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Liaoning carrier’s first battle group to be formed next year

Nope..that skill is lost.Plus,carrier related tech changed dramatically.They'll have to start from scratch.But they operates their "Helo Destroyer",so,there will be some similarity with Operations.

Its not my theory..everybody knows this fact that one can't simply leapfrog in this sector.you've to start from scratch.Another problem is,this carrier is Ski Jump one,where next ones possibly going to be Catobar.Transition of Flight Training.IMO,PLAN's achilles heel for now is their heavy J-15s.

LOL yeah.of course they'll solve "Faster",as we don't have similar problems.we perfected our Carrier Operations over last 50 years.Only major recent transitions is switching from Harrier to Mig-29K.Viraat,Vikramaditya,Vikrant,all are Ski Jump ones,though expert says,no two Carrier Operates similarly.Our next major Transition will come after Vishal.

don't use "Hope",use "Wish"..

We Chinese never claim we can skip the learning process but some ignorance arrogant lap try to claim they are miles ahead of China becos PLAN is doing what india doing in 1960?

May I know do India do operate angle deck carrier in the 60s until the late 2000? Then how is india ahead of China when both are starting on jump ski arrest hook angle deck carrier almost the same time?

I remember Chinese pilot already landed their J-15 on Liaoning where India still depend on ruskie pilot to do the job for them on their Vicky mouse.
Indian aircraft carriers are small and only carry a few fighters. Mig-29K is a garbage fighter compared to the J-15.

China developed the aircraft carrier technology (which were denied by other countries) in 10 years which India still can't do even after 50 years. That's how pathetic Indian defence industry truly is.

Indian aircraft carriers are just like their missiles and fighters.....full of foreign components from Russia, France, Israel, Italy, US, etc. These people still can't make a weapon without foreign components.

Aircraft carrier is a country strategic weapon system. It is best not to depend on another country to maintain these capabilities. If you have to depend on another country, make sure it's a very reliable country.

A country strategic weapon system is crucial for the defense of the country. If your strategic weapon system is held hostage by another country, your country is open to attack.

But then again, what do Indians know about the strategy of war.
We Chinese never claim we can skip the learning process but some ignorance arrogant lap try to claim they are miles ahead of China becos PLAN is doing what india doing in 1960?

May I know do India do operate angle deck carrier in the 60s until the late 2000? Then how is india ahead of China when both are starting on jump ski arrest hook angle deck carrier almost the same time?

I remember Chinese pilot already landed their J-15 on Liaoning where India still depend on ruskie pilot to do the job for them on their Vicky mouse.

Kid...India is operating this one since 1987..



before it was..



Angled Deck,Steam Catapult...

Though no Arrest Hook,as we operated Harrier,Sea Hawk,Alize etc.

And about Russian Pilot,you're a noob.That was during Mig-29K's testing and trial.Its futile to talk with you,who has no reason.

Actually India 50 years experience with aircraft carrier has been a big disappointment.
Just look where they were before and look what they have now.

Before they had a brand new catapult launch aircraft carrier with Seahawk fighters. The carrier had an angle deck which was a advance design at that time. Seahawk was also a very sucessfull and reliable fighter. These capabilities was probably on par with the best in the world at that time.

Now they have a old ski ramp carrier with little or no capablility left. An old technology helicopter carrier. Both of which are bought second hand.

India had a very good chance but failed to master any of the aircraft carrier technology. They failed to master the catapult launch system, they failed to master the aircraft carrier based fighter, they failed to master the arrester cable landing technology. Now they ended up having to buy these technologies from other countries making them dependent on other countries for these technologies.

Thats what we call butthurt.. :rofl::rofl:

you're comparing this







man,you need your head checked..

Aircraft carrier is a country strategic weapon system. It is best not to depend on another country to maintain these capabilities. If you have to depend on another country, make sure it's a very reliable country.

A country strategic weapon system is crucial for the defense of the country. If your strategic weapon system is held hostage by another country, your country is open to attack.

But then again, what do Indians know about the strategy of war.

well well,riches coming from Chinese who made their J-15 based on SU-33,flying it using AL-31,bought Hull of a age old Russian carrier,and this jet carries missile which is either foreign or reversed engineered foreign missile..LOL..be happy with your "Test Carrier" and let real navies do the Operations.

Indian aircraft carriers are small and only carry a few fighters. Mig-29K is a garbage fighter compared to the J-15.

China developed the aircraft carrier technology (which were denied by other countries) in 10 years which India still can't do even after 50 years. That's how pathetic Indian defence industry truly is.

Indian aircraft carriers are just like their missiles and fighters.....full of foreign components from Russia, France, Israel, Italy, US, etc. These people still can't make a weapon without foreign components.

Mig-29K is actually a very well balanced Aircraft,which carry a decent weapon load(5500 KG is very good for a Ski Jumped Aircraft)and has a decent range.Even Russia switched from SU-33 to Mig-29K.Meanwhile,J-15 got handicapped with its weight and carry only handful 2 BVR and 2 WVR missile with full fuel(in that case,weapon load becomes only 2 TON and attack range only 120 KM).Thats ROFLing condition..

The Aviationist » No match for a U.S. Hornet: “China’s Navy J-15 more a flopping fish than a flying shark” Chinese media say

yes,we buy components which you guys either steal or dream about stealing.lets not discuss "Chinese Reverse Engineering" here..
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at the end of the day, they were all Indian style face projects`

I disagree..Even Pakistan will disagree as they saw what this kind of "Face Projects" can do..

I suggest you guys rather concentrate on your Navy.you guys have a lot to learn..we'll talk about it in perhaps,next decade or two. :lol:
I disagree..Even Pakistan will disagree as they saw what this kind of "Face Projects" can do..

I suggest you guys rather concentrate on your Navy.you guys have a lot to learn..we'll talk about it in perhaps,next decade or two. :lol:

have you lot figured out how to build a modern pluming system in your AC yet``or even a screw?
give it a decade or two you might i reckon
Kid...India is operating this one since 1987..



before it was..



Angled Deck,Steam Catapult...

Though no Arrest Hook,as we operated Harrier,Sea Hawk,Alize etc.

And about Russian Pilot,you're a noob.That was during Mig-29K's testing and trial.Its futile to talk with you,who has no reason.

Thats what we call butthurt.. :rofl::rofl:

you're comparing this







man,you need your head checked..

well well,riches coming from Chinese who made their J-15 based on SU-33,flying it using AL-31,bought Hull of a age old Russian carrier,and this jet carries missile which is either foreign or reversed engineered foreign missile..LOL..be happy with your "Test Carrier" and let real navies do the Operations.

Mig-29K is actually a very well balanced Aircraft,which carry a decent weapon load(5500 KG is very good for a Ski Jumped Aircraft)and has a decent range.Even Russia switched from SU-33 to Mig-29K.Meanwhile,J-15 got handicapped with its weight and carry only handful 2 BVR and 2 WVR missile with full fuel(in that case,weapon load becomes only 2 TON and attack range only 120 KM).Thats ROFLing condition..

The Aviationist » No match for a U.S. Hornet: “China’s Navy J-15 more a flopping fish than a flying shark” Chinese media say

yes,we buy components which you guys either steal or dream about stealing.lets not discuss "Chinese Reverse Engineering" here..

So smart of you to use an jump ski non arrestor hook and non angle deck carrier to try prove India has more experience in jump ski arrestor hook and angle deck ops like Liaoning or INS vikramaditya ? A harrier is no different in landing of principle like a helo. But are you going to claim landing a Mig-29K on carrier will be same as landing a Harrier?

So may I know what head start does IN claim to be well ahead of PLAN when comes to arrestor hook ops?

It just like Indian brag abt how Indian space program is well ahead of China just becos they have sent a orbiter to Mar ahead of China when Indian still lack behind China in manned program, space docking, soft landing on planet and space walk.

Indian navy carrier ops is as infant as PLAN. I still remember IN crashed a Mig-29K early in their carrier ops when PLAN J-15 still retain flawless ops.

A harrier landing and take off

A mig-29K landing

How India Navy years of Harrier ops will translate to miles ahead of PLAN in arrestor hook carrier angle deck operation? I am very interested to know. You can easily fool commoners but for someone with speciality. You better keep your mouth shut to save yourself from further embarrassment.
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have you lot figured out how to build a modern pluming system in your AC yet``or even a screw?
give it a decade or two you might i reckon

pluming??? :rofl:

ok ok..


INS Vikrant


meanwhile,there is not a single pic/trace of "Chinese AC"..

So smart of you to use an jump ski non arrestor hook and non angle deck carrier to try prove India has more experience in jump ski arrestor hook and angle deck ops like Liaoning or INS vikramaditya ? A harrier is no different in landing of principle like a helo. But are you going to claim landing a Mig-29K on carrier will be same as landing a Harrier?

So may I know what head start does IN claim to be well ahead of PLAN when comes to arrestor hook ops?

It just like Indian brag abt how Indian space program is well ahead of China just becos they have sent a orbiter to Mar ahead of China when Indian still lack behind China in manned program, space docking, soft landing on planet and space walk.

Indian navy carrier ops is as infant as PLAN. I still remember IN crashed a Mig-29K early in their carrier ops when PLAN J-15 still retain flawless ops.

A harrier landing and take off

A mig-29K landing

How India Navy years of Harrier ops will translate to miles ahead of PLAN in arrestor hook carrier angle deck operation? I am very interested to know. You can easily fool commoners but for someone with speciality. You better keep your mouth shut to save yourself from further embarrassment.

ahhhh,so much pain and suffocation to admit that PLAN has no experience at all..

MIG-29 was crashed by Russian Pilots during testing,not even trial.. :lol: or are yu calling the "Hard Landing" a crash??I remember PLAN lost 2 pilots too..

I'm still not understanding why you're so obsessed by "arrestor hook carrier angle deck operation" term.Because Carrier Operation doesn't just mean Taking off the jet and Landing(Flight Operations).It means this....

Modern United States Navy carrier air operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also,it means synergy and synchronization of operations in a CBG(which China is building).Just like Chinese Press tried to send some destroyers with Liaoning and claimed a "Powerful CBG",but soon enough someone pointed out,there is no Support Ship.also,the aircraft flying is shore based JH-7.so,whatever you guys know about "Chinese Carrier",it may be well enough for domestic consumption.but it doesn't fly outside China..

you want to see the contrast????

The Aviationist » First impressive images of China’s Aircraft Carrier Battle Group

The Aviationist » Photo of India’s new Aircraft Carrier Battle Group. Better than China’s?

same site,similar news..just the author pointed out the difference between PLAN and IN CBGs.

and about Flying the jets..

pluming??? :rofl:

ok ok..


INS Vikrant


meanwhile,there is not a single pic/trace of "Chinese AC"..

ahhhh,so much pain and suffocation to admit that PLAN has no experience at all..

MIG-29 was crashed by Russian Pilots during testing,not even trial.. :lol: or are yu calling the "Hard Landing" a crash??I remember PLAN lost 2 pilots too..

I'm still not understanding why you're so obsessed by "arrestor hook carrier angle deck operation" term.Because Carrier Operation doesn't just mean Taking off the jet and Landing(Flight Operations).It means this....

Modern United States Navy carrier air operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also,it means synergy and synchronization of operations in a CBG(which China is building).Just like Chinese Press tried to send some destroyers with Liaoning and claimed a "Powerful CBG",but soon enough someone pointed out,there is no Support Ship.also,the aircraft flying is shore based JH-7.so,whatever you guys know about "Chinese Carrier",it may be well enough for domestic consumption.but it doesn't fly outside China..

you want to see the contrast????

The Aviationist » First impressive images of China’s Aircraft Carrier Battle Group

The Aviationist » Photo of India’s new Aircraft Carrier Battle Group. Better than China’s?

same site,similar news..just the author pointed out the difference between PLAN and IN CBGs.

and about Flying the jets..

For INS Vikrant, every important parts were imported.
INS Vikrant (2013) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the PLAN's new AC
330-350m long
70-80m wide
6~70,000 t





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For INS Vikrant, every important parts were imported.
INS Vikrant (2013) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the PLAN's new AC
330-350m long
70-80m wide
6~70,000 t





and your point???

by the way,by the term "Important",what do you consider "Not Important" in a carrier??

and yes,we import systems which is "Best" in its class.don't whine because you're under sanction.
Kid...India is operating this one since 1987..



before it was..



Angled Deck,Steam Catapult...

Though no Arrest Hook,as we operated Harrier,Sea Hawk,Alize etc.

And about Russian Pilot,you're a noob.That was during Mig-29K's testing and trial.Its futile to talk with you,who has no reason.

Thats what we call butthurt.. :rofl::rofl:

you're comparing this







man,you need your head checked..

well well,riches coming from Chinese who made their J-15 based on SU-33,flying it using AL-31,bought Hull of a age old Russian carrier,and this jet carries missile which is either foreign or reversed engineered foreign missile..LOL..be happy with your "Test Carrier" and let real navies do the Operations.

Mig-29K is actually a very well balanced Aircraft,which carry a decent weapon load(5500 KG is very good for a Ski Jumped Aircraft)and has a decent range.Even Russia switched from SU-33 to Mig-29K.Meanwhile,J-15 got handicapped with its weight and carry only handful 2 BVR and 2 WVR missile with full fuel(in that case,weapon load becomes only 2 TON and attack range only 120 KM).Thats ROFLing condition..

The Aviationist » No match for a U.S. Hornet: “China’s Navy J-15 more a flopping fish than a flying shark” Chinese media say

yes,we buy components which you guys either steal or dream about stealing.lets not discuss "Chinese Reverse Engineering" here..

Mig-29K stands absolutely no chance against a J-15.....NO CHANCE.

Reverse engineering is the quickest way to cut development time and costs by producing a domestic variant of a foreign weapon. This improves the knowledge of the domestic military-industrial complex and gives military security by not having to rely on foreign countries.

Chinese aircraft carrier is bigger than the Indian carrier and carries the superior J-15 over the garbage Mig-29K. Most of the components in Liaoning had to be developed by China as no one gave the technology.

China is using domestic weapons with more and more domestic components in them from missiles, radar and even the fighter jets are now being equipped with WS-10 engines for new fighters.
J-15 will be flying with the WS-10H engine. J-15 is a stop gap fighter anyway and the 5th generations fighter jets will be onboard for the future carriers.

The fact that India still cannot produce its own weapons especially aircraft carrier components even after 50 years shows how backward the Indian military-industrial complex truly is.
Indian weapons are all assembled using imported components. And I've heard even the assembling is done with the help of foreign experts due to Indian engineers' shameful lack of knowledge of basic weapons. It's pathetic and embarrassing.

Going by the embarrassing crash record of the Indian Air Force, you can imagine how incompetent the pilots operating the Mig-29K are :lol:
Mig-29K stands absolutely no chance against a J-15.....NO CHANCE.

Reverse engineering is the quickest way to cut development time and costs by producing a domestic variant of a foreign weapon. This improves the knowledge of the domestic military-industrial complex and gives military security by not having to rely on foreign countries.

Chinese aircraft carrier is bigger than the Indian carrier and carries the superior J-15 over the garbage Mig-29K. Most of the components in Liaoning had to be developed by China as no one gave the technology.

China is using domestic weapons with more and more domestic components in them from missiles, radar and even the fighter jets are now being equipped with WS-10 engines for new fighters.
J-15 will be flying with the WS-10H engine. J-15 is a stop gap fighter anyway and the 5th generations fighter jets will be onboard for the future carriers.

The fact that India still cannot produce its own weapons especially aircraft carrier components even after 50 years shows how backward the Indian military-industrial complex truly is.
Indian weapons are all assembled using imported components. And I've heard even the assembling is done with the help of foreign experts due to Indian engineers' shameful lack of knowledge of basic weapons. It's pathetic and embarrassing.

Going by the embarrassing crash record of the Indian Air Force, you can imagine how incompetent the pilots operating the Mig-29K are :lol:

Chinese Liaoning,the pride of CCP carries proletariat J-15 which is superior due to injustice it has suffered in the hand of Capitalist power and hence decided to cleanse it from all Capitalist Fighter Jets..It carries Superior breed of Proletariat Missile Loads,Can run 3000 km cross country in a minute and HUMINT Radar,which is pride of CCP can detect a aircraft when it is taking off from Alaska.Ladies and Gentleman,May I introduce our Glorious Aircraft Carrier and Fighter Jet J-15..

God I miss Communist Speeches...they bring "Glorious" and "Proud" into every single topic.
So are you scared to eat your left hand:o:
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With all the 50 years experience in aircraft carriers, India ended with Vikramadiya. Enough said.
Even Indian posters now do not boast about Vikramadiya.
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