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let's have a war with pak and recapture pak-kashmir India is a tiger says Union Minister

Lol its you people who get educated in madarsas and i am an idiot? My country is millions of times better that yours which survives on alms given by the likes of suadis china and america. Also my countrys flag is planted on moon while your countrys flag has moon shaphed white piece of cloth stiched on it so now you can see which flag is stupid or i must say hilariously stupid.

Biggest madarsas are in India so cut that cr@p and do tell me when your army is coming to invade us with all our "obsolete" weapons or you only have Arnab's and Rubika's to whine in TV studios in response?
Biggest madarsas are in India so cut that cr@p and do tell me when your army is coming to invade us with all our "obsolete" weapons or you only have Arnab's and Rubika's to whine in TV studios in response?

We dont necessarily have to invade you to destroy you, there are other ways also to get job done why should we get our hand dirty:devil: besides defeting pakistan again and again will put the respect that we command in the world community in question, everyone will say we always pick on weak and feeble countrys so we will stick to killing your soldiers in retaliation of ceasefire violations, while we prepare to take on your fake superpower masters.
Same bullshit again and again? Aint worthy enough to be associated with me.You Indians live in your delusional world.Your jawans can't even clean their that place where sun doesn't shine and you telling us we have done this and that lol.. talkin of those na mard jawans who are being beaten by toll plaza people in Rajahstan for not paying toll..
You know what is our Army perception about your Army ? They take you lightly because you haven't fought any one on front except assassinating innocents, raping women -- sending arseholes like yadav to spy on us and in the end you don't own them [emoji23]

Well we are not the one who have surrendered in hoardes, heck pakistani marde momens have even surrender to rag tag militia like ttp:lol: tell your mards to be a man first and stand their ground and fight instead of barki g here.
india :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: instead of :bounce: around try.. still havent prove your so called Sir Ji Kal strike:)
saying in urdue: lainay kay dainay na per jain..
Hey mate, talking about 7X larger nations i think it would be apt to equate pakistans conditions with that of nazi germany yeah they too were fighting nations many times bigger than themselves.

Germany fought against 5-6 allied nations and surrendered in 6 years, pakistan fought with just one nation and surrendered in 13 days.

But the Germans never managed to rip/dismember another nation and create their country from conquered territory. We did. 70 years we still have that conquered territory..........:azn:

Lol this is why you should never get educated in an madarsa. It does funny things to your brain and you start believing in bs:lol: btw you havent done jackshit about 7x larger nqtion, only lost wars and have surrendered to them in hoardes.

Madrassa Educated minority was able to conquer and dismember over 30% of indian territory on August the 14th 1947. 7× bigger indian population were far too weak & powerless to do anything about it. They still are...........:lol:
We dont necessarily have to invade you to destroy you, there are other ways also to get job done why should we get our hand dirty:devil: besides defeting pakistan again and again will put the respect that we command in the world community in question, everyone will say we always pick on weak and feeble countrys so we will stick to killing your soldiers in retaliation of ceasefire violations, while we prepare to take on your fake superpower masters.

Tried of hearing same BS excuse again and again with bharatis whining on TV channels for aar paar ki larai.

Either walk the talk or STFU. The rule is simple.
when Indians are not raping on streets they masturbate to bollywood movie showing destruction of Pakistan..thats their ultimate fantasy!
When you cannot have "Acchay Din" you go to war with Pakistan. Thats how you win elections in Bharat
We dont necessarily have to invade you to destroy you, there are other ways also to get job done why should we get our hand dirty:devil: besides defeting pakistan again and again will put the respect that we command in the world community in question, everyone will say we always pick on weak and feeble countrys so we will stick to killing your soldiers in retaliation of ceasefire violations, while we prepare to take on your fake superpower masters.

like? 1 billion Indian chotias squatting naked arseholes pointed in Pakistan direction and everyone farting at the sametime the toxic stinky cloud travelling from Khi to khyber killing every Pakistani?
why did the govt appoint a DONKEY as a minister.

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