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Libya rebel oil cargo China-bound

Never make a mountain of a molehill. Bad excuses are worse than none.
China does not sell arms to Libyan rebels.
Money does not equal arms.

China does not sell arms to Libyan rebels--True.
Money does not equal arms--Not True.

Money is required to buy arms on the world's illegal arms market. That market does not run on credit or aid!
Now the rebels will have the funds to do so. Since they cannot confiscate or commandeer anymore within their own country. The money that they will get from sale of the oil will be a real booster or life-saver for the rebels. China has done well to provide the required material support.
China does not sell arms to Libyan rebels--True.
Money does not equal arms--Not True.

Money is required to buy arms on the world's illegal arms market. That market does not run on credit or aid!
Now the rebels will have the funds to do so. Since they cannot confiscate or commandeer anymore within their own country. The money that they will get from sale of the oil will be a real booster or life-saver for the rebels. China has done well to provide the required material support.

Do not forget that there is a protocol of United Nations sanctions, arms embargo on both sides.

In fact, I still have reservations for this message, it just said that trading in China, does not mean China is a buyer. West released the news, I suspect it is to divert attention.
Once NATO has ground troops in Libya all the oil will go to EU and USA.
Why should they? They just watch rebels and Daffy weaken each other while bombing the country. Once the rebels have control of the country NATO troops will rush in to "stabilize" the country and introduce a willing puppet government.
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