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æ as in cat
There fore it would be Salam with the "A" pronounced as in cat

Hence, It is not pronounced with a "C" sound but a variation of the "A" sound.

I already explained that if I used the Arabic-Persian script members would pronounce the words wrong as Urdu and Persian pronunciation is different even for identical words.

I hope you have understood.

Here is another example for your sake:

English word: Pajama
Urdu pronunciation: Peh-jam-ah
Farsi pronunciation: Peh-jam-ey

Also, the popular traditional fried chicken to Urdu speakers is "Tikkh-ah" whereas to Farsi speakers in Iran it is "Tikkh-ay."

This despite both being written the identical way in both tongues.



To become "shodæn," and to go or "ræftæn"

Now it is time to learn how to say "to become" and "to go," as these will become very important in the future. I should note, that in some instances with verbs shodæn and ræftæn are used instead of kærdæn. This may appear as confusing but I shall attempt to explain them more clearly.

mæn mishævæm - I become
to mishævi - you become
shoma mishævid - you become (formal)
an mishævæd - that becomes

mæn mirævæm - I go
to mirævi - you go
shoma mirævid - you go (formal)
an mirævæd - that goes

Instances where Shodæn/ Ræftæn are used instead of Kærdæn:

rah ræftæn - to walk
mæn rah mirævæm - I walk
to rah mirævi - you walk

bidar shodæn - to awaken (lit. to become awake)
mæn bidar mishævæm - I wake up
to bidar mishævi - you wake up

Also, we can continue with "khastæn" (to want)

mæn mikhahæm - I want
to mikhahi - you want
shoma mikhahid - you want (formal)
an mikhahæd - that wants
ma mikhahim - we want

Some more of this stuff.....


We shall rap up the verbs so the topic can be moved to more interesting aspects such as how to have basic conversations with a Persian speaker and more. I shall add other translations as well.

Other verbs:

-to be able to, "tævanestæn"
mæn mitævanæm - I can, am able to
to mitævani - you can, are able to
shoma mitævanid - you can, are able to (formal)
an mitævanæd - that can, is able to

-to take/get, "gereftæn"
mæn migiræm -I take, get
to migiri - you take
shoma migirid - you take (formal)
an migiræd - that finds

-to give, "dadæn"
mæn midehæm - I give
to midæhi - you give
shoma midæhid - you give (formal)
an midehæd - that gives

-to live, "zendegi kærdæn"
mæn zendegi mikonæm - I live
ex. mæn dær amrika zendegi mikonæm (I live in America)

-to know, "danestæn"
mæn midanæm - I know
to midani - you know
an midanæd - that knows

This is the end of the lesson for today. More soon to follow.


I wished to end the lesson for the day but I got a special PM request concerning the Pakistani national anthem. The anthem was originally written by Jagannath Azad (from Lahore) after being consulted personally by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After less than 2 years in use it was substituted by the present one written by Abu-Al-Asar Jullundhri.

Most Pakistanis think their national anthem is in Persian which is incorrect, it is actually a very elevated standard of Urdu which is very close to Persian-- It uses Persian grammar but Urdu pronunciation. Also note that "ka" in Urdu (or "of") and in the anthem would be "wa" or "eh" in Persian.

Pāk sarzamīn shād bād
Blessing be upon the pure land

Kishwar-e-hasīn shād bād
and joy be within its bountiful domain,

Tū nishān-e-`azm-e-`ālīshān
For verily it is the symbol of a great resolve

For this is the talk of Pakistan!

Markaz-e-yaqīn shād bād
Blessing unto you O' center of belief/faith

Pāk sarzamīn kā nizām
The order of this pure land is..

Is the strength of it's people

Qaum, mulk, saltanat
O' people, O' country, O' nationhood

Pā-inda tābinda bād!
May your glorious light be ever-present!

Shād bād manzil-e-murād
Blessings be upon our goal and ambition

O' you flag of the crescent and star,

You lead us to progress and greatness/ perfection

Tarjumān-e-māzī, shān-e-hāl
For you translate our past and our present glory,

And inspire our future!

Under the shadow of the Lord, the very Owner of Greatness


This is side-tracking from the lesson though but allow me to help...

man fârsi harf mizanam ( من فارسي حرف مي زنم) - "I speak Persian"

Bale, Ye Kam ( بله، يه کم) - "Yes but a little only though"

Also, the English word "half" is "nasf" in Persian. It is used in Urdu at more scholarly levels.

For example, the Urdu translation of the Ahadis goes, "Safaii nasf emaan hai" (Cleaniness is half of faith)

mo'afagh bashed! ( موفق باشيد, good luck!)


More verbs:

to see- "didæn" (دیدن)
mæn mibinæm - I see (من می بینم)
to mibini - you see (informal) (تو می ببین)
shoma mibinid - you see (formal) (... شما)

to look - negæristæn (نگریستن) (this is more an archaic version, mostly used in literature)
mæn minegæram - I look (...من می)
to minegæri - you look (informal) (...تو می)
shoma minegærid - you look (formal) (... شما)

to look - negah kærdæn (نگاه کردن) (this is the version mostly used for speaking today)
mæn negah mikonæm - I look (...من نگاه)

to put - gozashtæn (گذاشتن)
mæn migozaræm - I put (...من می)
to migozari - you put (...تو می)
an migozaræd - that puts (این می گذارد)

to like = dust dashtæn (دوست داشتن)
follows the same pattern as above

to hide = qayem (Ar.) , penhan (پنهان)
to find = peyda (پیدا)
follows same pattern as above

for example...
penhan kærdæn (پنهان کردن) = to hide; penhan shodæn (پنهان شورن) = to be hidden
peyda kærdæn = to find (پیدا کردن); peyda shodæn (پیدا شورن) = to be found

fekr kærdæn = to think (fekr = (Ar.) fikr) (فکر کردن)
pendar kærdæn or farz kærdæn = to ponder, to imagine, to suppose, to think (فرض کردن)

to think - ændishidæn (اندیشیدن)
mæn miændishæm - I think (...من می)
to miændishi - you think (...تو می)
an miændishæd - it thinks (...این می)

this is just like Urdu.....

dadash, in parto palahaye shoma piremarda dige kharidar nadare.

Ye almani mitoone az aghayede Naziya to jange jahani motenafer bashe, vali az fadakarihaye sarbazaye almani hamishe moteshakere.

Man mese tamamie Iranihaye hamsene khodam ta abad moteshakeram az kesai ke vase Iran jangidan, vali ta akhare zendegim mijangam vase inke Iran, Irane Islami namoone. Rooko rast betoon begam, shoma piremardha Jomhoorie Islami ro ba khodetoon be goor mibarin. Iraniaye nasle man asan dige be in dine kasife arabi fekr nemikoonan. Man ye adam hamsene khodam nadidam ke bege man mosalmoonam. Irane emrooz Irane 25 million piremard pirezane arab zadast (adamai mese shoma). Ba mordane nasle ghadime Iran, jomhoorie Islamiham mimire.

I can read and understand this....

از آنجایی که اینجا جای مجادله بحثهای داخلی ایران نیست ترجیح میدهم پاسخ ندهم
اما فقط بدان موضوع جنگ یک موضوع ملی است و همه انهایی که ادعای دفاع از ایران در جنگهای اینده را دارند باید از پیروزیهای گذشته خوشحال باشند.
اینهمه ادم کشته شده ای که میگویی و درست هم است افکارشان برای دفاع از این کشور زهر است اماکسانی که حتی صدای صوت خمپاره را از فرسنگها هم نشنیده اند و یا حتی بدنیا نیامده بودند برای اظهار نظر در مورد جنگ محقترند؟
کسانی که قدر قهرمانان خود را نمیدانند پیشاپیش در جنگهای آینده شکست خورده اند
راستی اصلا میدانی در زمان جنگ ما چه سلاحهایی داشتیم و عراق چه سلاحهایی؟ آنوقت معنی اینکه خدا خرمشهر را آزاد کرد را میفهمی.
خداوند به همه ما انصاف فرحمت کند

and this as well....

Places and Travel

jah, gah = place (جا)
khiaban = street (خیابان)
ja'de = road (جاده)
rah = way/path (راه)
sakhteman = building (ساختمان)
khane = house/home (خانه)
istgah = station (ایستگاه)
dæftær, edare = office (دفتر) (اداره)
mædrese (Ar.), amuzeshgah = school (مدرسه) (اموزشگاه)
estadiom = stadium
værzeshgah = gym (ورزشگاه)
ketab khane = library (کتابخانه)
edare post, post khane = post office (اداره پست)
forudgah/vorudgah = airport (فرودگاه)
muze = museum (موزه)
borj = tower (Ar.) (برج)
pol = bridge (پل)
tæbæqe (Ar.), eshkube = floor/level (طبقه) (اشکوب)
park = park (پارک)
bagh, baghcheh, bustan = garden/farm (باغ)
mæqbære = monument/tomb (Ar.) (مقبره)
mojæsæme = statue (مجسمه)
moqaze = store (Ar.) (مغازه)
bazar = market/bazaar (بازار)
hotel = hotel (هتل)
daneshgah = university (دانشگاه)
daneshkæde = college (دانشکده)
resturan = restaurant (رستوران)
dæst-shuyi = bathroom (lit. "hand washer")
qasr (Ar.), kakh = castle/palace (قصر)
zendan = prison/jail (زندان)
kælantæri = police station (کلانتری)
bimarestan = hospital (بیمارستان)

shæhr = city (شهر)
deh = village (ده)
shæhrestan = county (شهرستان)
paitækht = capital (پایتخت)
ostan, estan, istan, stan = state (ستان-)

Religions and Religious Places
mazhab, deen = religion (مذهب) (دین)
mæsjed = mosque (مسجد)
kelisa = church (کلیسا)
kenise = synagogue (کنیسه)
atæsh kæde/atæsh gah = fire temple (آتشگاه)
pæræsteshgah = temple/worshiping place (پرستشگاه)
ziaraat-gah = shrine (زیارتگاه)
Eslam, Deen Eslam = Islam, Religion of Islam (اسلام) (دین اسلام)
Zarthusht = Zoroastrian (زرتشتی)
Maseehi = Christian (مسیحی)
Protestan = Protestant (پروتستان)
Catoleekh = Catholic (کاتولیک)
Boodei = Buddhist (بودایی)

Geographical Terms
rud, rudkhane = river (رودخانه) (رود)
dærya = sea (دریا) (note: In Urdu, the same means a "river")
dærya-cheh = lake (دریاچه)
oqianus = ocean (اقیانوس)
jæzire = island (Ar.) (جزیره)

dæsht = flat land/plain (دشت) (i.e. plains of Nineveh would be "dæsht e Nain-nav-ah" )
meidan = feild/plain (میدان)
sehrah = desert (صحرا)
jængæl = forest/jungle/woods (جنگل)
kuh = mountain (کوه)
tæpe = hill (تپه)

in-jah = here (اینجا)
an-jah = there (آنجا)
rast = right (راست)
chæp = left (چپ)
shomal = north (Ar.) (شمال)
junub = south (Ar.) (جنوب)
shærq (Ar.), khavær = east (شرق) (خاور)
qærb (Ar.), bakhtær = west (غرب) (باختر)
dæst-e .... = to your.... (lit. ".....hand side") (... دست)
tæræf (Ar.), su, vær = direction/way (سو) (طرف)
bala - up (بالا)
payin - down (پایین)

mashin = car
otobus = bus (اتوبوس)
hæva-peyma = airplane (هواپیما)
taksi = taxi (تاکسی)
ajhans = taxi (that you call to pick you up)
metro = metro (مترو)
qætar = train (Ar.) (قطار)
kamiun = truck (کامیون)
minibus = minibus/van
dochærkhe = bicycle (دوچرخه)

I see some Spanish words here.....

Continuing from the above post on places and travel, these verbs are important.

to run - "doidæn" (دویدن)
mæn midoæm - I run (... من )
to midoi - you run (... تو)
shoma midoid - you run (formal) (... شما)
an midoæd - that runs (... آن)

to walk - "rah ræftæn" (راه رفتن)
mæn rah mirævæm - I walk (... من راه)
to rah mirævi - you walk (... تو)

to drive - "ranændegi kærdæn" (راندن کردن)
to fly - "pærvaz kærdæn" (پرواز کردن)
same format as above


che?/chi? = what? (چه؟)
ki? = who? (که؟)
ku?, kuja?/koja? = where? (کجا؟)
kodom? = which? (کدام )
chera? = why? (چرا؟)
chetor?/chejur? = how? (in what way?) (چگو)
chegune? = how (چگونه؟)
Mitoonam ke komaketoon konam? = can I help you? ( میتونم که کمکتون کنم؟)
Shoam mitooni ke komakam konid? = can you help me? ( شما میتونید کمکم کنید؟)
(dashtshooi/darookhaneh) kojast? = where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? (دستشویی/داروخانه) کجاست؟)
Gheymatesh chand ast? = How much is this? (قیمتش چند است ؟)
Bebakhshid = excuse me, ... (to ask for something or to pass by) ( ببخشی)


Verb structure ("negative"):

You already know that "no" is "næ" or "nakheyr" (نخیر)
and you already know that "æst" is "to be" or "is" ( است)

So, the negative of "is" is "is not" which is "nist" (نیست) in Persian. Hence "not" is "nist" as well.

Now when conjugating an action verb to negative verb, it is usually the same word except now you also add a "ne-" or "næ-" before the conjugated verb.

So, "mæn mitævanæm" = I can/ am able to, but if you add "ne-" it becomes "mæn nemitævanæm" = I cannot/ am not able to. (من نمی توانم )

mæn mikonæm = I do (I will) and thus, mæn nemikonæm = I do not (I won't/ am not doing)
mæn miguyæm = I say and thus, mæn nemiguyæm = I do not say
mæn daræm = I have and thus, mæn nædaræm = I do not have (note: this does not translate to "I am not doing")

to mikhabi = you sleep and thus, to nemikhabi = you do not sleep
mæn æstam = I am and thus, mæn nistæm = I am not
an æst = that is and thus, an nist = that is not (این نیست)

and some more...

Colors (colours) - "Ræng" (رنگ)

ghermez/sorkh = red (قرمز, سرخ)
sæbz = green (سبز)
abi = blue (آبی)
zærd = yellow (زرد)
narænji = orange (نارنجی)
bænæfsh = purple (بنفش)
suræti = pink (صورتی)
qahvei = brown (قهوه ای)
khaki = khaki (خاکی )
khakestæri = grey (خاکستری)
siah/meshki = black (مشکی, سیاه)
sefid/sepid = white (سفید)
tæla/zær = gold (زر, طلا)
noqre = silver (نقره)

tireh/tarik = dark (تیره, تاریک)
roshæn/tabnak = light (روشن)

and some more....

New and Old

no, nau, nav, novin = new (نو, نوین)
jædid = new (Ar.) (جدید)
qædimi (Ar.); kohæn = old (کهنه, قدیمی)

jævan; borna = young (برنا, جوان)
pir, mosen = old (age wise)
(Sufi masters can also be called "pir")

tazeh = fresh, new (تازه)

and some more...

On Love... :smitten:

eshgh, asheghi, mohabat = love (محبت, عشق)
yar, dusti = love (friendship) (دوستی)

ashegh e to æstæm = I love you/ I am in love with you
asheghet æstæm = I love you
asheghet shodæm / asheghe to shodæm = I have fallen in love with you
ey yar = oh love/friend
yaræm = my love/friend
yar e mæn, eshgh e mæn = love of mine
dustet daræm = I love/like you (I have a liking of you)
to ra dust daræm = I love/like you (I have a liking of you)
qælb (Ar.), del = heart/soul (دل, قلب)
del e mæn bæraye to mitapæd = my heart pounds for you
del e mæn bæraye to tæng shod æst = I miss you (lit. my heart has grown tight for you)
mah e mæn = my moon (said in reference to a female only) (ماه من)

and more .....

The Persian word for world is 'jahan' and 'donya'; where 'donya' is from Arabic. Am I correct?
Going by that, donyayeman and 'jahaneman' would mean 'my world'

Also, how do I say:

1) I like you/I love you
2) I love the singer _____
3) That is good/that was good

I love you is DOOSAT DARAM. That is the first thing my Iranian Girlfriend taught me.
what is the word for "beautiful" in Persian?

In urdu the word, khupsurat, comes from persian words meaning "good-faced" ; I doubt persians themselves use the same word.
what is the word for "beautiful" in Persian?

In urdu the word, khupsurat, comes from persian words meaning "good-faced" ; I doubt persians themselves use the same word.

Yes, khoubsorat is not very much used in Farsi. The actual words for beautiful is زیبا or قشنگ
Masterpiece(MIXTURE of FARSI /URDU) :

پاک سرزمین شاد باد

كشور حسين شاد باد
تو نشان عزم علیشان
! ارض پاکستان
مرکز یقین شاد باد

پاک سرزمین کا نظام

قوت اخوت عوام
قوم ، ملک ، سلطنت
! پائندہ تابندہ باد
شاد باد منزل مراد

پرچم ستارہ و هلال

رہبر ترقی و کمال
ترجمان ماضی شان حال
! جان استقبال
سایۂ خدائے ذوالجلال


Blessed be the sacred land
Happy be the bounteous realm
Thou symbol of high resolve
O Land of Pakistan!
Blessed be the centre of faith

The order of this sacred land
Is the might of the brotherhood of the people
May the nation, the country, and the Republic
Shine in glory everlasting!
Blessed be the goal of our ambition

The flag of the crescent and star
Leads the way to progress and perfection
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration for our future!
Shadow of God, the Glorious and Mighty
Dooes the word 'eyvallah' exist in Persian? I know it's a Turkish word, but I've heard it in a Persian song once (Dasa Bala by Arash to be exact).
eyvallah is a slang in Iran. Don't know about Turkey, but in Iran it's a very common slang. Most of the time we just say "eyval" though.
Bæhar - spring
Tabestan - summer
Paiz - fall/autumn
Zemestan - winter

I notice you guys use '-stan' ending for words even if they don't have anything to do with place.
So my question: what does Zamestan and Tabestan mean literally?

Also we use Bahar to mean spring as well :P
I notice you guys use '-stan' ending for words even if they don't have anything to do with place.
So my question: what does Zamestan and Tabestan mean literally?

Also we use Bahar to mean spring as well :P

-stan mostly indicates a place, like Arabistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kodakistan(kindergarten), although there are some other words ending with stan but doesnt show a place, such as the example you gave, Zamestan(winter), Tabistan(Summer), this is all due to exceptions.

Bahar means Spring.
Mans Check the "Kalam" of Allama Iqbal .......

Yai Marlangoon Fazza Jassau Kahtay Han Assman........
Hamat Ho Pur Kussah To Haqaqat Mai Kuch Bhai Nehai.......
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