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Legatum Prosperity Index of 142 countries 2013


Feb 27, 2011
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United Kingdom
The Legatum Prosperity Index is an annual ranking, developed by the Legatum Institute, of 142 countries. The ranking is based on a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, personal well-being, and quality of life.

The 8 sub-indexes are:

  • Economy
  • Entrepreneurship & Opportunity
  • Governance
  • Education
  • Health
  • Safety & Security
  • Personal Freedom
  • Social Capital
Norway tops the Index for the fifth consecutive year and these are the Top 10 most prosperous countries

1) Norway

2) Switzerland

3) Canada

4) sweden

5) New zeland

6) Denmark

7) Australia

8) Finalnd

9) Netherlands

10) Luxembourg

Bangladesh overtakes India in overall Prosperity.

Bangladesh (103rd) ranks above India (106th) in the Prosperity Index for the first time in 2013. Although Bangladesh ’s rank has remained constant since last year, India has declined five places in the same period. India has fallen down the Prosperity Index rankings consistently over the last five years.

Pakistan - 132nd
Pakistan's rank on overall Prosperity declined by one place since 2009 to 132nd.
The Safety & Security sub-index moved down by seven places to 140th, which is due to increases in war casualties and refugees.
The Governance sub-index dropped as well, by four places to 123rd in 2013, given an increase in the perceptions of corruption and reductions of political constraints.

India - 106th
India dropped by fifteen places, to 106th, in overall prosperity.
The Personal Freedom sub-index dropped by forty-five places, to 100th, due to a drop in the tolerance of immigrants and a drop in civic choice variables.
The Safety & Security sub-index dropped by twenty-seven places, to 120th, due to an increase in property being stolen, assault rates, group grievances, and drop in the perception of feeling safe walking home alone at night.

US Drops out of top 20 in the economy sub-index.
This year, the US has moved down four places to 24th in the Economy sub-index. Countries that have overtaken the US in the Economy sub-index include New Zealand (17th) and South Korea (19th), among others.

Eight of the bottom 15 countries on the Personal Freedom sub-index are in the MENA region.
Turkey (130th), Saudi Arabia (131st), Algeria (132nd), Syria (133rd), Jordan(136th), Yemen (140th), Iraq (141st), and Egypt (142nd) are in the bottom 15 countries in the Personal Freedom sub-index, which measures factors such as the guarantee of individual freedom and social tolerance.

Nine of the top ten countries on the Entrepreneurship & Opportunity sub-index are from Europe.

The UK declines from 13th to 16th overall this year.

Source : http://www.prosperity.com/#!/
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And New Zealand is 5th on the table.

YAY!!!! :victory:
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