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Leaked NATO Report Breaks News of Afghanistan's Incapable Army

Northern alliance is the biggest Con that has taken billions of dollars from the west and has nothing to show for itself shifting all the blame over to Pakistan.
its not that its ethnic army is incapable or unworthy.. it just doesn't see any motive to be good because its getting the money anyway. its leaders are caught with millions of dollars smuggling out of the country to UAE but nothing happens and America keeps paying them.
life is good for Northern alliance warlords
Let me add - Physically in suitcases.
Most of them are already serving in ANA.. When the desert... They try shooting their own or NATO troops n grab all weapons they can.

ANA is real tough when it's facing shepherds and little boys...

If the troops don't .... Boys what else they gonna do-- afghan "general".
looking at their behavior explained by the American , I understand why some Indians find themselves so close to Northern Alliance
Anyone who hid or aided OBL is according to international law a terrorist. Or do you only apply that and the drone bombings to poor Pashtuns and not the people who actually run Pakistan? Care to explain why Dr Khattak is still in prison on the orders of the Pakistani Generals for helping to expose the scam?

As for me being bold...

“Former director general of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt-Gen (retd) Asad Durrani has said that Pakistan had 'most likely' revealed the position of former Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden to the US, a report published on the.

:o:o_O :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: WTF are you talking about? Did you really read and understandd my first post you responded to? And then, did you read AND understand my second post in response to yours? And REALLY understood the meaning behind what I was saying? I don't think so!!

People like you, write "stories" about events, and those are conspiracy theories at best. No credible source cited and nothing else but lines of texts with names and imaginary events that don't exist historically. Other people, might know a tit bit about those events you are making stories about. I'll leave it at that. No one was even talking about the fact that OBL's supporters weren't a problem for the US. I think that's an established common sense for anyone to be involved in a terrorist related WAR like we were in Afghanistan!!

You just derailed the thread and took the conversation from Afghan Army to OBL, ISI and God knows who else. Open up another thread and invite members to debate, don't derail this discussion.

Next time you silly quote me, it may be worth remembering embarrassment is shameful when you are a new member :enjoy:. Keep your 12 year old logic-less power outside of my posts. Thank you.

Also, you are from Pakistan teaching me English......no offense, but how was the ESL test and conversion to American english? From your little comment, it seems as you are still struggling with the ****-British english to the US English. Here, a small reference for ya, from Oxford dictionary :enjoy:!!

Advice Definition:

A proposal for an appropriate course of action

Please give us some advice about planning a trip to Rome.


Advise Definition:

Give advice to; offer a suggestion

I advised him that the rent was due

@Irfan Baloch : will you check out the situation with the member above? The thread might require some cleanup as its off topic, or might be derailed more. Kids these days, don't listen or understand :D

Welcome to the forum---it is not even day one and the forum got lit up. The light that lights the brightest---burns the shortest.

Syed Musharraf is a TILLIAR by birth---what happens in the military is that the subordinates take the identity and mentality of their Boss---and they become HIM to serve their commands better..

That's funny :tup:. Do you know where he's coming from with Mushy's name change and weird references to the ISI and all? I didn't understand a thing.....but I am curious to know that lower level of details. Bizarre behavior to say the least.
Im curious to know from a native american or iranian, that in media their is a perception that US and Iranians are anti to each other but why after invading Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-Irani Government were installed by U.S? Is it a bluff?
Im curious to know from a native american or iranian, that in media their is a perception that US and Iranians are anti to each other but why after invading Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-Irani Government were installed by U.S? Is it a bluff?

Native Americans did not fight in Afghanistan. They are very peace loving people :-)

Native Americans did not fight in Afghanistan. They are very peace loving people :-)

View attachment 286901

Unlike Pakistan, India and other countries, we don't racially or religiously identify our servicemen and women. They are ALL AMERICANS. But on the topic of Native Americans, you should know that they have served the US military (their country's military), more than ANY other group inside the US!!!!! They've protected this land of the free for over 200 years. Here, for those of you who think there are no "Native Americans" in the military or in Afghanistan or anywhere else, allow me to wake you up. And its a bad dream, and you asked for it (just giving you ONE source out of hundreds) :enjoy: :cheers:
Native Americans and the U.S. Military

Native Americans have the highest percentage serving in the United States military than any other ethnic group in the US.1They have served with distinction for over two hundred years from General George Washington during the Revolutionary War to today’s war in Iraq. The warrior spirit, courage, and determination that made them a formidable enemy made them a strong ally when they chose to fight alongside other Americans. At the end of the twentieth century, there were 190,000 Native American veterans.

Many Native Americans have also distinguished themselves in service to the United States. The Congressional Medal of Honor is given for military heroism “above and beyond the call of duty.” Five Native Americans were awarded this honor during the Twentieth Century: Jack C. Montgomery (Cherokee), Ernest Childers (Creek), Van Barfoot (Choctow), Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr. (Winnebago), and Charles George (Cherokee). Twelve Native Americans were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Nineteenth Century: Alchesay, Blanquet, Chiquito, Co-Rex-Te-Chod-Ish, Elsatsoosu, Jim, Kelsay, Kosoha, Machol, Nannasaddie, Nantaje, and Rowdy.

Because none of the treaties ever made with the Indians has been kept by the United States government, people may wonder why Native Americans would choose to fight for a nation that has treated them in such a dishonorable way. Yet Native Americans consider themselves as part of their tribe AND part of America, perhaps because of the following qualities prized by their culture:

Strength – physical, mental, and spiritual toughness
Honor – recognition by family, friends, and the community
Pride – a sense of accomplishment
Devotion – survival of their people, their culture, their homeland
Wisdom – survival skills and training.2

Study Notes: Native Americans and the US Military

Hahaha That's true, but i meant ordinary current day american. Whats his understanding in this matter.

Read above, on YOUR understanding of the "Current Day Americans" as the term includes Native Americans, and they include one of the largest percentages within the US military!!
Northern alliance is the biggest Con that has taken billions of dollars from the west and has nothing to show for itself shifting all the blame over to Pakistan.
its not that its ethnic army is incapable or unworthy.. it just doesn't see any motive to be good because its getting the money anyway. its leaders are caught with millions of dollars smuggling out of the country to UAE but nothing happens and America keeps paying them.
life is good for Northern alliance warlords
Well rewind a few decades back, and same could be said about your allies in the same country. the sentence that did catch my eye was "taken billions of dollars from the west and has nothing to show for itself shifting all the blame over to", are there any similar precedence set, :azn:

So what options do we have, lets bring back the goo ole Taliban, and everything will be hunky dory.... As far as Northern Alliance is concerned, Pakistan played an active role in terminating the the only effective leadership it had, the man himself is on record about pakistan military's duplicity. You effectively aided and abetted the Mullah Omar Taliban's (not the mujhahideen) onslaught on kabul against the same incapable army (where you btw failed) Now the same NA that you couldn't break in Panjshir are incompetent. Great, they should fall back quite soon and you should get back your strategic depth. Shouldn't this be good news.
Read above, on YOUR understanding of the "Current Day Americans" as the term includes Native Americans, and they include one of the largest percentages within the US military!!
What about the matter itself .Pro-Irani Governments formed after invasions while US potrays Iran as one of its enemy generally?
Northern alliance is the biggest Con that has taken billions of dollars from the west and has nothing to show for itself shifting all the blame over to Pakistan.
its not that its ethnic army is incapable or unworthy.. it just doesn't see any motive to be good because its getting the money anyway. its leaders are caught with millions of dollars smuggling out of the country to UAE but nothing happens and America keeps paying them.
life is good for Northern alliance warlords

Back in 2007 an ethnic Tajik summed it up for me. The guy was a practicing Shia & a die hard fan of Ahmed Shah Masood. This is around the time when Iran/America standoff was at its peak. So I asked him how would he describe his loyalty to the Ayatollah's & the big Satan at the same time ?
To which he replied it's all about Naswar my friend. Confused I asked him how is it about Naswar ? His reply was whoever comes to Afghanistan has to pay for Naswar and American Naswar is the best since it's paid in Dollars & trust me as long as America is in Afghanistan it isn't going any where else, we simply wouldn't let this great source of Naswar get away so quickly. 8 year later & after reading through hundreds of news articles, watching dozens of documentaries and with hindsight the Guys words seem like Gospel.
I have come to the conclusion that the concept of Naswar is true to a certain extent for all the regional players involved in Afghanistan, be it Northern Alliance the Taliban, Islamic fundamentalists, Pakistani Establishment, India, Iran, China or Russia. Every one of these mentioned have profited to an extent from the American involvement in Afghanistan.

America is like a big Bull stuck in Deep Mud while the wolves eat away at it knowing fully well it isn't getting out any time soon.
Im curious to know from a native american or iranian, that in media their is a perception that US and Iranians are anti to each other but why after invading Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-Irani Government were installed by U.S? Is it a bluff?

The Iranians actually provided intelligence to the US after 9/11 to take out the Taliban and AQ. Going as far as providing safe air space, fuel, covert collaboration. But President Bush decided to include Iran in his Axis of Evil Speech. The resulting war of liberation on Iran's western border helped spread caution among the Ayatollahs.

As far as the Iraqi government goes, Pro-Iranian was just a result of freer democratic elections being held in Iraq. It was never a question that the Shiites would constitute a majority in the Iraqi legislature. But a question of whether the Sunnis and Kurds would unite to block anything the government would try to do.

As far as Afghanistan goes, there's a constant supply of capital punishments for Afghans being charged for smuggling drugs/ humans. And shutdown of Afghan asylum seekers. Iran-Afghan relations always take a cold turn when the government cant protect Shiites there.

As far as perception of the American-Iranian goes. Depends on who you talk to. It's no doubt the governments hate each other, or that the people of the opposite hate the other government.

But people-people relations depend on who you talk to. Far right wing wackos think the entire nation is filled with Ayatollahs. The wackos on the far left thing the whole country is filled with rabbits and unicorns. The average person doesn't give a shit, and just wants to have one less thing to worry about.
95% of Iran is Shia, I think that conversion is well done. The most important thing is that Iran is not enslaved any more by Sunni Arabs, or Sunni Turks. Shia religion is a necessary evil to stamp out unwanted foreign influences. On the contrary, it preserved Persian culture.

That is true and I hope non Iranians could understand this.

@Khafee the other day when I referred to "lizard eating Arabs" I hope you get it what I meant.

@pakistani342 So boss what you say, what would be the results of any survey suppose when Taliban take over again? I think most of the Afghans would not favor Pakistan even the AT would have different stance on Pakistan this time but still they won't prefer India over Pakistan or could they?
Good going Pakistanis keep celebrating for the fact that ANA is incapable so that the very peace loving and democratic Taliban can rule Afghanistan again ...........................................Oh wait that's what you guys want right?

Only money can't build a force if a person with is not ready to die for his cause than even most latest weapons are useless

Are you not ready to die for Kashmir :D:D
Good going Pakistanis keep celebrating for the fact that ANA is incapable so that the very peace loving and democratic Taliban can rule Afghanistan again ...........................................Oh wait that's what you guys want right?

Are you not ready to die for Kashmir :D:D
We fight and die for Islam and for defending Muslims weather Kashmir or Palestine or Pakistan or Bangladesh or what ever Muslim majority area is or an area where Muslims are being attacked. Kashmir would be liberated and would be part of Pakistan sooner or later.
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