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Letter to Obama by an Islamic scholar


Mar 6, 2009
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Assalaamoalaikum warahmatullah wabarakataho

Letter to president Obama by Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf:


It is an extraordinary and momentous event to call you president. Your father was of the Luo clan and, as you know, it would be difficult for a Luo to be elected president in Kenya. In our country, while tribe is not an issue, color often is, but you have succeeded in overcoming both clan and complexion, and in doing so inspired millions of people around the world.

Though you preside over a nation that has drifted away from its foundational principles, you possess the qualities that can begin to change that. Winston Churchill said: “Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory. He who enjoys it wields a power more durable than that of a great king.” Your words have moved a nation-in the right direction, toward a more just, more equal, and more perfect union. Now you must call on Americans to live up to the promise of America. You must challenge them, demand of them great sacrifices, appeal to the better angels of their nature. Remind them that we are a nation founded upon the idea of liberty and justice for all, not just for Americans but for citizens everywhere.

You must restore America’s standing in the world. Resurrect the art of diplomacy that previous administrations have abandoned. Meet with world leaders who pose a challenge-in Afghanistan, in Iran, and elsewhere-and gently but firmly wage peace. Redefine the “war on terror,” so it becomes a pursuit of criminals who must be prosecuted and not nations that must be attacked.

But one of the most consequential things you can do is to call on the Muslims. Challenge them to live up to the ideals of their faith that are rooted in self-sacrifice, charity, and most importantly, the single attribute that every Muslim knows characterizes our Prophet: mercy. Your grandfather converted to Islam because he saw something good in it. But Islam is a religion currently under assault. Like many Muslims who have lost sight of the good of America, far too many Americans fail to see the good of Islam.

But Islam stands alongside its sister religions, feeding the poor, nursing the sick, and teaching the ignorant. Far too many people live in horrific conditions, without potable water, enough food, or adequate housing. Islam challenges us to address the problems of the disenfranchised. You know that faith can be a powerful force for the change we need in the world. While you are not a religious leader but a political one, you are nonetheless one whose family extends to both “them” and “us,” and religion has been central in your life.

Barack in Arabic means “descending grace.” Your middle name, Hussein, is a name that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, gave his grandson after objecting to his father’s desire to name him “Harb,” which means war. While Hussein is a diminutive in Arabic, it actually denotes in this case a superlative and means “great good.”

It is my audacious hope that your presidency is one of descending grace and great good, not simply for this nation, but for the world.

Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf is one of the most prominent scholars of Islam.

He hails from a Christian background, and was baptised in the Greek Orthodox Church; he subsequently converted to Islam after what you may call “soul searching”.

Having read the letter, I can't fault it. A great Piece of work.

What do the other members think?

hardly any views - I find it fascinating personally, I guess different things turn us on as individuals....
Thank you for bringing this letter to our attention. As "fhassan" points out, Sheikh Hamza is a prominent Muslim; he runs a madrasa in California, which is reportedly being converted to a four-year college.

What do I think? I think that Sheikh Hamza's letter is "strategic" (in the sense that as an American Muslim, he is encouraging Obama to stay on his side. He does not take on Obama's fundamentally mistaken, and dangerous, neo-con perspective which divides Islam into a ‘good’ Islam (a ‘religion’) and a ‘bad’ Islam (an ‘ideology’). With this view, when Obama says that the US is not at war with Islam, he means is – to say it even more clearly than he was able to in Istanbul – that the United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam as a religion, but the United States is, and may forever be, at war with Islam as an ideology. I have spelt out these views in an article, available here:
"Good Islam, Bad Islam."
Letter to president Obama by Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf:

you preside over a nation that has drifted away from its foundational principles

Redefine the “war on terror,” so it becomes a pursuit of criminals who must be prosecuted and not nations that must be attacked.

But Islam is a religion currently under assault. Like many Muslims who have lost sight of the good of America, far too many Americans fail to see the good of Islam.

Most of the letter expresses sentiments that are "motherhood and apple pie", no one would quarrel with them. With the above quoted excerpts, though I do quarrel.

I do not believe that Islam is under assault. American's opinion of Islam is largely neutral or unformed. You could also say that far too many Americans fail to see the good of Buddhism.

Our reaction to 9/11, treating the actions of the irhabis as a war, I think was correct. Invading Iraq was a terribly stupid mistake, but the concept of treating the problem as a war rather than a criminal matter was necessary given the foreign, non-state actor nature of the perpetrators.

And I don't see what is meant by "drifted away from its foundational principles". To most Americans that would sound like a libertarian complaint, a complaint against big government. So, his allusion is too subtle for me. Maybe the phrase is meant to tap into hate-George-Bush-sentiment to build rapport with his audience, a phrase which resonates with anyone's disappointments with the US.
What I am wondering is, why the letter was started with Racial overtone?

In our country, while tribe is not an issue, color often is
well it is really great piece of work this is hours demand that more dialogue between the people let them understand different people so that every one works for betterment of the world.
And I don't see what is meant by "drifted away from its foundational principles". To most Americans that would sound like a libertarian complaint, a complaint against big government. So, his allusion is too subtle for me. Maybe the phrase is meant to tap into hate-George-Bush-sentiment to build rapport with his audience, a phrase which resonates with anyone's disappointments with the US.

Understand that this is an American - a white American.

Do not take his sentiments to be that of an intrinsic outsider - he is one of your own, whether you like it or not.

The article letter is very well balanced, and he even criticises Muslims by exactly the same merit.

Regarding Bush, Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf was invited by Bush to the oval office - you can listen to his sentiments here:

(1:45 onwards)

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It didn't - read again! (from beginning, ie the first lines of the letter)

Really you don't think so, here I will highlight the words for you.

It is an extraordinary and momentous event to call you president. Your father was of the Luo clan and, as you know, it would be difficult for a Luo to be elected president in Kenya. In our country, while tribe is not an issue, color often is, but you have succeeded in overcoming both clan and complexion, and in doing so inspired millions of people around the world.
What is your point?

It is a good opening - Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf is simply highlighting why it is "extraordinary" to call him president...

It seems to me that you are having a heart attack over nothing...
What is your point?

It is a good opening - Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf is simply highlighting why it is "extraordinary" to call him president...

It seems to me that you are having a heart attack over nothing...

I am not having heart attack over anything, my point was very simple and up to a point, you are making this more then it should. Instead of explaining what Mr. Obama race is, he could have just started with "President Obama".

I think Mr. Obama clearly understand his race and well aware of it. I see the author point of struggle thru race to becoming a president, but the paradox is author goes on saying further "In our country, while tribe is not an issue, color often is", Which to me is, you are successful there but not in my country.

The other thing that is odd to me is following:

But one of the most consequential things you can do is to call on the Muslims. Challenge them to live up to the ideals of their faith that are rooted in self-sacrifice, charity, and most importantly, the single attribute that every Muslim knows characterizes our Prophet: mercy.

That is not Obama responsiblity, it is each Muslims responsibility to do that. Why is he calling on Obama to make Muslims live like Muslims, isn't that counter productive. And other question is How can Obama do that since he himself has proclaime Christainity.
I think Mr. Obama clearly understand his race and well aware of it. I see the author point of struggle thru race to becoming a president, but the paradox is author goes on saying further "In our country, while tribe is not an issue, color often is", Which to me is, you are successful there but not in my country.

Your issue is a direct result of a poor grasp of the english language; you have clearly misunderstood the letter.
Your issue is a direct result of a poor grasp of the english language; you have clearly misunderstood the letter.

Likewise Mr. Fhassan, you have poor grasp of rebuttle skills.

By the way i have a very good grasp of english language, since that is the only language I can read.

This may be true, but is hardly exhaustive. Over the last three decades, Americans have been taught to parse Islam into a ‘good’ Islam (a ‘religion’) and a ‘bad’ Islam (an ‘ideology’). What Mr. Obama meant – to say it even more clearly than he was able to – is that the United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam as a religion, but the United States is, and may forever be, at war with Islam as an ideology.

Great article Afpak, however; I would point out that this is not a idea in America, it is a idea that is around the so called Islamic world, who want to retake Islam from those who have usurped it to use as a ideology of justifying political violence in the name of religion, so that they can exercise complete control over captive populations and drive them to war after war after war.

Islam is a religion currently under assault. Like many Muslims who have lost sight of the good of America, far too many Americans fail to see the good of Islam.

And who is responsible for that?? The so called good Islam has had to be goaded to find it's "attributi", to find it's own confidence to speak out and say that the islamist does not represent Islam, instead they have been passive, never venturing to put their actions to reflect what may pass for their convictions.

Having said that, lets be clear, there is no way the US can succeed unless it is on the side of Muslims - US has a structural problem, it's congress, media and culture abhor Islam and muslims - and Obama cannot change this by himself, only Muslim in the US can change this, and there is a formula to it - education, High paying professions and academia and POLITICALLY active, ever hyper active - neither Obama nor any number of Obamas can do for the Muslims what they can not or are unwilling to do for themselves -- Begin here, right here on the forum, begin in your school district, begin in your village, your union councul and tehsil, and Zilla - just begin, quit sittingh on the sidelines and complaining and hoping this or that will do what in the end must be done by you.
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