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Left over USA items in Afghanistan

I was talking to a trader in bara and he said alot of stuff is on the way. He said he can even arrange a humvee at cheap price if i can arrange the paperwork for it to be allowed in on border.

Lol, buy one for me -- could use it as a protective vehicle when I'm visiting Pakistan -- I'll pay you later. :D


On the 1st photo you forgot the phone number TNT needs it, Lol.
Bacon strips and sausages no use for afghan ppl better trash them
The Peshawar bara is about to be flush with things - interestingly, I wonder what happens to all the Bacon there?
Ive heard of Afg ofcrs eating it while abroad
Maybe Persian speaking officers I met alot of iranian they all eat Bacon Ham pepperoni
US has excellent Halal ready to eat menu's
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Gguess what, all these are without “immobilizer/transponder ”. Amrekans r *******. They left all the raps & cougerz but took the keyz and remove transponderz from half ov them lol. You can’t create a clone without the original. Most of these vehicles have electronic sys.

So, bad for Afghanis, all the mil equip is dead. It's not an easy task. There are tons of wires and techie shitz inside the dashboard. You can’t mess without 100% of knowledge. So, the junk is ready! However, Pakistani can secretly takeova these, bring them to Pakistan and re-engineer the section with the help of Chi-Chun-paa.

Why Americans did this? Simply because at the end of the day, most of the stuff ends up in the handz ov Talib. After the evacuations, most of the bases are now under the Afghan forces control. Equip are inside the compound(s). When the Talib attack, ANA will react. There is a 90% of chance that most of the equipment will be damaged and destroy btw the fightin`. If they left the original, it could be possible that ANA will take em out from the bases and will use them in the fighting. Perhaps, many of them will be captured by Talibs in running condition and they will use against Kabul in fighting. So, its hard for puppetANA to sustain or prolong the fight against machu-mans with RGPz sitting in the MRAPs, Humvees with MGs and so on... that's what ANA and the Afghan Govt failed to understand why Amreekans did this lol

The Amerekan took preemptive measures in favor of ANA, however the course of action significantly reduced the firepower capability of the both in the battlefield.
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taliban should take the gym equipment and open taliban gym and offer free sports drinks once you become member.
Just today, I was discussing with my friend that we should go to Afghanistan and buy some stuff from the Taliban.

Talib bros ain't interested in American AR Rifles, scopes or Armored jackets. They'll probably sell the stuff in cheap. It's the chance 🥴
Lol, buy one for me -- could use it as a protective vehicle when I'm visiting Pakistan -- I'll pay you later. :D


On the 1st photo you forgot the phone number TNT needs it, Lol.

Pakistan is very safe btw, ill take u on a ride though, if i get it. Its easy, get it into pices, import as miscellaneous items and then set it up here.


Paul Elliott
If I’d have known they were giving away Defender Land Rovers. Id have flown there myself and driven, ether one home or placed more on a low loader and driven that. Then sold the low loader to pay for the trip. Geez I’m never in the right place.
I was talking to a trader in bara and he said alot of stuff is on the way. He said he can even arrange a humvee at cheap price if i can arrange the paperwork for it to be allowed in on border.
At its heydey of stealing the M-16 was selling for 8000rs(possibly 14000 today if adjusted for inflation) .. that can be resold for 200k.
Make no mistake, this has been done on purpose. Just like the last time, these weapons will get in hands of miscreants. Who will be funded by CIA and India. These will then wage a war on Pakistan like in the history. Remember its not just the Afghan government that's a US puppet. There are several paid mercenaries as well. Several groups and divisions in "Talibans". There is not just 1 kind of "Talibans", there are several groups not all are fighting for Islam. Most of them are fighting to be paid and enjoy some leverage & authority.

This messy withdrawal from Afghanistan would hit Pakistan the most and the hardest. Americans have made sure this time that they leave high tech weaponry for these groups to enjoy. After Russians left these groups just had some rifles and rocket launchers. Now apparently they have much more stuff!

War torn countries take decades to fix themselves. Even Pakistan has a constant and on going struggle going on within itself all the time. Pakistan would be the hardest hit country by US withdrawal despite the fact that we supported their withdrawal. I hope ISI and Pak Army is making serious considerations and prepping up for next influx of terrorism within Pakistan.
Looking at this I am in awe of this nation. A people who live on other side of the world are so productive, so hardworking, so well organized that they can change the face of a land 10,000 miles away and fill it with fruits of their labour. Amazing ......
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