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Leaked tape has Polish FM comparing ties with US to giving oral s3x


May 11, 2014
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The Polish Foreign Minister believes his country’s alliance with the US is worth nothing and compared his government’s stance to giving oral sex and receiving nothing in return, a Polish magazine said, citing a leaked recording of a private conversation.

Excerpts from the alleged exchange between FM Radoslaw Sikorski and Jacek Rostowski, an MP and former finance minister, were published Sunday by Wprost, which promised a full transcript and audio files later on Monday or Tuesday. The same magazine triggered a political storm in Poland this month by releasing a recording of a conversation between the head of Poland’s central bank and the interior minister, implying a link between the two violating the bank’s independence.

According to Wprost, Sikorski is skeptical about the reliance of Poland, one of the staunchest allies of Washington in Eastern Europe, on American protection.

“The Polish-American alliance is not worth anything. It’s even damaging, because it creates a false sense of security in Poland,” Sikorski allegedly said.

“Complete bullshit,” the tape purportedly records Sikorski as saying. “We will get a conflict with both Russians and Germans, and we’re going to think that everything is great, because we gave the Americans a blowjob. Suckers. Total suckers.”


US soldiers stand in front of a Patriot missile battery at an army base in the northern Polish town of Morag (AFP Photo)

Sikorski further blamed the nature of relations between Warsaw and Washington on the Polish mentality.

“The problem in Poland is that we have a very shallow pride and low self-esteem,” he allegedly said, decrying such a mindset as “Murzyńskość”, a racially-charged derogative term that could be translated as “thinking like a negro.” Sikorski suggested on Twitter the translation should be “negritude,” linking it to the anti-colonialism movement in Europe.

The Polish government declined to immediately comment on the new leak, saying it may do so after full transcripts are made available. It didn’t challenge the authenticity of the transcript, however.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Monday that the publications of leaks were aimed destabilizing the political situation in Poland. He said they would not force him into making any cabinet shuffles.

US Ambassador to Warsaw Stephen Mull declined comments as well, but said the US-Polish alliance was strong.

The Polish media are now speculating on who could have supplied Wprost with the recording, with many fingers pointing to Russian intelligence. They compare the leak to that of the conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Kiev, in which America’s top diplomat for Europe infamously used the f-word to describe the European Union.

Sikorski is a well-known critic of Russia and supporter of stronger ties with the US, although he grew more skeptical of Washington since the 2009 attempt to “reset” American relations with Russia, which involved review of the plan to deploy elements of NATO’s anti-ballistic missile defense system on Polish soil.

Lately the minister was vocally opposing Russia’s stance on the Ukrainian crisis and called for astronger presence of American troops in Poland.

He is also considered a strong candidate to succeed Catherine Ashton as the EU's foreign policy chief and was officially suggested for the position by Warsaw last month.
​Leaked tape has Polish FM comparing ties with US to giving oral sex — RT News

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Americans should thank their stars that their tapes dont get leaked.They had used some very derogatory remarks against Ms Indira gandhi long back.
I dont think this comment would strain the US polland relationship as cleared by the US ambassador himself.

And this news would die down without creating much ripples other than getting a lil attention for the 3 letter word in the heading.
Americans should thank their stars that their tapes dont get leaked.They had used some very derogatory remarks against Ms Indira gandhi long back.
I dont think this comment would strain the US polland relationship as cleared by the US ambassador himself.

And this news would die down without creating much ripples other than getting a lil attention for the 3 letter word in the heading.

You came here FIRST :disagree:
I posted here first.
Many had come and left before me.

And did I by any chance post anything which was not appropriate according to forum rules??

Chill.....!! Kidding :D

Pakistani generals & politicians say the same thing---& I don't blame the poles for what they believe. @ a given time, you never know what the U S response is going to be when you need help.

The u s military is tired & with the recent invasion of iraq by ISIS---they are dis-illusioned about fighting conflicts for other countries + the u s public is not intetrested in jumping in & helping its allies @ this time---they are burnt out.

It is better to be an MFN rather than a Nato ally- --- atleast you know that you have to do your own fighting.
Americans should thank their stars that their tapes dont get leaked.They had used some very derogatory remarks against Ms Indira gandhi long back.
I dont think this comment would strain the US polland relationship as cleared by the US ambassador himself.

And this news would die down without creating much ripples other than getting a lil attention for the 3 letter word in the heading.

Why would they strain the relationship ? Apparently the US was chilaxing on the receiving end LOL :lol:
Romania is in a similar position as Poland and you see to be happy to give Uncle Sam a bj. :)

Germany is in this position since 1945,with much bigger US bases and tenfold the troops on its territory and it doesn't seem to be bothered about it.The pot calling the kettle black.
Germany is in this position since 1945,with much bigger US bases and tenfold the troops on its territory and it doesn't seem to be bothered about it.The pot calling the kettle black.

You see, we know this very well, but nobody is happy about this fact in addition to this, we lost the war and that's the price we have to pay until today. You on the other hand couldn't spread your legs and bend over backward fast enough all voluntarily. Thats the difference between you and me. :)
You see, we know this very well, but nobody is happy about this fact in addition to this, we lost the war and that's the price we have to pay until today. You on the other hand couldn't spread your legs and bend over backward fast enough all voluntarily. Thats the difference between you and me. :)

No,actually we lost the war to but unlike Federal Germany we were thrown to the wolves.And we would very much like not to go back there.The difference between you and me is that while my countrymen got deported to gulags,my family members thrown off their land and my whole country ruled by illiterate commisars forced upon us by the Soviets ,yours was kept safe by the US or at least 2/3 of it.

Untill you get rid of Rammstein base you can't lecture others.You now damn well that the US will leave if you ask them but you don't do that.Plain and simple,while at the same time beratting others for being US allies.The hypocrisy in all of it is mind boggling,so spare me the idiocy.

Talking about bending,Romania has refused to recognise Kosovo despite US pressure even today.Where does Germany stand ? Oh yeah...towing the line,ofcourse.
No,actually we lost the war to but unlike Federal Germany we were thrown to the wolves.And we would very much like not to go back there.The difference between you and me is that while my countrymen got deported to gulags,my family members thrown off their land and my whole country ruled by illiterate commisars forced upon us by the Soviets ,yours was kept safe by the US or at least 2/3 of it.

Untill you get rid of Rammstein base you can't lecture others.You now damn well that the US will leave if you ask them but you don't do that.Plain and simple,while at the same time beratting others for being US allies.The hypocrisy in all of it is mind boggling,so spare me the idiocy.

Talking about bending,Romania has refused to recognise Kosovo despite US pressure even today.Where does Germany stand ? Oh yeah...towing the line,ofcourse.

You just jumped on the band wagon after the war was already at its turning point. Your fascist leader voluntarily joined the Nazis to fight the Soviets and yet you cry foul when you lost and got stamped on by the victors. LOL
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