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Learning From The Example Of Germany

I'm not going to get into a pissing contest here.

An Indian poster attacked my country, for "copying EVERYTHING".

I responded by pointing out that everyone copies from each other.

Come On Dear, I was Just Joking, You Must never take anything seriously.... See Even If It is copied, Is anyone going to laugh at it when its standing right there On the battlefield??? Or would they be happy that its copied and hence cannot attack??

Come on friend, One Must take things Lightly, No matter what The world Think... Our Country is always The best , and It always is among every citizen living in this Planet.
Come On Dear, I was Just Joking, You Must never take anything seriously.... See Even If It is copied, Is anyone going to laugh at it when its standing right there On the battlefield??? Or would they be happy that its copied and hence cannot attack??

Come on friend, One Must take things Lightly, No matter what The world Think... Our Country is always The best , and It always is among every citizen living in this Planet.

You're right... I just get annoyed sometimes by all this China-bashing.

For the record it was an Indian poster that first bashed China by accusing us of "copying EVERYTHING". And I did not bash India in return.
You're right... I just get annoyed sometimes by all this China-bashing.

For the record it was an Indian poster that accused China of "copying everything". And I did not bash India in return.

Come On Dear, I can Understand.... But Do You Know Something, Reverse Engineering certainly is A difficult thing to do altogether, which Not Many Countries can Do, Be Proud of the Positive aspect, Learn to Look Everything through the Right Perspective..... Almost All the Countries are Having Specialized Courses In Reverse Engineering, Whats all that for Anyway???, The Only Difference Is China Is Implementing it Openly ....
Then I guess You must stop Using Your Rocket artillery,Anything which Uses Optical Fibre,Stop Measuring Nuclear cross sections using "Bhabha scattering" as the base , Stop Using Your Computers as It uses Binary Language 0... I dont think we get royalties for all this??? and I personally would not want You to wear your pajamas Either as It needs some amount of Royalty which too needs to be given to us....

Exactly, the whole world copied the number zero from India, to do mathematics, and to build computers.

Like I said, everyone copies from each other, so it's unfair to bash only China for it.
Exactly, the whole world copied the number zero from India, to do maths and to build computers.

Like I said, everyone copies from each other, so it's unfair to bash only China for it.

Well Yes, If its to Blame China, Blame the world who started this trend??? But Again Copying gives a Negative Image to People which too Must be Be Understood.... Isnt it friend??
@ Su 47: Come On Dear, Look who started it,and What made him say so/... and The Intention behind Him saying so...
Chinese Dragon is a guy who never makes lame comments and never ever have i seen him flame till now .I respect him for this, it is only under extreme conditions that he talks angrily.

I completely support him here because nobody likes when one's country is being bashed.
Thank you IndianArmy and Indushek. :cheers:

Chinese-Dragon, you are one of those members who don't flame or troll and post sensibly, and we all respect you for that. Lets not engage in childish arguments.

The issue here is how the Chinese industry has blatantly violated modern copyright laws. Now, obviously this happens in other nations as well, but not to this extent. Just set aside patriotism and think, isnt it wrong to have so many manufactures in your nation violate international (and local) intellectual property, and the government turning a blind eye?

No one will hold China responsible for the act of a few greedy manufacturers. But if the government doesn't actively take an effort to stop this malpractice, the world will look unfavourably upon China.

If you want to talk about it sensibly, then I am very happy to do so. The reason I was angry before is that "Textminer" seems to have a grudge against China, and brings up subjects like Tiananmen Square (i.e. the deaths of my fellow countrymen) for no reason at all.

On topic: Clearly there is a problem with copyright infringement in China. China does not have an advanced "legal infrastructure", because we don't have a democracy. This also results in a lack of transparency.

So the problem is twofold: (1) Lack of legal infrastructure, and perhaps (2) a "feeling" that others have copied from us, so it's not evil to copy from them.

I feel that when China becomes more developed and we have more innovations, there will be a great effort to improve our legal infrastructure with regards to intellectual property. Both to save face overseas, and also to protect our own industries. So I think the trends are positive but I can't say for sure. Improving our legal system, and increasing transparency is certainly vital to us in the long-term.
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Maybe Chinese are masters for copies and I fell so sorry that cannot have a sense of pride like an Indian people as a result of having so many inventions&creations had been brought by the most talented ancestors.
I do not know what legal infrastructure refer to.I think ordinary people like us not talented ones should just use all convenience whatever they created by people on one’s own,invented by foreigners ,or even had been left by aliens.All of them are just gifts from gods and should be shared by entire mankind and some other creatures if possible.
Maybe Chinese are masters for copies and I fell so sorry that cannot have a sense of pride like an Indian people as a result of having so many inventions&creations had been brought by the most talented ancestors.
I do not know what legal infrastructure refer to.I think ordinary people like us not talented ones should just use all convenience whatever they created by people on one’s own,invented by foreigners ,or even had been left by aliens.All of them are just gifts from gods and should be shared by entire mankind and some other creatures if possible.

Legal infrastructure means that the government is effective at protecting your legal rights, like intellectual property. So that when you write a contract, the government will enforce that contract.

In China, a lot of business is done of the basis of "Guan xi" (关系)... where legal contracts are less important than people-to-people social relationships.

Guanxi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do the research yourself. This is so common knowledge and most Chinese people living in China will readily admit it..
If you are not able to Google, then don't believe me, doesn't change the facts. There are hundreds of articles on it.

I gave an example for less diversified economies in Europe being hit hardest by the economic crisis of 2008-2009, which is what Vassti is worried about in NZ. It has to do with China trade because his concern is NZ will only rely on China.

It has to do with the debt of European countries, because their slow recovery makes it harder for them to manage their debt and they are recovering slowly because they had build up their financial sector out of proportion

Don't try to lecture me.. I studied that stuff and my uncle did business in and with China for many years.
Regarding the copyright, I'm not bashing Germany did the same 300 years ago stealing tech from the British, I am just stating our concerns.. since this is about "what Germany is doing right"

Still drivel :tdown: source me. When person A accuse person B else of a misdeed, it's not the responsibility of B to find evidence against himself.

Well...i can give you a lot of sources that you will qualify as Propaganda and Imaginative Drivel, but for now, you can refer this link. And I can tell you, the Chinese manufacturing industry copies almost EVERY popular product (whether East-West-North-South). An example from India here.

Sneakers and Times of India? You seem to have trouble understand the difference between ToT and fake branding.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1140162 said:
China has copied yes. But which countries HAVE NOT COPIED? Which countries have not copied from China before? :) I can with pride say that China is one of the few countries who haven't copied their writing. Like all the Western countries have copied from Roman/greek/Phoenican letters. Our language does not have nearly as many loan words as e.g English. Actually, many Chinese words and pronunciation have been exported to other countries.

And seriously, what is hardest? Copying or buying other countries' stuff and expertise?

What is best in the long run?
Buying foreign goods and expertise, or try establishing your own manufacturing base by a mixture of copying, digestion of foreign technology and improving it?

Take it step-by-step, learn the basic, give your people expertise and then improve?

What is best economically?
Definitely not buying other countries' stuff. The best is copying. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Copying is underrated. You can't just click a button and then the chosen thing is duplicated. There is a lot of things behind it.

I only laugh at those who think the Chinese is unable to be innovative. Time will prove you wrong. It will take a time for China's industries to be as technologically advanced, when we reach that point, the U.S. will be a mere shadow of its former status. China had to copy russian equipment before, because we were so backwards after wars, famine and embargos. No more that.

This unbeliever guy is making specific allegations of illegal high tech transfers and corporate espionage in Germany with no specific examples other than saying "go google it yourself". If all litigations could be settled via this method:rolleyes:. Criminal go google your own evidence against yourself. What a dunce.
This unbeliever guy is making specific allegations of illegal high tech transfers and corporate espionage with no specific examples other than saying "go google it yourself". If all litigations could be settled via this method:rolleyes:. Criminal go google your own evidence against yourself. What a dunce.

Do you think that he'll "believe" you once you do google up facts proving otherwise? :rofl:
Do you think that he'll "believe" you once you do google up facts proving otherwise? :rofl:

Then he'll probably say something along the lines of "you can prove anything using internet sources, I don't believe you."

Still he's yet to explain the housing crisis cause the sovereign debt crisis despite his backsliding.
@ Su 47: Come On Dear, Look who started it,and What made him say so/... and The Intention behind Him saying so...

yes, i realised that. he is a very sensible poster who respects others and talks peace and co-operation and he has my respect for that. i have deleted my post. My apologies to chinese-dragon for misunderstandings.

Thank you IndianArmy and Indushek. :cheers:

If you want to talk about it sensibly, then I am very happy to do so. The reason I was angry before is that "Textminer" seems to have a grudge against China, and brings up subjects like Tiananmen Square (i.e. the deaths of my fellow countrymen) for no reason at all.

On topic: Clearly there is a problem with copyright infringement in China. China does not have an advanced "legal infrastructure", because we don't have a democracy. This also results in a lack of transparency.

So the problem is twofold: (1) Lack of legal infrastructure, and perhaps (2) a "feeling" that others have copied from us, so it's not evil to copy from them.

I feel that when China becomes more developed and we have more innovations, there will be a great effort to improve our legal infrastructure with regards to intellectual property. Both to save face overseas, and also to protect our own industries. So I think the trends are positive but I can't say for sure. Improving our legal system, and increasing transparency is certainly vital to us in the long-term.

Thanks for clearing that up. And i hope we can change the mindset of people who are against other countries, and set them on a path for co-operation and mutual gain :cheers:
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