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Leaked video of U.S. Military killing civilians and Reuters journalists.

Yes it is not the fault of American pilots shooting indiscriminately on targets which did not pose any threat at the moment, but who cares the only good Iraqi is a dead Iraqi. So as far as they are concerned shoot first ask questions later is a great policy.
Those apologists who are trying to justify this murderous act have there moral compass so messed up I will be surprised if they find their way out of toilets. At that moment those people posed no threat other then to the trigger happy red necks who were in Iraq to shoot innocent civillians cause to them it is nothing more then a video game. The cold logical conclusion reached by those crewmen was not a shock and goes to show the underline mentality of a US soldier serving in US imperial wars. The dehumanization of your enemy is all a part of US war machine, where it provides a rational for all the atrocities committed. The eagerness shown to shoot is quite evident and there is no way that you can justify this act.
This is not the first mass murdering incident being covered up Pentagon, the conclusion that soldiers were following the code of enemy engagement. A sprat of recent events have proven this.
I really wish that one day US is invaded and these red necks get a taste of their own medicine, then I will come and justify that hideous act. Of course I do not want the Americans to suffer the very same treatment they have been dolling out to the rest of the world.
I really wish that one day US is invaded...
Make sure you get a good director. I recommend someone as capable as Spielberg or Eastwood. But if your emphasis is on stylized action, get some of China's martial arts directors. Do not forget other factors like decent script and financing. The viewing public is pretty fickle nowadays. With the advent of 3D the financing part will be difficult. Good luck and I do look forward to your production.
Another bunch of people died for Oil. Even if they were armed they got killed for fighting for their country and the murderers killed them for OIL. People think by such videos they'll able to open the eyes of people. We forgot these people are blind.

They talk about dictatorship and its murders but forget they support such dictators when they need them.

For all those who wish something will happen with this video heres the shocker. When the UN and the world was unable to anything on US INVASION on iraq do you guys really expect something from this single video. These civilian dont worth anything to the world because they are not US civilians. They are civilians of a third world country which got invaded by US. Who gives a damn. Only a human who is US citizen value in UN and in the rest of the world. All the human rights are for the US citizens only. So stop living in a dream.

We all know even if they stand all the civilians of Iraq in line and execute them nothing will happen. Because again they are not US citizens.

Forget those who were crying AK and RPG. You can see a civilian when first Hellfire hit the building. More civilian when 3rd Hellfire hit the building. But again who gives a damn. They aint civilians. Because they ain't US citizens.
Another bunch of people died for Oil. Even if they were armed they got killed for fighting for their country and the murderers killed them for OIL.
You mean for Russia's and China's oil...

Russia's Lukoil Big Winner At 2nd Iraq Oil Auction - Forbes.com
Russian oil giant Lukoil was a big winner from the 2nd round of Iraq oil license auctions concluded Saturday.

BAGHDAD — In the first major oil deal Iraq has made with a foreign country since 2003, the Iraqi government and the China National Petroleum Corporation have signed a contract in Beijing that could be worth up to $3 billion, Iraqi officials said Thursday.
And to think neither Russia nor China have sent US a 'Thank you' note. Ingrates.
No the oil which is being stolen and NY times will never report it.
Ahhh...The old 'stolen oil' line.

And anyway. Why you care about the civilians. They aint american. Let em die.
I do care about civilians. All civilians. We made more efforts at avoiding noncombatant deaths than the Iraqi Army or al-Qaeda did.
Ahhh...The old 'stolen oil' line.

I do care about civilians. All civilians. We made more efforts at avoiding noncombatant deaths than the Iraqi Army or al-Qaeda did.
Yeah.....i just saw that.

Shooting a hell fire even know there are civlians outside teh building. And then another hellfire and then another hellfire looking at the civilians who are gathered.

But again no one gave a damn when their country was Invaded. who cares not. they are just small bunch of animals getting slaughters for someones fun.
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Yeah.....i just saw that.

Shooting a hell fire even know there are civlians outside teh building. And then another hellfire and then another hellfire looking at the civilians who are gathered.
Civilians can be combatants. May be you are unable to understand the difference but I have no such problems. Talk to any soldier and find out for yourself.
Civilians can be combatants. May be you are unable to understand the difference but I have no such problems. Talk to any soldier and find out for yourself.
Thats what i am saying. American defination of civilian.

US civilian. He is a US citizen and human. He have human rights. We should not be voilated in any circumtances

Civilians in rest of the world.: These are just some animals by definition of science. Dont worth any right even the right to live.They can be combatant. So no need to take risk. Shoot anyone you see. Even a little girl. blow them up into pieces by firing hellfire.
Thats what i am saying. American defination of civilian.

US civilian. He is a US citizen and human. He have human rights. We should not be voilated in any circumtances

Civilians in rest of the world.: These are just some animals by definition of science. Dont worth any right even the right to live.They can be combatant. So no need to take risk. Shoot anyone you see. Even a little girl. blow them up into pieces by firing hellfire.
OK...You are now a 12yr old. Dismissed.
Crazyhorse needs to take an eye exam.

Edit: after a closer look at the video it does appear that there could have been weapons but of course it's open to interpretation, so i'll stay neutral.
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OK...You are now a 12yr old. Dismissed.
Call me 5. Wont change the facts.

You ever thought those combatants. What made them combatants. I can bet they were ordinary civilians before war. Something terrible happend to them which made them "combatant". They dont want talibanization. Ever thought what made them took an AK in their hands. what they want. A country which attacked you on 9/11 had 80000 US troops and a country which did not attacked had 200000 troops....
Not just the ME, in all conservative and old age societies, whistle blowers are labeled as traitors, harassed, prosecuted and killed.
Even in most 'civilized' and 'tolerable' USA... If I start posting links on how the far right evangelicals (who are in majority in the armed forces and pretty much control the republican party) think about the rest of the moderate Americans, this 'naturalized US citizen' would not find a place to hide with all his shamelessness.
Because of this here. take a real close look about this journalist hanging out with gunmen with AK's and RPG. I'm not taking sides but one can clearly do some research before posting propaganda videos from rest of the world. Even Americans are not angels but truth needs to be told about this latest video.

Namir the journalist and his crew hanging out with Gunmen in the middle of the streets.

Sorry people you just can't fool everyone. Some of us actually know how to work with technology.

BIG: http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/2808/rpg1.jpg

Here a guy crouching behind a wall loading either an RPG or rifle:

BIG: http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1021/rpg2.jpg

Guy with AK47, far left. If you watch the clip you can even see the shoulder strap.

No sh*t, I tend to work with CCTV extensively also, and in none of those shots does it appear to be an RPG or AK47s, none of them. The images of blurry at best and not conclusive enough to take action.

You pointed out being able to see the shoulder strap, what F***ing shoulder strap, the image is taken from hundreds of feet up and is not clear at all.

The soldier says he may have an RPG under the guy, MAY, not that he has seen one, he MAY, why, because he was told by Bushmaster from the eyes in the sky, who too are not clear of the facts.

You cannot zoom in further using tech available on the net as it will only pixelate the image and distort it further.

Please don't look at the video from a concordist view, as this will only cloud ones judgement

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