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Liam Fox upsets Pakistan after calling it 'the most dangerous country in th

The Pakistani reaction to being called the most dangerous country in the world is to get angry & say that one is being blind to "the deaths of tens of thousands of Pakistanis at the hands of terrorists" Err.....maybe that's why it is the "most dangerous country in the world"........:hitwall:

The Indian reaction to Dehli being crowned the rape capitol of the world is to get angry and look up faulty statistics of Pakistan, to hide in your shame. As if shining incredible India advertisements aren't enough of a farce. Get lost bharti.
The Indian reaction to Dehli being crowned the rape capitol of the world is to get angry and look up faulty statistics of Pakistan, to hide in your shame. As if shining incredible India advertisements isn't enough of a farce. Get lost bharti.

I know Pakistanis have no faith in the national assembly and are mostly more inclined to be ruled by military dictators or radical islamists (may be a Taliban rule for Pakistan will be supported by most Pakistanis), but doubting the statistics presented in their own National assembly just to hide their shame on an internet forum .. Tch.. tch...
I know Pakistanis have no faith in the national assembly and are mostly more inclined to be ruled by military dictators or radical islamists (may be a Taliban rule for Pakistan will be supported by most Pakistanis), but doubting the statistics presented in their own National assembly just to hide their shame on an internet forum .. Tch.. tch...

As you peddle your propaganda, how many women have been raped in India?

This is happening all because of the corrupt, incompetent & spineless politicians. I will only blame them because they are harming Pakistan & taking poor or decisions against Pakistan.
Pakistanis in general especially the media and commentators always cling to the done-to-death lame argument that they are themselves the victims of terror. But the question that needs to be asked is, who is responsible for this situation in Pakistan? Is it America, Israel or India that the Pakistanis never hesitate to always blame for the situation it is in now? Who produced and nurtured these terror groups? Who invented the Taliban, LeT, JeM etc? Why has Pakistan (PA) encouraged militancy as state policy?

Now the Frankenstein monster that the Establishment created, has come back to haunt them. So this lame duck argument that 'Pakistan itself is the victim of terror' is amusing.
Pakistanis in general especially the media and commentators always cling to the done-to-death lame argument that they are themselves the victims of terror. But the question that needs to be asked is, who is responsible for this situation in Pakistan? Is it America, Israel or India that the Pakistanis never hesitate to always blame for the situation it is in now? Who produced and nurtured these terror groups? Who invented the Taliban, LeT, JeM etc? Why has Pakistan (PA) encouraged militancy as state policy?

Now the Frankenstein monster that the Establishment created, has come back to haunt them. So this lame duck argument that 'Pakistan itself is the victim of terror' is amusing.

And this lame argument is transparent as glass to the whole world anyway.. The same was exemplified by Clinton's statement of "Wild Animals in the backyard" fame
Laim fox may have upset a some pakistanis,Not all of pakistan.
Some areas are dangerous in pakistan.
Pakistan is dangerous to Dajjal(zionist-US-&-Co) because Prophet talked of those who'll help curb Dajjal, coming from "East".

If true, the statement alleged to Ben-Gurion indicates the same fear in hearts of Dajjal.
Many Dajjali now-&-then are heard giving statements reflecting their fear of Pak-Watan. Even jewish stand-up comedians have uttered that fear, at times when mentioning Pakistan was totally un-called for.

Allama Iqbal referred to that as well:



Older example:(source)

"Focus on Pakistan".... hear it urself @ minutes 2:15 & the evil-smug u see at the back wasUS-embassador to india... supervising all intrusions into Pakistan...
YouTube - Panel Warns of a Biological Attack by 2013

& Obama told u that before hand... remember.!!! "terrorists trained in Karachi & Kandahar" & "secrets from nuclear scientist in Pakistan"
From minutes 8:20:-
YouTube - Barack Obama Speech from Berlin, Germany

Also Nicole Kidman mentions Pakistan at 1:07+ ... Like Hamid Gul said "Afghanistan Theekana,, Iraq Bahaanaa,, Pakistan Nishaanaa"

The Peacemaker (9/9) Movie CLIP - Blowing Up the Bomb (1997) HD - YouTube

& this slu+ (source)

@4:48+ 5:05+

Wait a minute, since when did you start believing usa was the Dajjal? Aren't you waiting for that magical fire eating flying donkey? here I think I found you dajjal.

Punjabi Totay Bolan Wala Khota - YouTube
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Boo-fuking-hoo! As if we care or as if it matters what this bigot thinks or says.

but my question is how can pakistan sight this as a reason , i ask you who are the terrorists how come they exist in your country in such large numbers, who trained them? Which country do these terrorists belong to...? The answer to all these questions will still point at pakistan....isnt it true.....you created them for a purpose , you trained them, equipped them, thought them to make bombs....when this is the case how can Pakistan cry that it is the most affected country when ever some one calls it as supporter of terrorists ?...your own reply that you are affected by terrorists indicate what the person said is true....then why get agitated against the truth? Isnt your problem self created? Deal with it than crying about it

You can try to force in your Indian hurt stories all you wan't but the fact still remains that the ones we trained are still crossing the LOC while the one's we are fighting were not trained by us. Except maybe for the ones that were trained against the Soviets but then the whole world was arming, supplying and training them at that time. The difference is that the rest of the world ran away leaving us with the mess. Something else which I'm sure you're aware of but will never acknowledge is the difference between the pre 9/11 Pakistan and the current Pakistan due to the so called WOT.

ps: We are dealing with it, best the rest of the world stop bitching about it start doing something. More so the brits who only have a handle full of feet in Afghanistan.

If someone agrees to Liam Fox, that means he/she is an Indian? I salute your thinking. You want people to say that all is well in Pakistan? You want people to say that nothing is wrong in Pakistan? You want people to say that the rape of a 5 years old girl in Lahore is a good thing? Is Geo News an Indian channel which aired a news of a minor girl and a boy who were raped in Faisalabad and Dera Ghazi Khan today?

And I salute your's. Things not being flawless in Pakistan and the rape of two innocent little minors makes Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world? I'd give that reasoning a 21-gun salute. Go research the number of minors raped in the west every year, I'm not even going to start with India.

ps: You couldn't even understand what Liam said. Read my response to Bang Galore for the answer.

The Pakistani reaction to being called the most dangerous country in the world is to get angry & say that one is being blind to "the deaths of tens of thousands of Pakistanis at the hands of terrorists" Err.....maybe that's why it is the "most dangerous country in the world"........:hitwall:

It doesn't take too much to realize that Liam was talking about the State of Pakistan being the most dangerous in the world for other states (supposed support for terrorists, nukes being sold in Liberty market, etc., etc.), a rogue evil state if you will, and not that it is the most dangerous place for a person to be at (almost all of Africa, Afghanistan, Burma, etc., etc. would take the cake on that). And the response to that is taking out the foremost premise of that claim by showing that the State of Pakistan is not in cahoots with the terrorists. How do we do that? Well just look at the lives we've given in fighting against the terrorists of course.

I know Pakistanis have no faith in the national assembly and are mostly more inclined to be ruled by military dictators or radical islamists (may be a Taliban rule for Pakistan will be supported by most Pakistanis), but doubting the statistics presented in their own National assembly just to hide their shame on an internet forum .. Tch.. tch...

Well, disregarding the many surveys done by third parties, the recent elections had a turn out greater than that of the US or UK elections and the excitement was beyond measure. That too with active threats and attacks by terrorists trying to fail the elections. So that one thing alone throws a spanner the size of a horse in your face and your claim of knowing anything about what Pakistanis wants. What you wish for a Pakistani to want? Well that I can't help with.

Pakistanis in general especially the media and commentators always cling to the done-to-death lame argument that they are themselves the victims of terror. But the question that needs to be asked is, who is responsible for this situation in Pakistan? Is it America, Israel or India that the Pakistanis never hesitate to always blame for the situation it is in now? Who produced and nurtured these terror groups? Who invented the Taliban, LeT, JeM etc? Why has Pakistan (PA) encouraged militancy as state policy?

Now the Frankenstein monster that the Establishment created, has come back to haunt them. So this lame duck argument that 'Pakistan itself is the victim of terror' is amusing.

You've been answered above.
Laim fox , Pakistanis dont take no chat from no bum digger :closed:
Pakistan is dangerous to Dajjal(zionist-US-&-Co) because Prophet talked of those who'll help curb Dajjal, coming from "East".

If true, the statement alleged to Ben-Gurion indicates the same fear in hearts of Dajjal.
Many Dajjali now-&-then are heard giving statements reflecting their fear of Pak-Watan. Even jewish stand-up comedians have uttered that fear, at times when mentioning Pakistan was totally un-called for.

Allama Iqbal referred to that as well:



Older example:(source)

"Focus on Pakistan".... hear it urself @ minutes 2:15 & the evil-smug u see at the back wasUS-embassador to india... supervising all intrusions into Pakistan...
YouTube - Panel Warns of a Biological Attack by 2013

& Obama told u that before hand... remember.!!! "terrorists trained in Karachi & Kandahar" & "secrets from nuclear scientist in Pakistan"
From minutes 8:20:-
YouTube - Barack Obama Speech from Berlin, Germany

Also Nicole Kidman mentions Pakistan at 1:07+ ... Like Hamid Gul said "Afghanistan Theekana,, Iraq Bahaanaa,, Pakistan Nishaanaa"

The Peacemaker (9/9) Movie CLIP - Blowing Up the Bomb (1997) HD - YouTube

& this slu+ (source)

@4:48+ 5:05+

Since when did u start believing that I was waiting for some "magical fire eating flying donkey"? Hey delusional, do u see things that others don't see? Did ur false prophet tell u that I was waiting for "fire eating flying donkey". False prophet who died as per his own prediction(1 - 2)*? Fulfilling criteria of false-prophet set by himself??? Dying of severe diarrhea & that too in Lahore instead of Makkah/Madina where he had predicted his death to occur...

*"......punishment which is not by human hands but only at the hands of God, such as Plague and Cholera etc. deadly diseases...."--- Mirza Qadiani

"To turn out a liar in his own prophecy is biggest disgrace of disgraces." (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 15, P. 382)

Bashir Ahmad, the son of Mirza Ghulam, wrote in his biography: "My mother informed me that 'the first attack of looseness of bowels upon the Promised Messiah occurred when he was at his dining room table. Later, I started pressing his legs and he lay in comfort and slept and soon I too slept. After a short while, he again felt the call of nature and he used the bathroom a couple of times without awakening me, After this he felt very weak; he shook me up and laid down on my bed. I recommenced pressing. In a few minutes he told me to go to bed but I refused and continued to press. Once again he had an urge and, being too weak to go to the lavatory, I made arrangement for him close to the bed. He sat down and relieved himself. Next, he laid himself back on my bed and I started pressing again. His weakness grew intense; he had another motion, accompanied this time by vomiting. This paralyzed him so much that when trying to lay back on the bed, he fell on his back and hit his head on the bed post. His condition alarmed me...'." (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 1, P. 11-12; Sirat-ul-Mehdi, P.109)

Mirza Ghulam's father in law, Mir Nasir Nawab, recorded in his autobiography:"The night his holiness fell ill, I was sleeping in my room. When his illness grew severe, they woke me up. I went over to his holiness and found him in great pain. He addressed me saying: 'I have been stricken with cholera.' After this, he did not utter a single intelligible and coherent word till he died on Monday, after ten O'clock in the morning." (Hayat-i-Nasir, P. 14)

Lies, stop diverting the topic. Your mullahs have always believed in magical flying donkeys, it's only recently that you mullahs have started ahmadi interpretation of this prophecy. You lying mullahs can't think for yourselves. Copying and pasting random quotes mean nothing.

‘‘There are seven types of martyrdom in addition to being killed in Allah’s cause: one who dies of plague is a martyr; one who is drowned is a martyr; one who dies of pleurisy is a martyr; one who dies of an internal complaint is a martyr; one who is burnt to death is a martyr; who one is killed by a building falling on him is a martyr; and a woman who dies while pregnant is a martyr.’’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Bk.20, No.3105)

And it was not Cholera otherwise his body would not have been allowed by the authorities to be moved to Qadian, since there was a ban on moving of bodies with plagues. Try harder smartass, and this time go and research before you make yourself look stupid.
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Is Pakistan now officially the most dangerous country tpo live in? Has it gotten even worse than even Afghanistan, where taliban rules?

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