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Left wing or right wing?


Dec 19, 2012
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1.What is exactly right wing and left wing in pakistan
1.A person being Pro-army is right wing or left wing?
2. which parties and personalities are right wing and which are left wing?
3.and what is the difference between a liberal rightist and an authoritarian rightist
4.and what is the diffrence between a liberal leftist and a authoritarian leftist!
also give examples of personalities and political parties too!
Pretty soon there will be no bird left , then we can all hang on to our left wing and right wing

This is Pakistani politics

Mission Statement: When in Power put your head down and eat as much as possile

In Pakistan there is a very select few , who dare enter politics mainly its a "Business run" thru families
a father then his kids , his relatives. There are no political goals or ends , the sole purpose of power
is to be in power which entitles he Victor , and I use the word victor as they plunder the National Resources
for next 4-5 years.

There is no left or right in politics in Pakistan its mainly , how can we fool idiots based on language and city wide
sactarian fachist policies , and then claim to be representative of whole Pakistan. Most politicians change parties close to Elections , just because they feel that their existing Party will not guarentee them victory. So parties are choosen not based on "Polictical Reason" but personal gain choices.

Politcians gain huge financial benefits and access to business loan forgiveness and various other benefits like access to government projects so there is ample "MONEY to be made"

Real Politicians like Qaid-e-azam or Liaqat ali or Fatima Jinah come an go with no financial rewards, but modern dat politicians are renowned by their Vulture like ethics in order to survive in Pakistan

Main qualification of a Pakistani Politician is as follow

a) Doubtful University credentials
b) Must be buyable commodity , that is he must have switched alliances in past no one like a stuck up
c) He must be willing to shake hands with Devil
d) He will take part in approving Laws that protect the "Sacred Politicians as whole in parliment"
e) Preferred if he has owned property , but not necessary they can build property portfolio after
coming to power.
f) They must be willing to inturrupt others on National TV, and boast their position openly to
government officers like in Police, Customs, Traffic police etc

Both the Left and Right and Middle Parties all follow these Mandates

What makes them Left / Right and Middle are Newspaper lobbiest otherwise they all follow the above laws and principle of success.

Which is why we must execute all Parlimentarians in order to free Pakistan

There is no party with SPECIFIC agenda , like Nationalism etc or Religious preference they are all
group of Gangsters , who think its their turn to eat out of Corpse of the nation and build their empires in UK and Europe for that rainy Day retirement
PPP considers itself left wing what does that mean?

PPP considers itself left wing what does that mean?
1.What is exactly right wing and left wing in pakistan
1.A person being Pro-army is right wing or left wing?
2. which parties and personalities are right wing and which are left wing?
3.and what is the difference between a liberal rightist and an authoritarian rightist
4.and what is the diffrence between a liberal leftist and a authoritarian leftist!
also give examples of personalities and political parties too!

No idea !! :lol:
1.What is exactly right wing and left wing in pakistan
1.A person being Pro-army is right wing or left wing?
2. which parties and personalities are right wing and which are left wing?
3.and what is the difference between a liberal rightist and an authoritarian rightist
4.and what is the diffrence between a liberal leftist and a authoritarian leftist!
also give examples of personalities and political parties too!

1. same as across the globe
right. status-quo, religious, patriotic, conformist
left: rebel, reformist, wears a designer "che guevara " shirt and drinks Multi-National brand coffee, criticizes everything conceivable including his parents for conceiving him.

(there are exceptions)

1a. right wing.

2. Jamat Islami and PML are right wing, "serving" Generals are right wing, Imran Khan is left wing, NF Paracha is left wing, Mehmood Achakzai is leftist.

3. Authoritarian rightists is an absolute rightist nut. liberal rightist is actually a rightist spy who is moonlighting in the left wing

4. converse of authoritarian rightist, a liberal leftist is so leftist that constantly changes his mind because he fears he is becoming complacent with old leftist ideas he normally doesnt shave and stops trimming his hair. he tirelessly talks about the broken system and societal inequalities but always rigorously washes hands after shaking with the less fortunate in the society.
authoritarian leftist is one who is interested in dictating his version of alternate world he is hard to distinguish from a rightist when he is not criticizing the army for denying him the golf club pass.

there is also a confused lot confused because they cant be right or left whenever it suits them

e.g Business league is right wing when it feels its the right thing to do to support and ally with people who express their "Islam" by killing shias. but Business league is also leftist when it chooses to criticize the army.
PPP is right wing while in the government and left when its out of the government.

Hamid Gul is religiously right wing but from patriotic point of view (what is better for the state of Pakistan) he has his heart for Taliban. Altaf Hussain is right wing he ensures that people understand him right and those who dont well Karachi is a dangerous place.

ANP is right wing (shocked?) yes it is no longer fighting for bringing in communism in Pakistan and will do anything to just survive, it doesnt really deserve to represent great Khan Baba but who else is there?

Gen Musharraf is liberal right, because he talks about change but like Imran Khan he wants to decide and think for people because the people are not there yet to decide for themselves (and when they do, the consequences are devastating, e.g. people still having difficulty to decide if its our war or not and if any Muslim can really kill 40000 fellow muslims or not)
1. same as across the globe
right. status-quo, religious, patriotic, conformist
left: rebel, reformist, wears a designer "che guevara " shirt and drinks Multi-National brand coffee, criticizes everything conceivable including his parents for conceiving him.

I think the definition of left and right needs to be defined as per each individual country and not based on the western definitions.

Nowadays the definition of right and left has got so distorted that it is not even making sense any more.
@Irfan Baloch
1-If a person is extremly Pro-army!
2-believes in the ISLAMIC republic of pakistan
3-but is against what is happening in pakistan today!
What is he?
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left: rebel, reformist, wears a designer "che guevara " shirt and drinks Multi-National brand coffee, criticizes everything conceivable including his parents for conceiving him.
Asma jahangir :rofl:
4. a liberal leftist is so leftist that constantly changes his mind because he fears he is becoming complacent with old leftist ideas he normally doesnt shave and stops trimming his hair. he tirelessly talks about the broken system and societal inequalities but always rigorously washes hands after shaking with the less fortunate in the society.
nadeem f.paracha

What about Zaid hamid?
wow portraying the left in such bad taste by 1,2,3,4 members, shows why we heading towards where we are heading.... Errrrrrrr....this self righteous mentality of right wingers, no wonder why we are in heading towards civil war...

the spectrum of ideologies is still pretty much clear, its vagueness to some is because its not cold war era anymore, but consider some orientations(say religious,economic, moral, socio-legal) and you still have yourself identified in one of the spectrum colour !!

say a person is pro army; is he/she left or right? the simple answer is he is "no one" because pro-army is no political orientation, yes if that means he supports marshall law or dictator ship then it depends who is in charge, Zia or Musharraf? but if support to army remains without who is in charge, then he/she has no political orientation because he/she is supporting a temporary setup. (a motorcycle engine or super sonic jet engine cannot run a car for long, even if its put to work)

PPP,MQM,ANP are leftist(their orientations are different though), PML and A-Z, blah blah are right wing, JI, JUIF etc are religious parties, hence also right wing.

PTI has no clear orientation. you can call it a nationalistic or pluralistic movement, frustrated by status quo and their criminal corruption at the cost of national sovereignty and integrity.
1. same as across the globe
right. status-quo, religious, patriotic, conformist
left: rebel, reformist, wears a designer "che guevara " shirt and drinks Multi-National brand coffee, criticizes everything conceivable including his parents for conceiving him.

(there are exceptions)

1a. right wing.

2. Jamat Islami and PML are right wing, "serving" Generals are right wing, Imran Khan is left wing, NF Paracha is left wing, Mehmood Achakzai is leftist.

3. Authoritarian rightists is an absolute rightist nut. liberal rightist is actually a rightist spy who is moonlighting in the left wing

4. converse of authoritarian rightist, a liberal leftist is so leftist that constantly changes his mind because he fears he is becoming complacent with old leftist ideas he normally doesnt shave and stops trimming his hair. he tirelessly talks about the broken system and societal inequalities but always rigorously washes hands after shaking with the less fortunate in the society.
authoritarian leftist is one who is interested in dictating his version of alternate world he is hard to distinguish from a rightist when he is not criticizing the army for denying him the golf club pass.

there is also a confused lot confused because they cant be right or left whenever it suits them
e.g Business league is right wing when it feels its the right thing to do to support and ally with people who express their "Islam" by killing shias. but Business league is also leftist when it chooses to criticize the army.
PPP is right wing while in the government and left when its out of the government.

Hamid Gul is religiously right wing but from patriotic point of view (what is better for the state of Pakistan) he has his heart for Taliban. Altaf Hussain is right wing he ensures that people understand him right and those who dont well Karachi is a dangerous place.

ANP is right wing (shocked?) yes it is no longer fighting for bringing in communism in Pakistan and will do anything to just survive, it doesnt really deserve to represent great Khan Baba but who else is there?

Gen Musharraf is liberal right, because he talks about change but like Imran Khan he wants to decide and think for people because the people are not there yet to decide for themselves (and when they do, the consequences are devastating, e.g. people still having difficulty to decide if its our war or not and if any Muslim can really kill 40000 fellow muslims or not)

:) alpha , Irfan has explained already but i will point out to one bold line his post.

frankly and honestly speaking there are no left right wing political parties in Pakistan. They are doing perodical Left-Right March for protecting their interests.

on the otherh and you may find staunch Leftiest Rightest individuals within parties.
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