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Let us Stand beside the Rohingyas

Because, they dont look mongoloid and they're Muslim...
In addition to this there must be another reason. Looks and religion does not necessarily means discrimination, There must be something else as well, which is missing from the above posts.
The Real History of the Rohingyas
জেনে রাখুন: রোহিঙ্গা ইতিহাস নিয়ে সাতটি বিচিত্র তথ্য
৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৬


ছবির কপিরাইট এপি
Image caption টেকনাফের অস্থায়ী শিবিরে রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী
মিয়ানমারের রাখাইন রাজ্যে সংখ্যালঘু মুসলমান রোহিঙ্গাদের ওপর নির্যাতন এখন বিশ্ব সংবাদ মাধ্যমগুলোর শিরোনাম।

কিন্তু রোহিঙ্গাদের ইতিহাস সম্পর্কে আমরা কতটুকু জানি? এখানে রোহিঙ্গা জাতির প্রায় ভুলে যাওয়া ইতিহাসের কিছু তুথ্য তুলে ধরা হলো:

  • রোহিঙ্গাদের আবাসভূমি আরাকান ছিল স্বাধীন রাজ্য। ১৭৮৪ সালে বার্মার রাজা বোডপায়া এটি দখল করে বার্মার অধীন করদ রাজ্যে পরিণত করেন।
  • আরাকান রাজ্যের রাজা বৌদ্ধ হলেও তিনি মুসলমান উপাধি গ্রহণ করতেন। তার মুদ্রাতে ফার্সি ভাষায় লেখা থাকতো কালেমা।
  • আরাকান রাজ দরবারে কাজ করতেন অনেক বাঙালি মুসলমান। বাংলার সাথে আরাকানের ছিল গভীর রাজনৈতিক ও অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক।
  • ধারণা করা হয় রোহিঙ্গা নামটি এসেছে আরাকানের রাজধানীর নাম ম্রোহং থেকে: ম্রোহং>রোয়াং>রোয়াইঙ্গিয়া>রোহিঙ্গা। তবে মধ্য যুগের বাংলা সাহিত্যে আরাকানকে ডাকা হতো রোসাং নামে।
  • ১৪০৬ সালে আরাকানের ম্রাউক-উ রাজবংশের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা নরমিখলা ক্ষমতাচ্যুত হয়ে বাংলার তৎকালীন রাজধানী গৌড়ে পলায়ন করেন। গৌড়ের শাসক জালালুদ্দিন শাহ্ নরমিখলার সাহায্যে ৩০ হাজার সৈন্য পাঠিয়ে বর্মী রাজাকে উৎখাতে সহায়তা করেন। নরমিখলা মোহাম্মদ সোলায়মান শাহ্ নাম নিয়ে আরাকানের সিংহাসনে বসেন। ম্রাউক-উ রাজবংশ ১০০ বছর আরাকান শাসন করেছে।
  • মধ্যযুগে বাংলা সাহিত্যচর্চ্চার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কেন্দ্র ছিল রোসাং রাজ দরবার। মহাকবি আলাওল রোসাং দরবারের রাজ কবি ছিলেন। তিনি লিখেছিলেন মহাকাব্য পদ্মাবতী। এছাড়া সতী ময়না ও লোর-চন্দ্রানী, সয়ফুল মুল্ক, জঙ্গনামা প্রভৃতি কাব্যগ্রন্থ রচিত হয়েছিল রোসাং রাজদরবারের আনুকূল্যে।
  • ভাই আওরঙ্গজেবের সাথে ক্ষমতার দ্বন্দ্বে পরাজিত হয়ে মোগল যুবরাজ শাহ্ সুজা ১৬৬০ সালে সড়ক পথে চট্টগ্রাম-কক্সবাজার হয়ে আরাকানে পলায়ন করেন। তৎকালীন রোসাং রাজা চন্দ্র সুধর্মা বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করে শাহ্ সুজা এবং তার পরিবারকে নির্মমভাবে হত্যা করেন। এর পর আরাকানে যে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী অরাজকতা সৃষ্টি হয় তার অবসান ঘটে বার্মার হাতে আরাকানের স্বাধীনতা হরণের মধ্য দিয়ে।
সূত্র: রোহিঙ্গা জাতির ইতিহাস, এন. এম. হাবিব উল্লাহ্, এপ্রিল-১৯৯৫

Indonesian President: Stop Violence at Rakhine
Indonesia sent Foreign Minister to Myanmar to discuss Rakhine's latest situation
09:28 September 04, 2017 Anadolu Agency

Indonesian President Joko Widodo
Indonesian President Joko Widodo said Sunday night, the violence in Myanmar, should be immediately terminated, urging all parties to take concrete action to deal with the conflict.

"It needs a real action, not just a statement of criticism," Widodo said in a press conference at the State Palace in Jakarta.

"Indonesian government commits to help overcome the humanitarian crisis, synergize with civil society in Indonesia as well as the international community,"
The president assigned Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi to communicate with various parties including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Special Advisory Commission For Rakhine State, Kofi Annan.
Marsudi, the president said, left for Myanmar Sunday afternoon to ask the government to stop and prevent violence, urging them to provide protection to all its citizens including Muslims, and provide access to humanitarian aid.

Widodo said, the Indonesian government will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the persecuted ethnics.

"(We) have built a school in Rakhine State and will soon build a hospital that will start in October."
In addition to Myanmar, the President also commissioned Foreign Minister to visit Dhaka, Bangladesh, to prepare humanitarian aid for Rohingya refugees residing in the country.
. .
In addition to this there must be another reason. Looks and religion does not necessarily means discrimination, There must be something else as well, which is missing from the above posts.
You think so?

What was the "something else" reason that made Burma expell every Indian after its independence?
. . . .
Afghanistan denounces mass killings of Rohingya Muslims
Kabul urges the UN and human rights bodies to take serious notice of brutal and inhuman attacks on Rohingya
September 05, 2017 Anadolu Agency

Afghanistan on Monday joined the international community in denouncing the mass killings of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said that the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan denounces in the strongest terms the massacre of Rohingya Muslims by the military there.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while very strongly condemning the brutal and inhuman attacks by the country's military against its Muslims population, calls upon the United Nations and the human rights institutions of the world to take serious notice of the genocide and massacres of Muslim and oppressed people in Myanmar'', it said.

This comes as thousands of Rohingya Muslims have fled violence in Myanmar in recent weeks. A total of 87,000 mostly Rohingya refugees have arrived in Bangladesh since security forces launched an operation against their community in neighboring Myanmar on Aug. 25, the United Nations said on Monday.

Media reports said Myanmar security forces used disproportionate force, displacing thousands of Rohingya villagers and destroying their homes with mortars and machine guns.

The region has seen tensions simmer between its Buddhist and Muslim populations since communal violence broke out in 2012.

A crackdown launched last October in Maungdaw, where Rohingya make up the majority, led to a UN report on human rights violations and crimes against humanity by security forces.

The UN documented mass gang-rape, killings -- including infants and young children -- brutal beatings, and disappearances. Rohingya representatives have said approximately 400 people were slain during the crackdown
রোহিঙ্গাদের রক্ত নিয়ে হোলী খেলছে সুচী, ভয়াবহ পরিণতি মোকাবেলা করতে হবে: ইমরান খান

রোহিঙ্গাদের রক্ত নিয়ে হোলী খেলছে সুচী, ভয়াবহ পরিণতি মোকাবেলা করতে হবে: ইমরান খান
মিয়ানমারের সুচীকে গণহত্যাকারী সব্যস্ত করে পাকিস্তানের বিরধী দলীয় নেতা ইমরান খান সতর্ক করে বলেছেন রোহিঙ্গাদের রক্ত নিয়ে হোলি খেলা বন্ধ না করলে সুচীকে কঠিন পরিণতি ভোগ করতে হবে। বিশ্বের মুসলিম নেতৃত্বহীন আছে সেই সুযোগ কাজে লাগিয়ে এক ভয়ংকর গণহত্যায় নেমেছেন সুচী।কিন্তু ঘুমন্ত মুসলিম একবার জেগে উঠলে সুচীর পরিণতি কি হবে তা তিনি নিজেও জানেন।গার্ডিয়ান কে দেয়া সাক্ষাৎকারে এই মন্তব্য করেন সাবেক এই ক্রিকেটার।

ইমরান খান আরো জানান পাকিস্তানের সকল রাজনৈতিক দল রৈহিঙ্গাদের বিষয়ে ঐক্যবদ্ধ যদিও প্রতিটি দলের সাথে অন্য দলের মতভেদ রয়েছে।পাকিস্তান সরকারের এই বিষয়ে যথাযথ পদক্ষেপ না নেয়ায় তিনি কঠোর সমালোচনা করেছেন।

2:00 AM, September 06, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:36 AM, September 06, 2017
Rohingya Crisis: Yunus seeks UNSC's quick intervention

Staff Correspondent

Nobel Peace laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus yesterday called on the United Nations Security Council to immediately intervene to end the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar's Rakhine state.

In an open letter to the Security Council President and its members, the Bangladeshi economist said: “You are aware, the human tragedy and crimes against humanity has taken a dangerous turn in the Arakan region of Myanmar. It needs your immediate intervention.”

He said, according to different organisations, recent military offensive by the Myanmar army in Rakhine state had led to the killing of hundreds of Rohingya people.

“Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. Villages have been burned, women raped, many civilians arbitrarily arrested, and children killed.”

“Crucially, humanitarian aid organisations have been almost completely denied access, creating an appalling humanitarian crisis in an area already extremely poor.”

According to local administration sources, around 120,000 people have fled to Bangladesh in the last twelve days, said Prof Yunus.

“Human misery created by such massive displacement of men, women and children under the threat of death is getting worse every day.”

The founder of Grameen Bank, along with several Nobel laureates and eminent global citizens, denounced the previous spate of violence late last year and wrote to the Security Council to intervene.

“Despite initiatives taken by you, the situation has not improved. This time, I urge you to take decisive actions to stop the violence against innocent civilians and bring permanent peace in Rakhine,” he said.

“I call on the UNSC to intervene immediately by using all available means. I request you to take immediate action for cessation of indiscriminate military attack on innocent civilians that is forcing them to leave their home and flee country to turn into stateless people.”

The peace laureate also urged the UNSC to persuade Myanmar government to take immediate steps to implement the recommendations of the Rakhine Advisory Commission, which the Myanmar government established in 2016 under pressure of international community.

The commission, which was chaired by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, was mostly comprised of Myanmar citizens.

It recommended providing citizenship to the Rohingyas, allowing them freedom of movement, rights and equality before the law, ensuring communal representation, lack of which affects Muslims disproportionately, and facilitating UN assistance in ensuring safety and security of returning people.

Prof Yunus said decades of persecution appeared to be breeding radicalisation which the Rakhine Advisory Commission, rightly apprehended.

“The fear became reality through the attack on Myanmar security forces by the militants. Unless constructive effort to build lasting peace is taken, the situation will get worse which in turn may pose serious security threat to the neighbouring countries,” he said.

Prof Yunus said a bold change in approach was needed by the UN and the international community if there is to be an end to the cycle of violence against the Rohingyas.

“The government of Myanmar needs to be told that international support and finance is conditional on a major change in policy towards the Rohingya. Propaganda and incitement of hatred and all violence, particularly state violence against Rohingyas must stop, discriminatory laws and policies must go, and the recommendations of Kofi Annan's commission must be implemented immediately.”

“The world is waiting to see that the UNSC has played its role to bring end to a humanitarian crisis and build peace in the region.”
12:00 AM, September 08, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 02:46 AM, September 08, 2017
Little souls in distress
Half of refugees from Myanmar are children, adolescents

Rohingyas arrive at Teknaf crossing the Naf yesterday. Photo: Anisur Rahman
Porimol Palma and Mohammad Ali Jinnat

Noor Ankis looks pale, tired and terrified. The seven-month pregnant woman walked through jungles and hills for ten days and nights before reaching Ukhia's Bagguna, where a camp is being set up by the new arrivals from Myanmar.

“I walked some distance, stopped to rest a little and began walking again. One child was in my arms and my father carried the other,” said Noor, 25.

Her two children -- Tahura Bibi, 4, and Mansur Ali, 2 -- were visibly sick as the three sat on the slope of Bagguna hills. Last time they ate was on Wednesday morning.

Like Noor, tens of thousands of women, many of them pregnant, have fled to Bangladesh with infants and young children who are in urgent need of food, treatment and protection.

Bangladesh government officials and various aid agencies working to support the refugees estimate that about half of some 164,000 Rohingyas who entered Bangladesh in the last two weeks are children and adolescents.

In a statement yesterday, Unicef Executive Director Anthony Lake said nearly 80 percent of the new arrivals are women and children.

These correspondents yesterday saw thousands of Rohingya women and children sitting along the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Highway as they have yet to find any shelter.

“We are waiting for food here,” said Zaheda Begum, 40, who crossed the border with her six children on September 3 but failed to find a place to live.

For the first two days, a family of Kutupalang Rohingya Camp provided them shelter and then asked them to leave because they would take in other Rohingya refugees.

Since then, she has been spending the day on roadsides with her four children, keeping her two teen daughters at some locals' homes for their safety. At night, the family reunites and sleeps wherever they can find shelter.

Zaheda's daughter Ismat Ara, 10, said a passerby gave her a toast and a banana in the morning.

An exhausted Shukhtara, a class-II student, sleeps on a bed of bamboos in the open at Kutupalong yesterday. Photo: Anisur Rahman
It was around lunchtime when The Daily Star talked to her and she didn't know if she would get to eat anything for lunch. “If I get something, I will eat. Or else, I won't.”

NGOs providing supports to Rohingya refugees say children are at greater risks on many counts.

“There are children who are severely malnourished. Often, they are found sick. Unless they are given special care, these children may face a dangerous situation,” said Mohammad Mahadi, coordinator of Action Against Hunger in Cox's Bazar.

The children, who walked long ways from Myanmar to reach Bangladesh, did not have good food on the way and there is no coordinated effort to feed them here either, he said.

Action Against Hunger, which used to distribute lunch and fortified biscuits to 1,000 people before August 25, now provides it to around 20,000 people a day in Kutupalang and Ukhia. “But this is nowhere near enough,” he said.

“Many of these children saw violence, killing, torture and shooting. So they are traumatised,” Mahadi said, adding that they were providing mental support to them as much as they could.

The children who lost their parents also face a grave risk of being trafficked, particularly the teen girls, he warned.

Bimal Chandra Dey Sarker, chief executive of a local NGO Mukti, said, “We have found many Rohingya children suffering from cold and fever.

“These Rohingya children need to be identified and settled if they are to be provided with better services and protection. It will take some time.”

While Sadiya tightly holds her two-day-old infant. Shukhtara arrived from Myanmar two days ago and Sadiya yesterday. Photo: Anisur Rahman
The Unicef is scaling up its efforts to support these children, he added.

Rohingya Refugee Repatriation Commissioner Mohammad Abul Kalam said the Bangladesh government was aware of the need of the children, but the sudden and massive influx was beyond its imagination.

“We neither have the manpower nor the infrastructure to support so many people. Still we are trying to help them on humanitarian grounds. We need some time to ensure better protection for them,” he told The Daily Star.

Anthony Lake of the Unicef in his statement stressed the need for urgent help and protection of children both in the Rakhine state and those who have fled to Bangladesh due to violence in Myanmar.

The UN office in Bangladesh also made a similar call.

Various UN agencies in Cox's Bazar are providing emergency shelter, food, clean water, and nutritional support. To enhance access to clean water and sanitation facilities, agencies are quickly installing new tube wells and latrines, it said in a press release.

In response to the health need of the new arrivals, mobile medical teams are providing emergency health services, and health facilities are working to scale up services to meet increased needs due to the recent influx.

Child-friendly spaces have also been established to provide vulnerable children with appropriate psychosocial support, it added.

Citing UN officials, Al-jazeera reported that as many as 300,000 Rohingya Muslims could flee the violence in northwestern Myanmar to neighbouring Bangladesh.
. . .
12:00 AM, October 01, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 03:34 AM, October 01, 2017
WFP to help feed 5 lakh Rohingyas

Rohingya women with their toddlers, suffering mostly from fever, on Ukhia Upazila Health Complex premises yesterday. They began to gather there since daybreak and waited for the service that started at 9:00am. Photo: Anisur Rahman
Staff Correspondent

The World Food Programme will provide food support to the five lakh Rohingyas, who have fled to Bangladesh to escape violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state, until they are repatriated, Relief and Disaster Management Minister Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya yesterday said.

It will also give special food for children and pregnant women, he told reporters after a meeting with WFP Executive Director David Beasley at Westin Hotel in the capital.

For the time being, the displaced Myanmar nationals will be sheltered in Cox's Bazar, but if their repatriation is delayed, they would be shifted to Bhashanchar of Noakhali where Bangladesh Navy is developing land.

"Cox's Bazar is a tourist area. We have to protect it. Besides, there are safety issues," Maya said, explaining why the Rohingyas would probably be relocated.

Asked if the refugees were getting all the basic things they needed in the camps, the minister avoided giving a direct answer but said, "No one has died of food shortage."

The government is working with the international community to increase pressure on Myanmar for fast repatriation of the Rohingyas. "We are not alone. The whole world is with us," Maya added.

Children receive plates, jugs and dry food. Photo: Anisur Rahman
WFP official David Beasley said the world leaders need to do "everything possible" to pressure the Myanmar government and other actors into solving the problem diplomatically so that the refugees from Myanmar can go back home.

"The other most important task now for the international community is to support Bangladesh so that Bangladesh does not bear the burden of the refugees alone," said the WFP official on a visit from Geneva to see the Rohingya crisis.

"We are very proud that Bangladesh has been so cooperative to every one of us ... ," he said.

The UN Children's Fund will establish over 1,300 learning centres for Rohingya children who have fled violence.

Currently, the Unicef runs 182 learning centres at Rohingya camps and makeshift settlements in Cox's Bazar with 15,000 children enrolled.

"It plans to increase the number of learning centres to 1,500” over the next year to facilitate education of 2 lakh children, a statement issued yesterday.

“These children, who have suffered so much in this crisis, should have access to education in a safe and nurturing environment,” said Unicef representative in the country Edouard Beigbeder, so that they get a future to look forward to.

The International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision will release 900,000 doses of the Oral Cholera Vaccine from the global stockpile to prevent the spread of cholera among Rohingya refugees and host communities in Cox's Bazar.

The ICG, a coordinating body of the World Health Organisation, Unicef, Médecins Sans Frontières, and the International Federation of the Red Cross, approved the appeal in 24 hours after Bangladesh government's request on September 27.

ICG partners – with support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance – will deliver 900,000 doses of OCV to Bangladesh within two weeks for an immunization campaign due to start in October, says a press release of the WHO yesterday.
The rohingyas are being oppressed for years it seems ,but one thing which cought my eyes in most of the photos is,they have so many babies inspite of being financially not doing well and no real opportunities,how do they take care of so many babies in a family

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