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Leaked video of Altaf Hussain

Strike X

May 11, 2013
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Leaked video of Altaf Hussain that he can't walk anymore because he's too fat.

where else in the world grown men do nare-bazi in small gathering of few.
even a fat toad can jump .................
Leaked video of Altaf Hussain that he can't walk anymore because he's too fat.

If late Nusrat Fateh Ali could walk on his own, Altaf could too, for he is not that fat. I guess he is pretty sick.
Khabees Iblees Maleon. May Allah see him see his fate in his life as well as hereafter. The way things are turning, looks like his "time" has come but may he feel the same as he made countrymen feel for 30+ years.
Khabees Iblees Maleon. May Allah see him see his fate in his life as well as hereafter. The way things are turning, looks like his "time" has come but may he feel the same as he made countrymen feel for 30+ years.
That statement is as much true for entire, I mean entire ruling elite of Pakistan. Are Nawaz or Zardari or Wali or Achakzai any better than Altaf? No.
If late Nusrat Fateh Ali could walk on his own, Altaf could too, for he is not that fat. I guess he is pretty sick.
NFAK didn't have gangrene in his foot due to diabetes.
That statement is as much true for entire, I mean entire ruling elite of Pakistan. Are Nawaz or Zardari or Wali or Achakzai any better than Altaf? No.
Yes they are much much better than him. They are bad rulers, horrible, but still leagues better than him.
NFAK didn't have gangrene in his foot due to diabetes.

Yes they are much much better than him. They are bad rulers, horrible, but still leagues better than him.
No, they are not much much better, they are all same. Achakzai in Pasheen, Balochistan is distributing Pakistani ID cards to tens of thousands of Afghan nationals to artificially increase his vote bank... this makes him better than Altaf? Mian and Family is ruling Pakistan for 30+ years while ignoring entire Punjab and Pakistan minus Lahore, this makes him better than Altaf? What Zardari and his gang has done to Pakistan during his 5 years, from protecting 5th column Haqqani to massive corruption by Gilani and Raja Rental, and now what he is doing in Sindh, where thousands children have died in Thar alone makes him better than Altaf?
That's over simplifying, I already said they are horrible. Evil is a spectrum rather than just one color. Murder is the biggest crime, even if they have committed murders, I bet not as many as altar Hussain. So yes, they are better than him, the facts are there in hard numbers to back it.
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