Oh cut me the cr@p
There is a reason 90% of Pakistani military fatalities in year 2020 happened in Waziristan
There is a reason that nearly all the leadership of TTP is/was from Waziristan
There is a reason that nearly all the leadership of PTM is/was from Waziristan
Then GoP and relevant leadership should find the solution to counter that
It will be a great folly, that you as a Pakistani start hating +1.2 millions people of Waziristan just because of few hundreds or may be a thousand traitors. By mass communicating hate comments, you will become the
reason for creating more anti-state elements out of them. Pakistan already learned a bitter lesson in 1971. Wrong policies, hatred and ignorance caused East Pakistan to evolve into Bangladesh.
At least I will try to stop such idiocy with all my strength and resources and I am sure there are many who would like to join this Jihad. We cannot let emotions to dictate our policies, strategies and our behavior.
We all know that TTP, PTM and BLA leadership have become accessories of the foreign spy networks such as RAW, CIA, NDS, IOIRGC and Mussad. They exploit young people to join and work for them in return of money and other incentives. Our leadership must take fast and decisive counter actions to stop and completely eliminate the sources of such activities inside and outside Pakistan in the form of covert military operations and aggressive diplomacy.
As I stated earlier some where in the forum, GoP along with Provincial Governments of KPK, Baluchistan and armed forces must work together to find the solutions of grievances of the locals of Waziristan and Baluchistan. Basic amenities such as health care, education, availability of power and fresh water, transportation and communication network must be be provided in every nook and corner of this part of the country. Young and capable must be given opportunities to be productive members of the society.
Meanwhile, a spy network should find and eliminate the main sources behind these anti-state actors.
This must be done on war footings to avoid further loss of precious lives.