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Let us rise to the responsibilities, please

Sehar Kamran


New Recruit

Apr 24, 2011
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Let us rise to the responsibilities, please - Arab News

This refers to Tariq Al-Maeena’s article “Rise to your responsibilities” published in Arab News on May 21.

I appreciate the sincere thoughts and strong message sent by the writer, but at the same time I reserve my opinion on the letter of Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi, the chairman of Mustaqbil Pakistan. I feel Qureshi has tried to portray Pakistan as a crumbling state.

Qureshi has launched a political party, it is his right to promote his manifesto but not at the cost of national interests.

We fully understand Pakistan is now facing tough challenges and this is the time to stay united, it is the time to promote patriotism and to establish trust in national institutions. Our army is fully capable of defending the country, their sacrifices are highly valuable and widely acknowledged. While the government counters international conspiracies, we need to define our role as citizens of Pakistan. We have to understand the agenda behind this stream of terrorism and react accordingly.

Acts of terrorism and repeated attacks are conspiracies to destabilize our country and we can fail this conspiracy by standing united.

I will call upon Qureshi and all others who have sincere thoughts for Pakistan to come forward and contribute to the country’s development. Why can't we educate our people to learn how to serve the country? Why can’t we run a campaign to create awareness among people about saving electricity, fuel and gas? Why can't we stop wasting food? Why can't we learn to live within our resources?

These are simple things but adopting these can change our fate and can make our country progressive. Don’t let anti-Pakistan elements succeed, we, the people of Pakistan, a nation of 180 million, can bring a change by adopting positive attitude, we can play a role in the progress of our country.

Politicians are also part of the society, when we change, they will change accordingly. We criticize the few hundreds sitting in the Parliament but don't judge ourselves.

If we correct ourselves, we can address the problems threatening our existence. We all have a vital role to play and once we fulfill our obligations, no one can harm Pakistan, Insha Allah.

We love our country, we trust our institutions and we will not let anyone undermine our sovereignty.
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