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Life Could Not Be More Difficult For Pakistan's Ahmadis?

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Mar 6, 2009
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The recent USCIRF report highlights the plight of religious minorities in Pakistan. Religious minority groups such as Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Ahmadis and Shi’a Muslims face violence and discrimination not only from violent extremist groups but also from society at large. This treatment of religious minorities continues to be tolerated by the Government of Pakistan. It is failing to protect these minority groups adequately or at all, especially from targeted, systematic and foreseeable (and preventable) violence. To add to this, Pakistan’s laws continue to contribute and legitimise the discrimination of religious minorities by Pakistan’s society at large. This is especially visible in relation to Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws. As the USCIRF reports, those laws not only affect the rights of non-Muslims but also Shi’a Muslims and Ahmadis.


Also, Pakistan is a Tier 1 country for Religious freedom.


And they are busy pointing at countries much better than them!
From the Title , i thought we shut their Oxygen down ..
Oh so much pain...why not India take them?
Nope. Pakistan should be more accountable and do more the minorities.

Yeah I know you're hindtuva hell hole...
Hindus are peaceful people. Tell me an incident where Hindus murdered millions of people however muslims have initiated lots of pogroms and genocides..
Hindus are peaceful people. Tell me an incident where Hindus murdered millions of people however muslims have initiated lots of pogroms and genocides..
Are you that stupid? Haven't you read about mob-lynching of minorities on daily basis, raping and killing of kids and women on daily basis...
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Are that stupid? Haven't you read about mob-lynching of minorities on daily basis, raping and killing of kids and women on daily basis...
You cant compare crime with genocide. Rape and murder in india are criminal acts however genocides initiated by muslims have always been religiously motivated
Are that stupid? Haven't you read about mob-lynching of minorities on daily basis, raping and killing of kids and women on daily basis...
Sunnis have openly fired on shias in buses, mosques and public places in Pakistan with no fear of arrests or punishment by law. You seem to be the stupid one because it wont take a minute to post killing in numbers.

Minorities in Pakistan have no freedom! How shameful can it get when a country advertises toilet cleaning positions and says only for non muslims! and Pakistanis crib and cry over other countries hiding their own deep filled hate they have for people of other faith and sadly their own - read shias and ahmedias.

Indian the hindutva shithole is supporting the genocide of Muslims in India.
I can prove that sectarian violence kills more muslims in pakistan by pakistanis. No wonder you are termed tier 1 for religious freedom or more for the lack of it.
Are that stupid? Haven't you read about mob-lynching of minorities on daily basis, raping and killing of kids and women on daily basis...

this is not true .few incidents happened but those people are being taken careoff .

Indian the hindutva shithole is supporting the genocide of Muslims in India.

who is killing muhajirs ?
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