 2010. They found that 97 percent of attacks occurred after Modi assumed office in May 2017. In the last seven years, there have been a total of 63 cases of violence triggered by ‘cow protection’ of which 20 happened in the first six months of 2017. According to the data released, 28 people were killed and 124 others were injured in the attacks. Of the 28 killed, 24 were Muslims which is a whopping 86% of the fatalities.

As part of a ‘Caravan of Love’ Mander visited 55 families of Hate Crimes in eight states, a fraction of the Hate Crimes taking place and according to what he saw on the ground the violent incidents runs into thousands.

Shockingly not a single person has been convicted in any of the reported murder cases, and ironically while most of the accused are often not even arrested as they enjoy the protection of the ruling party victims of violence or their families are all facing court cases accusing them of cow-related offences. The Government offers a barefaced official denial of the scale of hate crimes.

Minister of Home Affairs Rajnath Singh, told Parliament on December 27, 2017, that until July that year there were only two cases of mob lynching in the country. IndiaSpend found that 2017 recorded the highest death toll of 11 and the most number of incidents of hate violence (37) related to cows and religion since 2010.

While objective observers report systematic violence, the BJP passes off all the murders of Muslims as exaggerated and isolated criminal incidents used to malign their Government. “The culpable silences that surround mounting hate crimes are societal, political and official. More troubling is the scarcity of compassion and solidarity with victims of hate crimes” says Mander.

With a narrative already in place that has demonised Muslims, many of the religious practices of minorities slowly being throttled, India is already not far from being a Hindu nation. Observers argue that if Modi and the BJP win the 2019 general election they will remove the word ‘secular’ from the Indian Constitution and officially turn India into a Hindu country.

Once India Becomes 'Hindu Rashtra', Only Those Muslims Who Assimilate Into Hindu Culture Will Stay, Says BJP MLA

Once India Becomes 'Hindu Rashtra', Only Those Muslims Who Assimilate Into Hindu Culture Will Stay, Says BJP MLA



In a controversial remark, a BJP MLA from Ballia district, Uttar Pradesh, has said that once India becomes a "Hindu rashtra", only those Muslims will stay in the country who assimilate into the Hindu culture.

"There are a very few Muslims who are patriotic. Once India becomes a Hindu rashtra (Hindu nation), Muslims who assimilate into our culture will stay in India. Those who will not are free to take asylum in any other country," Bairia MLA Surendra Singh told reporters last night.

He also claimed that by 2024, India would become a Hindu nation.

Describing Prime Minister Narendra Modi as an "avatar purush" (reincarnation of a deity), Singh said, "As the RSS completes 100 years in 2025, by 2024, India will become a Hindu rashtra. By the grace of god, India is going to be a global superpower thanks to the leadership of Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Not only will India become a 'vishwa guru', it will also become a Hindu rashtra by 2024."

Taking a jibe at Congress president Rahul Gandhi, the BJP MLA said, "There are two sets of values in Rahul Gandhi -- one is Italian, while the other one is Indian...He can never become the torchbearer of the Indian thought."

He said the Gandhi scion could coin any slogan to become the prime minister of the country, but he lacked the strength and values to make India strong.

"His (Rahul Gandhi's) is a mix of Indian and Italian culture," Singh said and claimed that the Congress chief was not aware of what India and Indianness were all about.


June 1, 2018 by Lindy Lowry in Asia, Stories of Persecution

Over the last three years, India has jumped from #25 on 2015’s World Watch List to #15 in 2017 and is now at #11–on the cusp of being among the world’s top 10 most dangerous countries to be a Christian today. The 2011 census in India found that Christianity is India’s third most followed religion, with approximately 63 million believers today.

In a video being widely circulated on social media, a controversial Hindu leader has called for Christians to leave India in a video that shows a group stomping on images of Pope Francis.

The video, posted on May 26, shows Hindu leader Om Swami Maharaj and a group of around 20 people carrying placards and banners with pictures of Pope Francis, near the Sacred Heart Cathedral in New Delhi, reported Catholic news site UCAN.

In the video, Maharaj spread on the ground a banner featuring a picture of the pope and then, with several others, stomped on it. Slogans of “Pope Francis murdabad” (Down with Pope Francis) were shouted.

The Hindu leader accuses Indian Christians of promoting terrorism and Maoism and demands that they leave India. He adds that if Christians don’t exit voluntarily, they will be expelled by force.

Stay informed about Christian persecution in India and the rest of the world. Sign up here to receive news delivered to your inbox.


The blatant video has grabbed the attention of Christian groups in central India who have reported it to police, asking them to stop its circulation.

Richard James, spokesman for the Rashtriya Isai Mahasangh, the ecumenical national Christian forum based in the state of Madhya Pradesh, said the police have been alerted to the video.

“This kind of public display of hate toward any religious group or leader would not be allowed in a civilized society,” James said.

Jaideep Prasad, inspector general of police in Bhopal (capital of India’s Madhya Pradesh state), said that his officers would “not allow anyone to spread discord among people with such videos,” but the video has not yet been taken down.

pastoral letter issued by an archbishop in Delhi. The letter was criticized by the leaders of the governing Hindu nationalist BJP, who said it compelled them to question the “patriotism” of Indian Christians.
Last week, speakers at a conference marking four years of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government called for concerted action to uphold the country’s constitution and fundamental rights.

Describing the current religious climate of India, Professor Ganesh Narayan Devy, a scholar on India’s religious and linguistic diversity, noted that anyone expressing a view contrary to Hindu nationalism was deemed “anti-national.”

The conference also heard how 2017 saw a 20 percent increase in the number of violent incidents against Christians.


The increase in persecution is a direct result of the ongoing Hindunization of India or Hindu nationalism—essentially, the belief that India must be a Hindu nation, and any other religion is not Indian. This radical nationalism has been spurred on by the political situation in India, which saw a nationalist government elected in 2014. The reasons for increased persecution are many:

    • There have been recent calls for the Modi government to address Christian persecution, but those calls have gone unanswered. Of particular concern are allegations that Hindu nationalists are acting in collusion with some local governments and police forces.
    • Garwapsi-264x300.jpg

      Photo taken at a train station in India early 2017
      Leaders have vowed to rid the country of Christians and Muslims by 2021. The leader of Dharam Jagran Samiti—a group focusing on activism against religious conversion and working for the reconversion of Muslims and Christians to Hinduism—made international headlines in December 2014 in a public address in the Indian city of Agra (home to the Taj Mahal). The group’s leader, Rajeshwar Singh, declared, “Our target is to make India a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation) by 2021. The Muslims and Christians don’t have any right to stay here. So they would either be converted to Hinduism or forced to run away from here.”
    • To achieve their prime agenda, the government is systematically misusing the anti-conversion laws, religious laws, administration, and police to deprive freedom of religion to Christians. Brutal violence is often inflicted on Christian believers by Hindu Extremists, who eventually go unpunished because they have complete protection by the government. As a result, there is a constant rise in Christian persecution.
    • Christian converts from a Hindu background bear the brunt of the persecutionin India. These believers face harassment on an almost daily basis and are constantly under pressure to return to Hinduism. They are often physically assaulted, hospitalized and sometimes even killed. They live mostly in the countryside, where they face societal pressure not only from family, friends, community members and local Hindu priests, but also from radical Hindus.
    • Even Christian charities that are non-evangelistic in nature are having trouble surviving the current climate in India, where their ability to receive international funding is dependent on government approval. For instance, in 2017, Compassion International was forced to close its offices.
    • Since the second half of 2014, Hindu radicals launched a homecomingcampaign (a.k.a. Ghar Wapsi), designed to lure Muslims and Christians back to the Hindu fold. Several campaigns have been held in which hundreds of people returned to Hinduism. The Ghar Wapsi campaign reached its peak in 2015 and early 2016.
    • Recent political events suggest change isn’t in the near future. In the summer of 2017, a new national president was elected. President Ram Nath Kovind has been described by one church planter in an interview with Christianity Today as having “no room for Christians.” Additionally, online polling of Indian readers suggests that Prime Minister Modi’s popularity is in no danger of waning.
In India, Open Doors is working through partners on the ground to strengthen the Church by providing aid like Christian literature, Bibles, pastoral training, legal aid, relief and more. Your support reminds them they are not alone–that they are part of God’s worldwide family.

Will finish Christianity and Islam in India by 2021: Rajeshwar Singh

this is as tolerant as it gets
On cam: BJP neta slaps girl over 'inter-religion' affair
even your own low caste brethren are not safe in hell hole you
hail from
Doesn't matter what you say or post, pakistan is ranked worse!
inter religion marriages are good for this world to get rid of hatred .
You have a more believable ranking? Atleast read the fact based, reputable sources before making up opinions. Helps you from moving out of the backwardness that you are trapped in.

their madarsa education is responsible .
their madarsa education is responsible .
It's got little to do with their madrassas. The two nation theory separated the tolerant with the intolerant. The psyche is so prevalent, that Bangladesh was born and now they are happy in-fighting.
I donno about the Pakistani establishment but at least Pakistani members here don’t know what to do with the minorities especially Ahmadis living in Pakistan.
Some members holding secular views consider them as Pakistanis , while some members totally admonish them.
But why ask India or any other country to take them, aren’t they Pakistani citizens???
muslims have initiated lots of pogroms and genocides..

You cant compare crime with genocide. Rape and murder in india are criminal acts however genocides initiated by muslims have always been religiously motivated

Pogroms and Genocides? religiously motivated ? these are serious allegations that shouldn't be thrown around lightly.

Can you elaborate on these and back them up with some facts or should we just take your word for it?
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