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Let Kashmiris self-determine their future: PM

Well then why not just hold plebiscite infront of neutral observers and show the whole world how much kashmiries love india and shut this drama for once and all putting a plug to this pakistani propaganda... Also this will help you take out your 500000 active army from there saving you much needed money to feed millions of hungry and naked kids and construct some bathrooms for your incredible indians shitting and farting in open scaring birds :rofl: and provide homes to millions sleeping on roads of bombay,delhi,kolkata,chennai etc

Pakistan is a basket case and a world pariah. And you have the gumption to try to talk down to us?

Us who are counted alongside in the league of powerful nations and a future superpower?

You must be growing some great mushrooms out there man.

If we had nuke in 71 there wouldnt been any bangladesh today and thats the lesson now if you have any thing like a brain you will know why pakistan is having more nukes than india at any given day and you all know how fearless we are and we aint building these nukes to store in some cold storage the choice is yours...

If you had a nuke in 71, there would be no Pakistan today. Forget Bangladesh.

Thank your stars you did not. Learn your lesson well. Do not mes with someone who has cut you in two before.

Because he can do so again if he so wishes.

Behave. And let bygones be bygones.
This line sums it up.

A token talk, token sit in washed away by the rain....

am wondering, does that include pakistani kashmir as well :cheesy: , or is this an hypocracy aimed at Indians only....
Aww..did i burst your Kashmir bubble..seems like it did and you got all frustrated :laugh: ...the above is a standard response of a person who lacks common sense to even debate properly.. when all else fails blame Indian poverty :rolleyes:
With people like you supporting the Kashmir issue./..I have nothing to fear :yahoo:

I guess i did hit you where it hurts the most but learn to live in reality..And the same goes for those who thinks india is gonna be a superpower in another 1000 years...Pakistan still have a bettr per capita income and much less poverty than india and a much better general living standards....I wonder why no body is interseting in holding a plebiscite in kashmir and showing the world how much kashmiries love you guys and the nip the evil in bud and finish all this pain for once and all
If we had nuke in 71 there wouldnt been any bangladesh today and thats the lesson now if you have any thing like a brain you will know why pakistan is having more nukes than india at any given day and you all know how fearless we are and we aint building these nukes to store in some cold storage the choice is yours...

Our choice ??? well I and all of India chooses to not give a rat a$$ to any state asking for Kashmir...thats our choice..now go and bring out those nukes from cold storage and nuke India....and wait...whats this with this statement of yours "..you all know how fearless we are" ....?? Are you trying to show that your is a warrior race and you can do a great harm if we make you angry and bla bla.....go kid and give those threats to your kindergarten friends..atleast that will be a real world and not showing machoism on the internet. :rolleyes:
True...when things are going bad, scream "EVIL INDIA OCCUPY KASHMIR" and that will get the public attention away from their own problems....

Not every time this tactic works! LOC incidents recently couldn't conceal widespread rape outrage!

I won't blame people for their ignorance because they don't understand dynamics of Pakistani politics. Politics in Pakistan don't count on Indian related issues, unlike India where voters are attracted by spewing venom against Pakistan, more you pick apart more you get famous and prestigious.

Kashmir dispute is not new, everybody knows that - right from the beginning (in good or bad) Pakistan have been raising her voice for Kashmir and kashmiris. Please make a note - when we say every Pakistani we mean every Pakistani, not just GoP who could manipulate things for distraction.
@newdelhinsa well we do have poor people but much much less than india also we dont claim to be a future power of future plus you wont find anybody shitting in open as we have ample toilets..

Anyways the main things is .I wonder why no indian ever talks about holding a plebiscite in kashmir and showing the world how much kashmiries love you guys and the nip the evil in bud and finish all this pain for once and all....If they love you so much as you guys claim I guess thats the easiest way
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I guess i did hit you where it hurts the most but learn to live in reality..And the same goes for those who thinks india is gonna be a superpower in another 1000 years...Pakistan still have a bettr per capita income and much less poverty than india and a much better general living standards....I wonder why no body is interseting in holding a plebiscite in kashmir and showing the world how much kashmiries love you guys and the nip the evil in bud and finish all this pain for once and all

Peblicite... lol....after so much demographic manipulation by these very same extremists chasing all sikhs and Hindus away from their ancestral homeland.???. Terrorists and extremists do not deserve self determination. You give them that, you give them that and you will end up with another Afghanistan.? NOoo .... thank you.....

Everything else you have written is absolute hogwash devoid of sense...
Not every time this tactic works! LOC incidents recently couldn't conceal widespread rape outrage!

I won't blame people for their ignorance because they don't understand dynamics of Pakistani politics. Politics in Pakistan don't count on Indian related issues, unlike India where voters are attracted by spewing venom against Pakistan, more you pick apart more you get famous and prestigious.

Kashmir dispute is not new, everybody knows that - right from the beginning (in good or bad) Pakistan have been raising her voice for Kashmir and kashmiris. Please make a note - when we say every Pakistani we mean every Pakistani, not just GoP who could manipulate things for distraction.

Kashmir dispute is not simple...assume we give freedom to Kashmir...what do you think will happen..the whole region will becomes radicalized and will becomes a staging ground for more attacks inside India. More civilians will get killed more Mumbai like attacks will happen and these same people will attack Pakistan as well and not to mention this will become a staging ground for Uyghurs militants as well...
Our choice ??? well I and all of India chooses to not give a rat a$$ to any state asking for Kashmir...thats our choice..now go and bring out those nukes from cold storage and nuke India....and wait...whats this with this statement of yours "..you all know how fearless we are" ....?? Are you trying to show that your is a warrior race and you can do a great harm if we make you angry and bla bla.....go kid and give those threats to your kindergarten friends..atleast that will be a real world and not showing machoism on the internet. :rolleyes:
No internet machoism kiddooo we ruled you hindus and sikhs for a thousand years and that shows who are the brave one's and who are cowards.... These nukes will get out of their storage if you guys keep on suppressing kashmiries and thats not gonna be a good day for humanity but as the saying goes we reap what we sow....Just leave that 97% muslims area thats what justice demands as pak'india were divided on religious lines had gandhi not been licking mountbatten wife all the injustices in redcliff award and facilitations regarding kashmirs would not have occured..
The shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online
how much brave you are who considers ***** licker your national hero and this is the reality of you indians....
No internet machoism kiddooo we ruled you hindus and sikhs for a thousand years and that shows who are the brave one's and who are cowards.... These nukes will get out of their storage if you guys keep on suppressing kashmiries and thats not gonna be a good day for humanity but as the saying goes we reap what we sow....Just leave that 97% muslims area thats what justice demands as pak'india were divided on religious lines had gandhi not been licking mountbatten wife all the injustices in redcliff award and facilitations regarding kashmirs would not have occured..
The shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online
how much brave you are who considers ***** licker your national hero and this is the reality of you indians....

here comes another internet warrior who claims to be superior race than the kafirs..lol.
wake up and read the entire history before commenting..you didnt rule you convert..lol...even of you arent the one..your entire country was formed of the people of the subcontinent who gave in..lol..and you wanna hear more on your superior race ??? listen to this...you people claimed that one Pakistani is worth ten Hindus...and still got humiliated everytime. when we were living peacefully without any violence some Mughals took advantage and rules us..now when we are prepared for one on one fight..you people never win against us...go read 1965,1971,1999. if you can somehow digest this...come again..I will give you another dose of reality :lol:..then speak to me about your superior race and how kafir hindu/sikhs are 10 times smaller than you..lol

and what about the Nukes? you didnt mention nukes this time...I order you to Nuke us...:rofl:
Kashmir dispute is not simple...assume we give freedom to Kashmir...what do you think will happen..the whole region will becomes radicalized and will becomes a staging ground for more attacks inside India. More civilians will get killed more Mumbai like attacks will happen and these same people will attack Pakistan as well and not to mention this will become a staging ground for Uyghurs militants as well...

It's a wrong interpretation. Going by your logic, every state that has obtained independence is breeding terrorism! Leave Pakistan aside for while, is India a place where radicalization occurs without interruption?

The reality is actually other way around, you oppress people, people turn against you. Sole cause of terrorism in India is Kashmir. Why would terrorists continue attacking India if the problem is solved?
The answer to that is look at you Pakistanis. I am sure you guys will find another reason. So no thanks...

Oh really! What reason did you have when you backed 71 insurgency? Pakistan is a stake holder in Kashmir, keep that in mind.
Guys please stop abusing!
No internet machoism kiddooo we ruled you hindus and sikhs for a thousand years and that shows who are the brave one's and who are cowards.... These nukes will get out of their storage if you guys keep on suppressing kashmiries and thats not gonna be a good day for humanity but as the saying goes we reap what we sow....Just leave that 97% muslims area thats what justice demands as pak'india were divided on religious lines had gandhi not been licking mountbatten wife all the injustices in redcliff award and facilitations regarding kashmirs would not have occured..
The shocking love triangle between Lord Mountbatten, his wife and the founder of modern India | Mail Online
how much brave you are who considers ***** licker your national hero and this is the reality of you indians....

i think you guys have habit to multiply zeros :lol:.

rest of your post is brain fart and please tell me how did you get that 97% kashmir population are muslim?
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