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Liaoning carrier’s first battle group to be formed next year

to be frank, i m quite surprise india looks like she just started to operate a.c.s if she had had 50 yrs of aircraft carrier experiences.
man,,come on 50 yrs & yet unable to progress until now...:sick:
pluming??? :rofl:

ok ok..

ahhhh,so much pain and suffocation to admit that PLAN has no experience at all..

MIG-29 was crashed by Russian Pilots during testing,not even trial.. :lol: or are yu calling the "Hard Landing" a crash??I remember PLAN lost 2 pilots too..

I'm still not understanding why you're so obsessed by "arrestor hook carrier angle deck operation" term.Because Carrier Operation doesn't just mean Taking off the jet and Landing(Flight Operations).It means this....

Sorry to burst your bubble. No PLAN pilot killed in any carrier ops. It so pathetic you keep lying and lying to cover up your IN deficiency.

China denies reports of pilots killed in J-15 tests - IHS Jane's 360

Surely you know nothing about real high tempo carrier ops. You pathetic jump ski , no arrestor hood carrier and harrier can't really do much meaningful navy support compare to Jump ski, angle deck arrestor hook carrier strike force. If you disagree why India navy didnt continue with harrier and vertical landing carrier and opt for Mig-29K?

Clearly you are just trying to smoke your way out of your pathetic assessment. You just have to accept IN is as infact as PLAN when comes to real high angle deck carrier ops and not as what you brag of IN doing in the 60s.
Sorry to burst your bubble. No PLAN pilot killed in any carrier ops. It so pathetic you keep lying and lying to cover up your IN deficiency.

China denies reports of pilots killed in J-15 tests - IHS Jane's 360

Surely you know nothing about real high tempo carrier ops. You pathetic jump ski , no arrestor hood carrier and harrier can't really do much meaningful navy support compare to Jump ski, angle deck arrestor hook carrier strike force. If you disagree why India navy didnt continue with harrier and vertical landing carrier and opt for Mig-29K?

Clearly you are just trying to smoke your way out of your pathetic assessment. You just have to accept IN is as infact as PLAN when comes to real high angle deck carrier ops and not as what you brag of IN doing in the 60s.

Damn..I guess you're really a PLAN Pilot??Are you??

Pathetic Ski Jump??What about Chinese Carrier??or Russian??

Looks like Arrester Hook is God's gift to China to defend against Imperialist power..

Harrier doesn't do much damage.LOL..

Lol..its the same AC,same fleet India used..In fact Sea Harriers were in service with USMC,Italian Navy,Spanish Navy,Thai Navy and UK.

and India didn't discontinued it..Its production got stopped in 2003.

you fanboy chinese doesn't know no bar of ignorance,do you??Look at F-35B,USN is going to use it.and yes,it'll not needed any "Arrester Hook" or "Angled Deck" or Catapult.So Sorry.

and about PLAN Pilots got killed,of course PLAN will deny.how many J-10 crash PLAAF acknowledged??Clueless Chinese..

by the way,you missed this part???

The report in the People's Daily gives a different version of events from what was stated in an English-version report carried by the PLA Daily , which said: "The [commendation] order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests."

Both media outlets are closely connected to the state and are likely to be controlled by the same strict censorship policies.

The party's media mechanism might have miscalculated the amount of attention drawn to the details on the pilots' death to the point that it has overshadowed what is possibly the actual intention of publicising the commendation order signed by Xi - to highlight the valour and competency of China's carrier strike wing. The latter version by People's Daily could be an attempt to diffuse this unwanted attention.

in geast,PLAN has no experience at all on Carrier Operation,just like other Chinese posters acknowledged.But Fanboys will always come around.
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I disagree..Even Pakistan will disagree as they saw what this kind of "Face Projects" can do..

I suggest you guys rather concentrate on your Navy.you guys have a lot to learn..we'll talk about it in perhaps,next decade or two. :lol:

lol you do know the first flatdeck AC entered in service in 1920, and pearl harbor happened 21 years later, and no body had the knowhow back then, compared to now USN has written every textbook on operating an AC and tactics, it is not that hard, and we Chinese are fast learners.

Damn..I guess you're really a PLAN Pilot??Are you??

Pathetic Ski Jump??What about Chinese Carrier??or Russian??

Looks like Arrester Hook is God's gift to China to defend against Imperialist power..

Harrier doesn't do much damage.LOL..

Lol..its the same AC,same fleet India used..In fact Sea Harriers were in service with USMC,Italian Navy,Spanish Navy,Thai Navy and UK.

and India didn't discontinued it..Its production got stopped in 2003.

you fanboy chinese doesn't know no bar of ignorance,do you??Look at F-35B,USN is going to use it.and yes,it'll not needed any "Arrester Hook" or "Angled Deck" or Catapult.So Sorry.

and about PLAN Pilots got killed,of course PLAN will deny.how many J-10 crash PLAAF acknowledged??Clueless Chinese..

by the way,you missed this part???

The report in the People's Daily gives a different version of events from what was stated in an English-version report carried by the PLA Daily , which said: "The [commendation] order spoke highly of the squadron in the exploration and development of the J-15 fighter jet. Two test pilots of the squadron sacrificed their lives during the tests."

Both media outlets are closely connected to the state and are likely to be controlled by the same strict censorship policies.

The party's media mechanism might have miscalculated the amount of attention drawn to the details on the pilots' death to the point that it has overshadowed what is possibly the actual intention of publicising the commendation order signed by Xi - to highlight the valour and competency of China's carrier strike wing. The latter version by People's Daily could be an attempt to diffuse this unwanted attention.

in geast,PLAN has no experience at all on Carrier Operation,just like other Chinese posters acknowledged.But Fanboys will always come around.

lol genius. F-35C is the USN variant of F-35, and yes it will need arrester hook and catapult.

stop embarrassing yourself.
Liaoning should come practice with Izumo , yea two can dance , awesome yes!
lol you do know the first flatdeck AC entered in service in 1920, and pearl harbor happened 21 years later, and no body had the knowhow back then, compared to now USN has written every textbook on operating an AC and tactics, it is not that hard, and we Chinese are fast learners.

21 years is a long time.at that age,Large Navies inducted a dozen or two carriers and rigorously tested .You'll not find similar things now..also,at that age,concepts of CBG wasn't so much complex.in fact,IJN's and USN's CBG concept was totally different.In fact,modern CBG concept was developed after WW-2.

lol genius. F-35C is the USN variant of F-35, and yes it will need arrester hook and catapult.

stop embarrassing yourself.

did I write F-35C???You can't distinguish between B and C???

USN will operate USMC's F-35B(From WASP and similar platforms and offshore bases),while Royal Navy,Italian Navy and possibly Australian and Japanese Navy will go for it.F-35C will be used by both USN(from Carriers) and USMC.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
lol you do know the first flatdeck AC entered in service in 1920, and pearl harbor happened 21 years later, and no body had the knowhow back then, compared to now USN has written every textbook on operating an AC and tactics, it is not that hard, and we Chinese are fast learners.

lol genius. F-35C is the USN variant of F-35, and yes it will need arrester hook and catapult.

stop embarrassing yourself.


Japan operated over 17 carriers , okay? You think your liaoning special? Can you navy perform air fleet ? Can compare to Imperial Kido Butai? Yea?

Talk so much !!

21 years is a long time.at that age,Large Navies inducted a dozen or two carriers and rigorously tested .You'll not find similar things now..also,at that age,concepts of CBG wasn't so much complex.in fact,IJN's and USN's CBG concept was totally different.In fact,modern CBG concept was developed after WW-2.

did I write F-35C???You can't distinguish between B and C???

USN will operate USMC's F-35B(From WASP and similar platforms and offshore bases),while Royal Navy,Italian Navy and possibly Australian and Japanese Navy will go for it.F-35C will be used by both USN(from Carriers) and USMC.

Indian friend,

Please research "Nihon Kaigun", then research "Kido Butai". Okay? Imperial Navy operated 17 carriers, over 3000+ carrier based aircraft. IJN was subdivided to area fleets, concept of fleet division in modern concept was progenated by Imperial Navy.

Japan operated over 17 carriers , okay? You think your liaoning special? Can you navy perform air fleet ? Can compare to Imperial Kido Butai? Yea?

Talk so much !!

Indian friend,

Please research "Nihon Kaigun", then research "Kido Butai". Okay? Imperial Navy operated 17 carriers, over 3000+ carrier based aircraft. IJN was subdivided to area fleets, concept of fleet division in modern concept was progenated by Imperial Navy.
I know that all the socalled fleets had sunk and become fish houses.
I know that all the socalled fleets had sunk and become fish houses.

Can understand the sustained war Japan had ?? Can understand what it is to maintain 17 carriers, 5 escort carriers, 12 battleships, 18 heavy cruisers, 170 destroyers, 160 submarines , 25 light cruisers? Can comprehend fighting in such global area , from Alaska to New Guinea to Alaska , to India to Mongolia? Can understand?
Indian friend,

Please research "Nihon Kaigun", then research "Kido Butai". Okay? Imperial Navy operated 17 carriers, over 3000+ carrier based aircraft. IJN was subdivided to area fleets, concept of fleet division in modern concept was progenated by Imperial Navy.

I know my friend,and thats why I quoted IJN and USN Carrier Doctrines were different.In Fact,IJN was the forefront of Carrier Warfare until 1942-1943.
Can understand China navy was wipe out by Imperial Navy? Yea? So better respect.

I know my friend,and thats why I quoted IJN and USN Carrier Doctrines were different.In Fact,IJN was the forefront of Carrier Warfare until 1942-1943.

Imperial Navy was divided into 7 fleets:

1st fleet -- North Sea Fleet
2nd fleet --- East Japan Fleet
3rd fleet --- South China Sea fleet
4th fleet --- Central Pacific Fleet + Command
5th fleet --- Indian Ocean Fleet
6th fleet ---- South Pacific Fleet
7th Fleet --- Imperial Crown Fleet

Together they are Imperial Combined Fleet------
Can understand the sustained war Japan had ?? Can understand what it is to maintain 17 carriers, 5 escort carriers, 12 battleships, 18 heavy cruisers, 170 destroyers, 160 submarines , 25 light cruisers? Can comprehend fighting in such global area , from Alaska to New Guinea to Alaska , to India to Mongolia? Can understand?
I know, but they are all under sea.:rofl:

Can understand China navy was wipe out by Imperial Navy? Yea? So better respect.
That time, China almost had no navy.

Imperial Navy was divided into 7 fleets:

1st fleet -- North Sea Fleet---------------------------------------------under sea
2nd fleet --- East Japan Fleet---------------------------------------------under sea
3rd fleet --- South China Sea fleet---------------------------------------------under sea
4th fleet --- Central Pacific Fleet + Command---------------------under sea
5th fleet --- Indian Ocean Fleet---------------------------------------------under sea
6th fleet ---- South Pacific Fleet---------------------------------------------under sea
7th Fleet --- Imperial Crown Fleet---------------------------------------------under sea

Together they are Imperial Combined Fleet---------------------------------------------all under sea
Under the sea? Many were scrap after war , many fought to death, that Japanese fighting spirit. Can understand ?
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