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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

My country, Canada, is planning to send six CF-18 fighter jets to enforce the Libya operation.
UK forces prepare for Libya no-fly zone

UK forces are preparing to help enforce a no-fly zone over Libya after the UN backed "all necessary measures", short of an invasion, to protect civilians.

Downing Street have cautioned against earlier suggestions that British planes could be in action "within hours" and declined to put a timetable on it.

The UN resolution rules out a foreign occupation force in any part of Libya.

The cabinet will meet on Friday and Prime Minister David Cameron will make a statement to the Commons, No 10 said.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said the resolution authorised a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" to protect the civilian population - including those in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

It also called for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the violence, measures to make it more difficult to bring foreign mercenaries into Libya and a tightening of sanctions.

The foreign secretary said it was a "positive response to the call by the Arab League" for measures to protect Libyan civilians and was the culmination of "a great deal of hard work in the last few days" by France, the UK, Lebanon and the US.

"It is necessary to take these measures to avoid greater bloodshed," Mr Hague said.

"This places a responsibility on members of the United Nations and that is a responsibility to which the United Kingdom will now respond."

BBC News - Libya: UK forces prepare after UN no-fly zone vote
Note to Indian friends, your country abstained from voting in favour of a resolution that the entire humankind seems to think is right. Don't want to be seen as aggressors as a rising power, eh?
Arab league has made a PACT with DEVIL spare our Monarchy , and we will unit and Backstab another muslim country - thats all they are good at Backstabbing

Its very simple , they just want the oil control - this whole drama of UAE/Qater is joke ...

Why are they not going to Bahrain ??? Why the protestors there not good enough or how about in Palestine ? or kashmir ?

Its simple OIL and $$$ chance to STEAL free oil
Libya 'welcomes' U.N. resolution

Jubilant Libyan rebels in Benghazi erupted with fireworks and gunfire after the U.N. Security Council voted Thursday evening to impose a no-fly zone and permit "all necessary measures" to protect civilians.

The opposition, with devoted but largely untrained and under-equipped units, has suffered military setbacks this week. It has said such international action was necessary for it to have any chance of thwarting Moammar Gadhafi's imminent assault on the rebel stronghold.

"We're hoping and praying that the United Nations will come up with a very firm and very fast resolution and they will enforce it immediately," said Ahmed El-Gallal, a senior opposition coordinator, before the vote.
"We should not arrive too late," French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said at the U.N.

The resolution was approved with 10 votes, including those of the United States and the United Kingdom.

There were no opposing votes on the 15-member council, but China, Russia, Germany, India and Brazil abstained. Germany said it was concerned about a protracted military conflict.

U.N. member states can "take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force," according to the resolution.

Moments after the vote, anti-Gadhafi forces in Benghazi broke into cheers, waving flags and chanting. Antiaircraft tracer fire lit up the sky at one rally.

UN approves no-fly zone in Libya Libyan army pushes forward Libyan amb. still hopeful for airstrikes UN okays no-fly zone in Libya
It was not immediately clear just how an international military operation and possible strikes against the Libyan military might unfold. The no-fly zone prohibits Libya's air forces from entering certain zones within the country.

The United States and NATO partners have contingencies in place to act within hours, according to an administration official familiar with planning. President Barack Obama will insist on a major Arab role in any no-fly zone, the official said.

The contingencies include air strikes and cruise missile attacks designed to cripple Libyan air defenses and punish military units leading Gadhafi's push on opposition strongholds in the east, the official said.

Obama called British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy after the vote. The three "agreed that Libya must immediately comply with all terms of the resolution and that violence against the civilian population of Libya must cease," the White House said in a statement.

Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim, speaking in Tripoli, told reporters after the vote that the country will safeguard civilians and its territorial integrity.

He called on the international community to send a fact-finding mission to the African nation but not lend material support to rebels.
A few dozen pro-Gadhafi supporters chanted, "Down with the U.N.! Down with Britain! Down with the United States!"

Frustration and anger in Benghazi Libyan rebel: We've seen heavy gunfire Friedman predicts more unrest in Mideast Gadhafi forces move in on opposition.

The U.S. military does not view a no-fly zone alone as sufficient to stop Gadhafi.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Thursday that establishing a zone would take "upwards of a week."

U.S. military officials have said that a no-fly zone would not halt the heavy artillery the regime is using on the ground.

Gadhafi's son Saadi told CNN Thursday evening that troops will change their tactics and take up positions around Benghazi Saturday or Sunday and assist people fleeing from the city.

The younger Gadhafi said there will be no large-scale assault. Instead police and anti-terrorism units will be sent into the rebel stronghold to disarm the opposition. Unspecified humanitarian groups can help with the exodus of civilians from Benghazi, Saadi Gadhafi said.

In a radio address aired on Libyan state TV, Gadhafi criticized residents of Benghazi and called them "traitors" for seeking help from outsiders.
The Security Council resolution condemns the "gross and systematic violation of human rights, including arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, torture and summary executions."

It details enforcement of an arms embargo against Libya, the freezing of assets and a ban on most flights.

"The United States stands with the Libyan people in support of their universal rights," said U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice.

The resolution deplores the use of mercenaries by Libyan authorities, expresses concern about the safety of foreign nationals and demands an immediate cease-fire. Kaim said the Gadhafi government supports a cease-fire, but is working out certain details.

The Arab League's U.N. ambassador, Yahya Mahmassani, said two Arab countries would take part in a no-fly zone operation, but he was not sure which two.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the Arab League will be critical to the response to Gadhafi, and that he will travel to the region "to advance our common efforts in this critical hour."

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said the U.N. vote shows the need for Libyan citizens "to have a more representative government."
Earlier Thursday, Libyan state TV said Benghazi would soon come under attack.

Gadhafi said that his forces would enter the city to rid it of those "traitors" and that his forces will search everyone for weapons. He added that his forces gave amnesty to those who gave up their weapons in the city of Ajdabiya. "We will not allow further bloodshed among Libyans," Gadhafi said.

"Search for the traitors, for the fanatics. Show them no mercy. We will look for them behind every wall," Gadhafi said. "This farce cannot go on."

There were air strikes on Benghazi's airport Thursday, with three blasts hitting the site about 30 kilometers (about 18 miles) outside the city.

The opposition has been using the airport to launch its own air strikes, using a handful of jets that rebels have managed to get off the ground, opposition leaders said.

It is not clear that Gadhafi's ground forces are actually within striking range of Benghazi, but they have been fighting their way in that direction for several days.

State TV claimed Thursday that Gadhafi's forces were in control of Ajdabiya, on the road to Benghazi, a claim disputed by opposition leaders.

El-Gallal, speaking from eastern Libya, said "morale is high" and people do not want to leave strongholds because Gadhafi "is willing to kill everybody here."

The government forces have taken control of the eastern and western gates to Ajdabiya and are trying to breach the inside, opposition leaders said. The opposition says it controls the southern entrance.

The opposition says it has a handful of jets that are no match with Gadhafi's superior air power and a pair of Russian-made "Hind" attack helicopters.

Ajdabiya is the last major point between pro-government forces and Benghazi. If it is retaken by pro-Gadhafi forces, it would give access to roads leading to the heart of the opposition's base.

In remarks to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, William Burns, the under secretary for political affairs at the State Department, said Gadhafi's forces are only about 160 kilometers outside Benghazi.
"They've made advances, taking full advantage of their overwhelming military superiority in military firepower," Burns said.

He expressed fear that Gadhafi, now isolated by the world community, could turn to terrorism again.

"I think there is also a very real danger that if Gadhafi is successful on the ground, that you will also face a number of other considerable risks as well: The danger of him returning to terrorism and violent extremism himself, the dangers of the turmoil that he could help create at a critical moment elsewhere in the region," Burns told the committee.

CNN's Arwa Damon, Nic Robertson, Tommy Evans, Elise Labott, John King, Alan Silverleib, Raja Razek, Jennifer Rizzo, Joe Vaccarello, Yousuf Basil and Reza Sayah, and journalist Mohamed Fadel Fahmy contributed to this report.

U.N. Security Council approves no-fly zone in Libya - CNN.com
Have to sympathize with the US today. Can't be seen bombing and invading another Muslim country. Arab League won't flinch either or bear the costs.
Being a superpower has it's troubles too. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

There is a compulsive feeling of taking on the world's burden on one's shoulders if you want to continue being called a superpower. As long as there are no challengers, US will be in a controlling spot.

I sure hope this does not escalate into another invasion. Who's next?? Who's next ???
No-fly zone

The authorization establishes a ban on all flights in Libyan airspace to help protect civilians.

The exceptions are:

Flights by U.N. member states for the purpose of enforcing the flight ban

Humanitarian flights (such as those delivering medical supplies, food and humanitarian workers)

Any flights “which are deemed necessary” by nations enforcing the no-fly zone.

U.S. military officials have said that a no-fly zone would typically be enforced by fighter jets.

What a no-fly zone, other Libya measures would mean – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
UN backs action against Gaddafi

The UN Security Council has backed a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures" short of an invasion "to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas".

In New York, the 15-member body voted 10-0 in favour, with five abstentions.

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi's forces have recently retaken several towns seized by rebels in an uprising.

Rebel forces reacted with joy in their Benghazi stronghold but a government spokesman condemned UN "aggression".

Loyalist forces are bearing down on Benghazi, home to a million people.
'Threatens unity'

Following the vote US President Barack Obama called the French and British leaders to discuss the next move. They said Libya must comply immediately with the resolution.

It is not thought that the US would be involved in the first strikes, but the British and French are likely to get logistical backup from Arab allies. There were reports military action could come soon.

The UK, France and Lebanon proposed Security Council Resolution 1973, with US support.

Russia and China - which often oppose the use of force against a sovereign country as they believe it sets a dangerous precedent - abstained rather than using their power of veto as permanent members.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, introducing the resolution, said: "In Libya, for a number of weeks the people's will has been shot down... by Colonel Gaddafi who is attacking his own people.

"We cannot let these warmongers do this, we cannot abandon civilians."

He added: "We should not arrive too late."

The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said: "This resolution should send a strong message to Colonel Gaddafi and his regime that the violence must stop, the killing must stop and the people of Libya must be protected and have the opportunity to express themselves freely."

British ambassador to the UN, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, said: "The international community has come together in deploring the actions of the Gaddafi regime and demanding that the regime end this violence against the Libyan people." He said the UK was "ready to shoulder our responsibility".

But Germany, which abstained, will not be contributing to the military effort. Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said his government sees "considerable dangers and risks" in military action against Col Gaddafi.

There was a joyful response to the vote among rebels in Benghazi. Locals cheered, fired guns in the air and let off fireworks to celebrate the imminent no-fly zone.

But Libya's Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim said the vote amounted to "a call for Libyans to kill each other", according to Agence France-Presse news agency.

"This resolution shows an aggressive attitude on the part of the international community, which threatens the unity of Libya and its stability," he is reported to have said.

Shortly before the vote, Col Gaddafi told Portuguese television: "If the world is crazy, we will be crazy too."

Earlier on Thursday, addressing the people of Benghazi, Col Gaddafi said his troops were coming "tonight" and there would be "no mercy".

He told rebels to go home, adding that "whoever lays down his weapons" would be pardoned.

Rebel leaders replied by saying their forces would stand firm and not be deterred by Col Gaddafi's threats.

Shortly before the UN vote on Thursday, anti-aircraft fire and explosions were heard in Benghazi.
'Serious danger'

The Libyan military earlier warned that any foreign operations against Libya would expose all maritime and air navigation in the Mediterranean Sea to danger, state TV reported.

"All civilian and military activities will be the target of a Libyan counter-attack. The Mediterranean Sea will be in serious danger not only in the short term but also in the long term," a screen caption said.

In other developments:

* Forces loyal to Col Gaddafi reportedly launched their first air attacks on Benghazi, targeting the airport at Benina
* Col Gaddafi's forces attacked the rebel-held town of Ajdabiya, a key objective before launching a ground assault on Benghazi, but rebels deployed tanks, artillery and a helicopter to repel the assault
* Libyan state television reported that the city of Misrata was almost entirely under government control, but rebels and residents in the city denied this
* Official Libyan news agency Jana reported that government forces would cease military operations from midnight on Sunday to give rebels the opportunity to hand over their weapons and "benefit from the decision on general amnesty"

Following the toppling of the long-time leaders of neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt earlier this year, Libyan protesters started to demand that Col Gaddafi step down after 42 years of autocratic rule.

BBC News - Libya: UN backs action against Colonel Gaddafi
NATO presses ahead with Libya plan

NATO is pressing ahead with preparations for a no-fly zone in Libya in case the UN comes calling despite divisions in the alliance, but it may come too late as Muammar Gaddafi moves to crush rebels.

Amid disagreements, with Turkey and Germany voicing opposition to any NATO intervention in Libya, military planners presented possible action plans to alliance ambassadors this week, diplomats said.

In the meantime, the clock is ticking: the United States, France and Britain are pushing the UN Security Council to vote on Thursday on a resolution endorsing a no-fly zone, while Gaddafi said his forces would fight a 'decisive battle' in the month-old conflict.

'NATO wants these operational plans to be ready by the end of the week or early next week,' an alliance diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the planning.

The alliance 'is accelerating the preparations, but no green light has been given', the diplomat said.

The 28 NATO ambassadors asked the military planners to continue their work, and the ambassadors could meet again on Friday and this weekend to review the plans and decide the next steps.

NATO has narrowed its military options to three plans: assisting humanitarian relief efforts, enforcing an arms embargo and grounding the Libyan air force, diplomats said.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has stressed that a UN mandate would be needed for the alliance to act.

But securing a UN Security Council resolution will prove difficult, with China and Russia less than enthusiastic about NATO intervening in Libya. NATO also needs to overcome internal divisions.

Turkey, an influential Muslim-majority member of NATO, has made clear it opposes any military intervention in Libya.

'Military intervention by NATO in Libya or any other country would be totally counter-productive,' Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday.

'In addition to being counter-productive, such an operation could have dangerous consequences,' he said.

Divided over acting in Libya, and with its hands full leading the war in Afghanistan, NATO could end up sidelined in any military action in the North African country.

France, which has taken a hawkish stance in the Libyan crisis, even favouring bombings of sensitive Libyan military targets, 'does not want NATO in the front line', a NATO military official said.

The French government would prefer to take military action with Britain and Arab nations.

In addition, the United States has shown 'little enthusiasm' in trying to bring Turkey and Germany in line with the rest of the alliance, the military official said.

The official said the Americans also believe that a no-fly zone would not be enough to defeat Gaddafi, and that ground troops would be needed, an option the United States would not take part in given its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

US ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice suggested as much on Wednesday, saying that action might have to 'go beyond a no-fly zone at this point, as the situation on the ground has evolved, and as a no-fly zone has inherent limitations in terms of protection of civilians at immediate risk'.

Even if the UN approves a no-fly zone and all allies agree to back the move, it would take two weeks for NATO to be operational, the NATO military official said, adding: 'The chances that NATO will have a role are minimal.

Sky News: NATO presses ahead with Libya plan
Note to Indian friends, your country abstained from voting in favour of a resolution that the entire humankind seems to think is right. Don't want to be seen as aggressors as a rising power, eh?

Not about being seen as aggressors, but rather lack of sufficient information on the ground situation.

India abstains from UN vote on Libya

In a snub to the US, India and four other countries have abstained from voting on a UN Security Council resolution authorizing a no-fly zone over strife-hit Libya. Indian deputy ambassador to the UN, Manjeev Singh Puri, said that the vote was being taken without any credible information about the ground situation in Libya, where government forces are trying to crush an uprising against long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi.
"We do not have clarity about details of enforcement measures, including who and with what asset will participate and how these measures will be exactly carried out," Puri said, explaining why India had decided to abstain.
"It is of course very important that there is full respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Libya," he added.
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