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Lie about Awami League role in Bangladesh independence exposed

Where is Gr!ff!n and indic now with their lie? Please tell us how Bharat Rak-sak and Indira Gandhi's speech are Jamaat creation?
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Here is the part of Indira Gandhi speech where she clearly said Sheikh Mujib did not want independence. And source is indian site BR (page 16).

These are historic documents and can not be altered. Indic, Gr!ff!n like indians should be banned for giving indians bad name and for out right lie.

dear idune...the case here is not what some random BR article says.you should be banned for posting a BR article in PDF and for posting a photoshopped article to spread lies.

but then again,I want to give you few valuable lessons------

1.learn how to use Photoshop properly.its a powerful tool.but in the hands of idiots,it makes you look like a neanderthal in front of us.the picture is so poorly photoshopped that i ROFLed.

2.always maintain a degree of anonymity.your picture directed me straight towards the truth as the name of the paper and date was provided.

3.its not easy to produce fake and retouch a picture.it takes month of practices.I know it as I myself sometimes made forged documents to help my friends.a workshop soon will be held in the @IamBengali 's house on this topic(you know,usual RAW operatives' gathering).we'll happily teach how to do this stuff.


GR!FF!N(RAW Operative,Faking and Forging Dept,Bangladesh Sector)

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Loki

is using fake and photoshopped documents are allowed to open a thread??plus, @idune is posting a Bharat Rakshak article here to justify his act.

On this very thread!!:-)

It seems nobody in east Pakistan wanted independence, but Baniya Indian Army created and ordered Mukti Bahini to fight for their own lives.

if this is true,then these Bangladeshis shouldn't have any problem with the movie "Gundey".isn't it??
dear idune...the case here is not what some random BR article says.

You accused this to be photo shopped and I provided the link to document that exposed your lie.

You still have not answered how your claim that BR and Indira Gandhi are being Jamaat creation, is true?

This is NOT BR article written by some random character, this is historic document of Indira Gandhi's speech posted there.You just caught red handed with utter lie and with your preconceive intention to label everything that goes against your agenda. No amount of deceptive spin will recover your credibility.
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dear idune...the case here is not what some random BR article says.you should be banned for posting a BR article in PDF and for posting a photoshopped article to spread lies.

but then again,I want to give you few valuable lessons------

3.its not easy to produce fake and retouch a picture.it takes month of practices.I know it as I myself sometimes made forged documents to help my friends.a workshop soon will be held in the @IamBengali 's house on this topic(you know,usual RAW operatives' gathering).we'll happily teach how to do this stuff.

if this is true,then these Bangladeshis shouldn't have any problem with the movie "Gundey".isn't it??

I would be really glad if I serve you RAWamists in my house. :devil:
You accused this to be photo shopped and I provided the link to document that exposed your lie.

This is NOT BR article written by some random character, this is historic document of Indira Gandhi's speech posted there.You just caught red handed with utter lie and with your preconceive intention to label everything that goes against your agenda. No amount of deceptive spin will recover your credibility.

exposed me???you're posting some lines from another article over a newspaper report and I'm lying?? :rofl: let the MOD decide.I already mentioned them.
exposed me???you're posting some lines from another article over a newspaper report and I'm lying?? :rofl: let the MOD decide.I already mentioned them.

You still have not answered how your claim that BR and Indira Gandhi are being Jamaat creation, is true?

I am not posting anything that Indira Gandhi had not said in her speech. Article summarized her speech and BR link provide exact and full speech.Yet you still continue to lie and spin. That is Gr!ff!n ZERO credibility.
dear idune...the case here is not what some random BR article says.you should be banned for posting a BR article in PDF and for posting a photoshopped article to spread lies.

but then again,I want to give you few valuable lessons------

1.learn how to use Photoshop properly.its a powerful tool.but in the hands of idiots,it makes you look like a neanderthal in front of us.the picture is so poorly photoshopped that i ROFLed.

2.always maintain a degree of anonymity.your picture directed me straight towards the truth as the name of the paper and date was provided.

3.its not easy to produce fake and retouch a picture.it takes month of practices.I know it as I myself sometimes made forged documents to help my friends.a workshop soon will be held in the @IamBengali 's house on this topic(you know,usual RAW operatives' gathering).we'll happily teach how to do this stuff.


GR!FF!N(RAW Operative,Faking and Forging Dept,Bangladesh Sector)

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Loki

is using fake and photoshopped documents are allowed to open a thread??plus, @idune is posting a Bharat Rakshak article here to justify his act.

if this is true,then these Bangladeshis shouldn't have any problem with the movie "Gundey".isn't it??
I know. You didnt get the tone of my post Sir.
On top of the Photoshopped piece these fools have also written "BD Nationalist". A bunch of certified idiots. :D

This is what was actually reported ...

Gandhi Speaks on Pakistan Crisis


Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said Saturday that her country had reached "the limit of our endurance" because of the influx of Pakistani refugees, but that India would not provoke a war with Pakistan. In the only major address of her visit to the United States-delivered at the School of International Affairs to an invitation-only audience-Mrs. Gandhi stressed the universal necessity of freedom and human rights and the obligation of India to defend these values. "Every nation is ultimately alone and India is prepared to fight alone for what we believe," she asserted. "We will not give up our ideals for anything or anybody." Speaking extemporaneously and with only a slight accent, Mrs. Gandhi said that she saw the situation in East Pakistan as a threat to the values and stability of India rather than as primarily a threat of war between the two countries. "The problem is not the west where troops are facing each other,"she noted, "but on the east," where the Pakistani refugees have become a burden on the fragile economic and political progress of India.

"Just when we had come to a state where we thought we could advance easily and more rapidly, we have been forced to take up the problems of another country," Mrs. Gandhi commented. She also said, however, that "we have been poor and starving" and that India could survive the financial difficulties of maintaining refugees. The Prime Minister also contended that some of the "refugees" crossing the frontier were in fact Pakistani saboteurs who had already attacked trains in her country. In light of this, Mrs. Gandhi noted that if the United Nations wanted to send observers to India, they should be sent to the eastern border where Indian peace was being threatened rather than concentrating on the western border where Pakistani troops have advanced. Mrs. Gandhi was greeted when she arrived at SIA by a crowd of sympathetic demonstrators who cheered and chanted religious hymns in her honor. Many carried signs calling for cessation of U.S. aid to Pakistan and for support of Bengla Desh. The Indian Prime Minister, who wore a bright orange and yellow sari, referred to East Pakistan as "East Bengal" throughout her speech, which lasted about 35 minutes. After a lengthy standing ovation that followed her address, Mrs. Gandhi was presented with a Presidential Citation of Distinction by President McGill. The certificate cited her "respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms" and Columbia's "profound esteem" for a "gracious lady and courageous leader." Mrs. Gandhi also spoke about the development of India as a "secular socialist democracy." She asserted that socialism "is the only way we think we can lessen the disparity between sections of our society so that we can have democracy" and later noted that democracy in India "is not a dogma or an 'ism' but a way of life." Her talk was interrupted by applause only once when she

commented that wherever she goes, people ask how a woman can lead a country. "No one asks that question in India," she said,"not even in the smallest village." Mrs. Gandhi declared that in India, the only question asked is: "This is a human being; what does he have to contribute to society?" The Prime Minister characterized countries supporting Yahya Khan as "threatening the peace of all of South Asia...by t trying to support the prestige of one man, a military leader." She' also characterized Sheik Mujibur Rahman, the opposition party leader whose election sparked the division of Pakistan, as a "moderate" and noted that some had even called him "an American stooge." Attendance to Mrs. Gandhi's speech was regulated owing to the size of the auditorium available in SIA. Invitations were checked at the door of the building and again at the entrance to the auditorium by university officals and security guards. A number of Secret Service agents wearing earphones milled in the lobby of the $21 million building. Among the dignitaries attending the speech were Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller and Kenneth Keating, U.S. Ambassador to India. In summing up the responsibility of India to defend its ideals, Mrs. Gandhi said that a country "must do right whether it brings pleasure or pain, failure or success....and doing right is the only thing that ultimately brings both pleasure and success." Mrs. Gandhi has been prime minister of India, the world's largest democracy, since 1966. She is the daughter of the late Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Indira Gandhi receives citation from President McGill.

Indira Gandhi speaks to a full audience in the SIA auditorium Saturday.

Columbia Daily Spectator 8 November 1971 — Columbia Spectator
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well. . It's too late now for jamatis. :rofl:
Wish bharat-rakshak.com existed 40 yr back.

Can someone post full article of the above snippet from BR
This is what was actually reported ...

Gandhi Speaks on Pakistan Crisis


Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said Saturday that her country had reached "the limit of our endurance" because of the influx of Pakistani refugees, but that India would not provoke a war with Pakistan. In the only major address of her visit to the United States-delivered at the School of International Affairs to an invitation-only audience-Mrs. Gandhi stressed the universal necessity of freedom and human rights and the obligation of India to defend these values. "Every nation is ultimately alone and India is prepared to fight alone for what we believe," she asserted. "We will not give up our ideals for anything or anybody." Speaking extemporaneously and with only a slight accent, Mrs. Gandhi said that she saw the situation in East Pakistan as a threat to the values and stability of India rather than as primarily a threat of war between the two countries. "The problem is not the west where troops are facing each other,"she noted, "but on the east," where the Pakistani refugees have become a burden on the fragile economic and political progress of India.

"Just when we had come to a state where we thought we could advance easily and more rapidly, we have been forced to take up the problems of another country," Mrs. Gandhi commented. She also said, however, that "we have been poor and starving" and that India could survive the financial difficulties of maintaining refugees. The Prime Minister also contended that some of the "refugees" crossing the frontier were in fact Pakistani saboteurs who had already attacked trains in her country. In light of this, Mrs. Gandhi noted that if the United Nations wanted to send observers to India, they should be sent to the eastern border where Indian peace was being threatened rather than concentrating on the western border where Pakistani troops have advanced. Mrs. Gandhi was greeted when she arrived at SIA by a crowd of sympathetic demonstrators who cheered and chanted religious hymns in her honor. Many carried signs calling for cessation of U.S. aid to Pakistan and for support of Bengla Desh. The Indian Prime Minister, who wore a bright orange and yellow sari, referred to East Pakistan as "East Bengal" throughout her speech, which lasted about 35 minutes. After a lengthy standing ovation that followed her address, Mrs. Gandhi was presented with a Presidential Citation of Distinction by President McGill. The certificate cited her "respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms" and Columbia's "profound esteem" for a "gracious lady and courageous leader." Mrs. Gandhi also spoke about the development of India as a "secular socialist democracy." She asserted that socialism "is the only way we think we can lessen the disparity between sections of our society so that we can have democracy" and later noted that democracy in India "is not a dogma or an 'ism' but a way of life." Her talk was interrupted by applause only once when she

commented that wherever she goes, people ask how a woman can lead a country. "No one asks that question in India," she said,"not even in the smallest village." Mrs. Gandhi declared that in India, the only question asked is: "This is a human being; what does he have to contribute to society?" The Prime Minister characterized countries supporting Yahya Khan as "threatening the peace of all of South Asia...by t trying to support the prestige of one man, a military leader." She' also characterized Sheik Mujibur Rahman, the opposition party leader whose election sparked the division of Pakistan, as a "moderate" and noted that some had even called him "an American stooge." Attendance to Mrs. Gandhi's speech was regulated owing to the size of the auditorium available in SIA. Invitations were checked at the door of the building and again at the entrance to the auditorium by university officals and security guards. A number of Secret Service agents wearing earphones milled in the lobby of the $21 million building. Among the dignitaries attending the speech were Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller and Kenneth Keating, U.S. Ambassador to India. In summing up the responsibility of India to defend its ideals, Mrs. Gandhi said that a country "must do right whether it brings pleasure or pain, failure or success....and doing right is the only thing that ultimately brings both pleasure and success." Mrs. Gandhi has been prime minister of India, the world's largest democracy, since 1966. She is the daughter of the late Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Indira Gandhi receives citation from President McGill.

Indira Gandhi speaks to a full audience in the SIA auditorium Saturday.

Columbia Daily Spectator 8 November 1971 — Columbia Spectator

This again proves that @idune 's opening post is Photoshopped and false, just like 99.99% of his other posts :)
It is fun to note that "PDF" Bangladeshis are assuming Indira Gandhi's words in her November'71 speech as sermon of truth and quite comfortably tend to believe that their call for Independence came only after Mujib came out of jail. This is an outright lie which can be proved by a series of declassified US reports. Remember these were the days of cold wars at its peak and India, by any means was not in US "Good book." Lets see what these reports say about the events that happened in March to be specific.

| On 15th March Mujib issues series of 35 directives effectively taking over civil administration of East Pakistan bu Awami League. Refers to East Pakistan as Bangladesh.( My PDF Bangladeshis, please take a note of it.) Yahya Khan reaches Dhaka to talk with Mujib.

| On 17th of March Martial law administrator of East Pakistan, Lt.General Tikka Khan appoints Inquiry commission on Awami leagues alleged involvement in 2-9 March Army activities. Mujib rejects this commission by calling it a "Device to hoodwink the people of Bangladesh.(Hope the revisionists are reading this)

| 23rd of march, Pakistan day celebrated as "Resistance Day" and Bangladeshi Flag widely flown in Dhaka.

| 25th Of march, Yahya Khan resumes talk with Mujib and at 11:15 PM Mujib got arrested.

| 28th March, free Bangla Radio announces formation of Provincial Government of Bangladesh under Major Zia.

| A declassified report on 31st March says, "Meanwhile those Awami league leaders who were able to escape went underground and a clandestine radio began to broadcast resistance messages.One of the first of these was the "sovereign and Independent republic of People of Bangladesh." made in the name of Mujib.

( Please note that Pakistan Radio reports later that Mujb was arrested hours after broadcasting of this message.)

This is an irony today "PDF" Bangladeshis are reinventing their History of Independence today by quoting Indira Gandhi to discredit Mujib and his party. There is no reason to deny the fact that Mujib had least respect for constitutional democracy which proved to be fatal for his career and life as well.But the way, he is being attempted to be undermined by a comment by Indira Gandhi is simply comical. The Americans had kept a full fledged record of the events which are very much visible from their telegrams.Read them before coming to such hilarious assertions.

dear idune...the case here is not what some random BR article says.you should be banned for posting a BR article in PDF and for posting a photoshopped article to spread lies.

but then again,I want to give you few valuable lessons------

1.learn how to use Photoshop properly.its a powerful tool.but in the hands of idiots,it makes you look like a neanderthal in front of us.the picture is so poorly photoshopped that i ROFLed.

2.always maintain a degree of anonymity.your picture directed me straight towards the truth as the name of the paper and date was provided.

3.its not easy to produce fake and retouch a picture.it takes month of practices.I know it as I myself sometimes made forged documents to help my friends.a workshop soon will be held in the @IamBengali 's house on this topic(you know,usual RAW operatives' gathering).we'll happily teach how to do this stuff.


GR!FF!N(RAW Operative,Faking and Forging Dept,Bangladesh Sector)

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Loki

is using fake and photoshopped documents are allowed to open a thread??plus, @idune is posting a Bharat Rakshak article here to justify his act.

Why are you opposing an article which is owned by your own people and also accusing him of photoshopping it himself when he told you it's from that website.
It is fun to note that "PDF" Bangladeshis are assuming Indira Gandhi's words in her November'71 speech as sermon of truth and quite comfortably tend to believe that their call for Independence came only after Mujib came out of jail. This is an outright lie which can be proved by a series of declassified US reports. Remember these were the days of cold wars at its peak and India, by any means was not in US "Good book." Lets see what these reports say about the events that happened in March to be specific.

| On 15th March Mujib issues series of 35 directives effectively taking over civil administration of East Pakistan bu Awami League. Refers to East Pakistan as Bangladesh.( My PDF Bangladeshis, please take a note of it.) Yahya Khan reaches Dhaka to talk with Mujib.

| On 17th of March Martial law administrator of East Pakistan, Lt.General Tikka Khan appoints Inquiry commission on Awami leagues alleged involvement in 2-9 March Army activities. Mujib rejects this commission by calling it a "Device to hoodwink the people of Bangladesh.(Hope the revisionists are reading this)

| 23rd of march, Pakistan day celebrated as "Resistance Day" and Bangladeshi Flag widely flown in Dhaka.

| 25th Of march, Yahya Khan resumes talk with Mujib and at 11:15 PM Mujib got arrested.

| 28th March, free Bangla Radio announces formation of Provincial Government of Bangladesh under Major Zia.

| A declassified report on 31st March says, "Meanwhile those Awami league leaders who were able to escape went underground and a clandestine radio began to broadcast resistance messages.One of the first of these was the "sovereign and Independent republic of People of Bangladesh." made in the name of Mujib.

( Please note that Pakistan Radio reports later that Mujb was arrested hours after broadcasting of this message.)

This is an irony today "PDF" Bangladeshis are reinventing their History of Independence today by quoting Indira Gandhi to discredit Mujib and his party. There is no reason to deny the fact that Mujib had least respect for constitutional democracy which proved to be fatal for his career and life as well.But the way, he is being attempted to be undermined by a comment by Indira Gandhi is simply comical. The Americans had kept a full fledged record of the events which are very much visible from their telegrams.Read them before coming to such hilarious assertions.


Tell your Bharat rukshuk admin, not us.
Tell your Bharat rukshuk admin, not us.

Where did in my post I defy about Indira Gandhi's speech? It's you guys who are twisting history according to your own convenience.Argue with logic and stop embarrassing yourselves.
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