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LEGION , Best Marvel TV show yet?

Right.. But once he tries to restore his mistake (flashpoint) he thinks he gets everything back to normal. But in actuality, while things seem to get better, they are not totally restored to the pre-flashpoint universe.

If you're familiar with the comics, you know that Flashpoint resulted in DC Comics essentially rebooting it's entire comic book line with its "New 52" universe a few years back.

And personally, I was never a fan of the new 52 reboot, and thankfully, DC has started to fix its "New 52" mistake.

And while we're on the subject of comic books, I'm much a more fan of the Silver age DC Comics universe. which ended with one of the best stories in comic book history. Crisis on Infinite Earths.

But I know this is not about the comic books, it's about the TV show version of these heroes so I'll stop nerd ranting on now :lol:
Any good shows or movies to recommend? The type you and me like...

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