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LeT, IM busy opening terror front along Bangla-Myanmar border, intel inputs


Jun 24, 2012
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NEW DELHI: Even as the security establishment counters the pan-Indian network of Laskher-e-Taiba (LeT) and its indigenous arm Indian Mujahideen, the Pakistan-based terror outfit is busy opening another front close to the northeast region, along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Inputs with R&AW, India's external intelligence agency, confirm that LeT and its over ground avatar, Jamaat ud Dawah (JuD), are working to extend their footprint along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border by riding piggyback on the sectarian violence targeted against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's Rakhine state. While JuD strongman Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is leading the anti-Myanmar campaign, espousing the cause of Rohingyas from various public platforms in Pakistan, his terror subordinates have been planning and undertaking visits to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border region. Agencies here fear the Bangladesh-Myanmar border may emerge as a new theatre of jihad in the not-too-distant future.

Apart from creating a new forum, Difa-e-Musalman Arakan (Burma) Conference (Defence of Muslims in Myanmar), in mid -2012 to mobilize support for an anti-Myanmar government campaign, LeT/JuD had deputed a two-member team — comprising JuD spokesperson Nadeem Awan and JuD Publications Wing member Shahid Mahmood Rehmatullah — last August to forge covert links with like-minded Islamic organizations in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The team, after its return from Bangladesh, held a press conference in Karachi where they castigated Dhaka for neglecting the welfare of Rohingya refugees who had crossed over to Bangladesh from Myanmar. Intelligence agencies here believe the clandestine visit of JuD/LeT operatives to Bangladesh was linked to the bout of communal violence, targeted against Buddhists, which erupted in Cox's Bazaar and adjoining areas, soon thereafter.

Interestingly, other terror outfits such as Harkat-ul-****** Islami, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Jamaat-ul- Mujahideen Bangladesh - known to have links with Rohingya NGOs like Rohingya Solidarity Organisation - are also trying to exploit the Rohingyas' plight to establish new bases in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi security agencies are examining if Jammat-ul-Arakan, a new outfit comprising elements of JMB and extremist-minded Rohingyan activists, is running militant camps in Bandarban district along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Links between Pakistani outfits and Rohingyas have come to the notice of Bangladeshi security agencies in the recent past. Bangladeshi Police traced the funds in bank account of one Maulana Mohammad Yunus, arrested last August from a madarasa in Rau Upazilla of Cox's Bazaar, to Maulana Shabir Ali Ahmed, a Karachi-based, Jaish-linked Bangladeshi national of Rohingya origin. Another madarasa operator, Abdur Rehman alias Imran alias Mustafa of Teknaf, Cox's Bazaar, is suspected to have coordinated arrival of Pakistan-trained Myanmarese mujahideen in various locations of Cox's Bazaar in end of last year.

The Bangladesh agencies tracking Shafiul Alam, a dual Pakistani-Nepalese passport holder who travels frequently from Pakistan to Bangladesh, recently found that he and Abdul Karim alias Mohammed Nur Alam, a Nepal-based Rohingya operative linked to hawala and fake currency trafficking networks, had been trying to set up training camps along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border for Rohingya extremists, in consultation with Pakistan-based LeT commander Ustad Abdul Hamid.

Link - LeT, IM busy opening terror front along Bangla-Myanmar border, intel inputs say - The Times of India
NEW DELHI: Even as the security establishment counters the pan-Indian network of Laskher-e-Taiba (LeT) and its indigenous arm Indian Mujahideen, the Pakistan-based terror outfit is busy opening another front close to the northeast region, along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Inputs with R&AW, India's external intelligence agency, confirm that LeT and its over ground avatar, Jamaat ud Dawah (JuD), are working to extend their footprint along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border by riding piggyback on the sectarian violence targeted against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's Rakhine state. While JuD strongman Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is leading the anti-Myanmar campaign, espousing the cause of Rohingyas from various public platforms in Pakistan, his terror subordinates have been planning and undertaking visits to the Bangladesh-Myanmar border region. Agencies here fear the Bangladesh-Myanmar border may emerge as a new theatre of jihad in the not-too-distant future.

Apart from creating a new forum, Difa-e-Musalman Arakan (Burma) Conference (Defence of Muslims in Myanmar), in mid -2012 to mobilize support for an anti-Myanmar government campaign, LeT/JuD had deputed a two-member team — comprising JuD spokesperson Nadeem Awan and JuD Publications Wing member Shahid Mahmood Rehmatullah — last August to forge covert links with like-minded Islamic organizations in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

The team, after its return from Bangladesh, held a press conference in Karachi where they castigated Dhaka for neglecting the welfare of Rohingya refugees who had crossed over to Bangladesh from Myanmar. Intelligence agencies here believe the clandestine visit of JuD/LeT operatives to Bangladesh was linked to the bout of communal violence, targeted against Buddhists, which erupted in Cox's Bazaar and adjoining areas, soon thereafter.

Interestingly, other terror outfits such as Harkat-ul-****** Islami, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Jamaat-ul- Mujahideen Bangladesh - known to have links with Rohingya NGOs like Rohingya Solidarity Organisation - are also trying to exploit the Rohingyas' plight to establish new bases in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi security agencies are examining if Jammat-ul-Arakan, a new outfit comprising elements of JMB and extremist-minded Rohingyan activists, is running militant camps in Bandarban district along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Links between Pakistani outfits and Rohingyas have come to the notice of Bangladeshi security agencies in the recent past. Bangladeshi Police traced the funds in bank account of one Maulana Mohammad Yunus, arrested last August from a madarasa in Rau Upazilla of Cox's Bazaar, to Maulana Shabir Ali Ahmed, a Karachi-based, Jaish-linked Bangladeshi national of Rohingya origin. Another madarasa operator, Abdur Rehman alias Imran alias Mustafa of Teknaf, Cox's Bazaar, is suspected to have coordinated arrival of Pakistan-trained Myanmarese mujahideen in various locations of Cox's Bazaar in end of last year.

The Bangladesh agencies tracking Shafiul Alam, a dual Pakistani-Nepalese passport holder who travels frequently from Pakistan to Bangladesh, recently found that he and Abdul Karim alias Mohammed Nur Alam, a Nepal-based Rohingya operative linked to hawala and fake currency trafficking networks, had been trying to set up training camps along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border for Rohingya extremists, in consultation with Pakistan-based LeT commander Ustad Abdul Hamid.

Link - LeT, IM busy opening terror front along Bangla-Myanmar border, intel inputs say - The Times of India

Give these intel to the Junta and destroy it before it spawns more. Burn them and make sure no one can identify these buggers. Thats how you are supposed to deal with these pigs.
So now do we see more bloodshed and suicide bombings? When is this going to stop? Are these buggers doing it for the money or is it purely for 'defending Islam'?
I am waiting for NIA to publish a new report justifying this move .They can link it to some previous riot or incident .
They are not interested in coexistence. Opening a ****** font in Burma is going to be a disastrous mistake. Unlike more "civilized" countries Burma knows just how to deal with Islamic terrorists. I am amazed at how lax GOI has been at extending their full support to Burma in their righteous cause.
Bangladesh has been more or less a peaceful and gud neighbors, GOI must help BOI giving Intel about these terrorists .Bangladesh shouldn't become next Pakistan like terrorist haven
After these continous stunts how can they not expect us to **** with them in balochistan?:angry:

And still bangladeshis will blame RAW for promoting terror within their borders.
Inevitable. Alhamdulillah! Allah SWT be praised. A Muslim must stand by his fellow Muslim in distress.
Inevitable. Alhamdulillah! Allah SWT be praised. A Muslim must stand by his fellow Muslim in distress.

You do know these target practice 'drones' would not stop to ask their victims if they are Muslim/Christian/Hindu/Atheist in their madrassah fueled rage? And what is stopping you from helping your fellow drones princess?
I'm not much concerned about Myanmar, as they'll cooperate with Indian army without any conditions. But Bangladesh can be a problem. Now if they don't cooperate with Indian government, then i suggest RAW to turn Dhaka into a fighting zone like SWAT/FATA. Only in that way that ungrateful nation be taught a lesson.
Another terrorist front is opening against another country for the sake of Islam with a link to a terrorist organisation located in Pakistan..Now this is going way beyond Pakistan's control sooner or later they will find the world world standing against them and this ideocity of theirs.
I'm sure they will all go back peacefully to their holes where they crept out from.
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