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Letter from America


Apr 8, 2007
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The coalition at the centre is broad based and can be popular. All that stands in the way is three jokers – Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani. The irony is none of them has been elected to anything. Let us get rid of them before they make our country a joke.

By Usman Khalid

Pakistan is not without friends in North America. Many are appalled at the way America has turned on Pakistan. I have received the following letter from a friend in the USA:

“ It is in the American blood that they finish the person/institution, who/which work for their interest, on ceasing to be useful. The fate of General Ayub, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq are eye openers. Still to come is General Musharraf whose fate will be worse. The Americans still need him, as they have not yet found their new agent. Yousaf Raza Gilani turned out to be no good; he failed the US tests during his recent visit. Although they have Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani as their agents, they can't bring forward Zardari as their main agent in place of Musharraf as they know he would immediately meet his fate if Musharraf were removed from the scene. There is already a lot of hatred against this man in Sindh where he dare not visit. He was given proper training by the CIA in the USA for three years, after his discharge from PIMS (hospital) in 2004 through a ‘deal’. This deal is still being honoured by the concerned parties. The other two agents (named above) are sub agents who have their jobs as long as Asif Zardari is the de facto leader of the country. Their role is to exacerbate internal strife in the country and to change the foreign policy from pro-China to pro-India respectively. America hopes to destroy the integrity of the Pakistani nation. One sinister move has already occurred; the name of the new Ambassador already approved by China has been withdrawn.

”USA was successful in breaking up the USSR in the wake of successful Afghan resistance in which the ISI played a crucial role. The Americans know the worth of this organization and its existence in its present shape is a big obstacle in their nefarious designs in the region especially with reference to our relations with China. Pakistan’s relations with China lost their warmth under Musharraf rule and China is being given a cold shoulder by Zardari administration. The warm relations with China that survived all the trials and tribulations of sixty years have turned frosty to great delight of India. This man, Asif Zardari, can go to any extreme for his personal benefit and even destroy Pakistan. He is no longer a Pakistani; all the assets he held overseas and in Pakistan have been legalised by the so-called National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). All of his personal wealth estimated to be more than a billion dollars is in Dubai or in western countries. He has given his inherited assets to his sisters. That is why I have appealed to the PPP loyalists to get rid of this man from the PPP fold; the sooner the better for both Pakistan and the PPP.”

It was several weeks before the February elections this year that ‘Global Research’ of Canada outlined the American design for the break up of Pakistan. Their report said that the US plan is founded on three conditions to be met:

1. Pakistan to have a government unable and/or unwilling to look after the national interests. We have such a government in Pakistan now.
2. The focal point of politics to be ‘provincial autonomy. It is the declared policy of the nincompoop Prime Minister of Pakistan to ‘give the maximum autonomy to the provinces’. But his coalition partners – the ANP and the MQM – know what they mean when they demand provincial autonomy. While Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani are overt and individual agents of the CIA, the MQM has long been in their service and the ANP is being put in a situation that it willy-nilly complies with the American wishes.
3. The armed forces of Pakistan should be seen as ‘the enemy’ in NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan. That is not the case yet, thanks mostly to the crude attempt by Asif Zardari and Rehman Malik to bring the ISI under their personal control. However, the attacks by Pakistani Taliban on the armed forces may achieve what the Americans have thus far failed to achieve.

The Pakistani media is alert and vocal; so is the civil society. The new COAS has acted calmly and cautiously because he knows that the armed forces are the last line of defence. He has distanced himself and the armed forces from politics thus enhancing the value of his advice. But his influence will continue to be limited until the main pillar of civilised governance, the rule of law, is not restored to its proper place witch is impossible until the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and all the sixty or so judges made dysfunctional are restored.

The people do remember that the PCO by which those judges were removed was promulgated on November 3 by the COAS, not the President. That was clearly unlawful. But the authority that can be used for an unlawful purpose can be use again to reverse the unlawful act. Since the Zardari Administration is clearly unwilling to restore those judges, COAS should give that order. Generals have the authority of life and death in times of war. General Ashfaq Kiani is wartime Army Chief. The PCO is a legacy of disgrace that undermines the ability of the Army to defend the country. The new COAS must ask for the judiciary to be restored to position before the PCO.

The 165 million people of Pakistan are willing to put everything at stake for the security of the country and integrity of the nation. But they are reluctant to wage a war on government, inducted only four months ago. But this does not mean that CIA agents should give orders and get obeyed. These are war times. If the people of Iraq and Afghanistan can rise against the American puppets, why can’t the people of Pakistan? But our armed forces still enjoy the trust and respect of the people of Pakistan. But this will not last if Musharraf is not removed and judges not restored.

The failure of all segments of government is a pre-requisite for a coup d’etat or a civil insurrection. If it had not been the time of war, an ambitious COAS would have waited until a sizeable segment of the political class had lined up in his support and he would have used the ISI to do that. But it is not time for the Generals to rule; it is time for the General to fight and defend their country; ruling the country is a distraction they can do without. That is why it is important to remove the ‘eager to rule’ General Musharraf; that is why the COAS must show his resolve not to put up with foreign agents in Government.

In 1971 War, Pakistan had a Bengali as an Ambassador in China who used to pass to the Indian Ambassador every message that he received from or passed to Pakistan. By withdrawing the nomination of Ambassador to China who is bound to be replaced by America’s mole, Pakistan has once again placed America’s moles and India’s agents in Washington DC and London. I reiterate, Pakistan cannot fight and win the war for its very survival with moles and agents at the helm. The armed forces have to lead this fight and they need a popular government that enjoys popular support. And no government can be popular until it restores the judges. The coalition at the centre is broad based and can be popular. All that stands in the way is three jokers – Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani. The irony is none of them has been elected to anything. Let us get rid of them before they make our country a joke.
In 1971 War, Pakistan had a Bengali as an Ambassador in China who used to pass to the Indian Ambassador every message that he received from or passed to Pakistan. By withdrawing the nomination of Ambassador to China who is bound to be replaced by America’s mole, Pakistan has once again placed America’s moles and India’s agents in Washington DC and London. I reiterate, Pakistan cannot fight and win the war for its very survival with moles and agents at the helm. The armed forces have to lead this fight and they need a popular government that enjoys popular support. And no government can be popular until it restores the judges. The coalition at the centre is broad based and can be popular. All that stands in the way is three jokers – Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik and Hussain Haqqani. The irony is none of them has been elected to anything. Let us get rid of them before they make our country a joke.

Is Munshi suggesting that he was a mole because of being a Bengali? Is he himself a mole?

Isn't it ironic for a Bengali to insinuate his own community?
Perhaps Munshi has chosen truth over other considerations - he may have chosen wrongly, time will tell.
We call them 5th columnists in Bangladesh and no I am not a mole.
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