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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

An anonymous caller from Tripoli tells the BBC's World Have Your Say that anti-aircraft fire is heard all over the city at night, and criticises the action. "You have to think about the consequences," she says. "They're bombing - there are casualties. You should leave Libya alone. We are good people. You are making us face too many things we should not have to face. It is targeting the wrong people."
5:54pm Libya Time: Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, has slammed prime minister Vladimir Putin's comments on military action against Libya as "unacceptable", in the most public clash yet between Russia's ruling tandem.

Putin earlier Monday denounced the UN resolution allowing military action on Libya as resembling a "medieval call to crusade", in one of his most virulent diatribes against the West in years.
And do brainy people reacts aggressively to polite queries? You could have avoided being an a**.

Your initial reply was a pic of Gaddafi in a self destruct or suicide mode. What was the point of that ? Dude you are spamming the thread with unsourced material. The forum requires you source your quoted post.
NATO is ready to support the international coalition intervening in Libya within "a few days," Alain Juppe, the French Foreign Minister, said on Monday

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, said on Monday she was in favour of a Libyan oil embargo.

UK prime minister David Cameron says coalition efforts have helped avert a massacre in Libya.

The six fighter jets Norway promised to the international air campaign to protect civilians in Libya took off on Monday from the Bodoe airbase in the north of the country, television images showed.

Sharp divisions prevented NATO from adopting a plan on Monday for military airstrikes against Libya, as Turkish opposition blocked the alliance from approving a strategy.
Your initial reply was a pic of Gaddafi in a self destruct or suicide mode. What was the point of that ? Dude you are spamming the thread with unsourced material. The forum requires you source your quoted post.

You are free to report me for spamming.

I already explained that the updates are from The Guardian, Al-Jazeera & BBC live updates, hence difficult to give source. Is that so hard to understand?

And the pic was a subsequent post which automatically got merged with my query to you due. (Two quick posts gets merged because of forum software, not by me intentionally). But your under the belt aggression was un-necessary.
@Fallstuff: There are other people who appreciates these updates, unlike you.

Unbeliever - Today 06:53 PM - permalink View Conversation Report
You should work for a news agency man :)

Thanks for your work in the Libya thread

Thank you hembo, for all your time and efforts in keeping this thread quite like a live news channel. Helped gain a lot of info by just staying on this one thread.

Your efforts are very much appreciated :tup:
You are free to report me for spamming.

I already explained that the updates are from The Guardian, Al-Jazeera & BBC live updates, hence difficult to give source. Is that so hard to understand?

And the pic was a subsequent post which automatically got merged with my query to you due. (Two quick posts gets merged because of forum software, not by me intentionally). But your under the belt aggression was un-necessary.

Two quick post merging ? I have no idea what you are talking about.
Two quick post merging ? I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you post twice very quickly in one thread, the forum software combines them into one post with a line between them with the times of the posts. This only works if no one else posts while you are posting your second post. I was very confused when it happened to me.
The United Arab Emirates said on Monday that its involvement in Libya is limited to humanitarian assistance, after reports that it would send warplanes to patrol a UN-backed no-fly zone.

Libyan rebel envoy has told Associated Press news agency they do not want Muammar Gaddafi killed. After his ouster they would like him to stand trial.

Source: Al-Jazeera live update (Hope that'll make you happy for the time being)
4.56pm GMT: More operational details are emerging. Sky News is reporting a Tornado strike on Gaddafi's compound was called off because of danger to civilians and journalists on the ground - specifically that a CNN journalist was broadcasting live from scene

4.59pm GMT: Despite the no-fly zone and coalition action, attacks from forces loyal Muammar Gaddafi continue.

The town of Zintan in western Libya had come under bombardment for several hours, Al-Jazeera is reporting.

As mentioned earlier Misrata, the only big rebel stronghold in western Libya, is being attacked, with at least nine people apparently killed as Gaddafi forces are cutting off its water, fuel and electricity and bringing in human shields, according to reports.
Meanwhile, around 200 demonstrators staged a protest near the London residence of British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday against military action in Libya.

There seems to be some divisions globally on Libya military intervention. Earlier, Russian PM criticised the airstrikes and now Bulgarian prime minister has denounced the airstrikes, saying missions lacks clear goals.

India has urged an immediate halt to the strikes spearheaded by French fighter jets on Saturday, while Germany said it had "good reasons" for abstaining from Thursday's UN Security Council vote on the resolution allowing the action.

The three countries as well as Brazil and China abstained from the vote, which was backed by 10 nations, that allowed use of "all necessary measures" to shield Libyan civilians from a brutal crackdown by Gaddafi forces on a popular revolt.
This twitpic was posted by @globalcartoons

If I were Kadaffi, I would establish new oil contracts with China, and/or Russia, right away.
Since when tanks and building started to fly ????

This might answer your query (P.S.: It's not my opinion though)

1752: Etienne de Durand, director of security studies at the French Institute for International Relations, says confusion over the aim of the air strikes against Libya has emerged because the UN Security Council resolution against Col Gaddafi's government appears to be open to interpretation: "The language of UN resolutions is always deliberately kept vague as the result of compromise, so they are bound to produce diverting interpretations," he tells the BBC World Service.

Mr de Durand adds it would be "very difficult" to patrol the skies over Libya and enforce the no-fly zone that way: "From a military point of view, you need to take out the defence system of Libya. If you don't do that, of course you take a lot of risks for your pilots and for your planes." Mr de Durand says he does not see a lack of command on the military level: "I think it's quite clear that the Americans, from a military point of view, are in command of the operation. There might be, however, uncertainty on the political and strategic level regarding what we should do next."
1756 GMT: The US will reduce its participation in the Libyan operations soon, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates tells Interfax, according to Reuters.

1757 GMT: Some 40 people have been shot dead in Misrata by Gaddafi forces, according to the rebels, AFP reports
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