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Leaked Investigation Video of Shah Zain Bugti.

and my all senior members forgot that after this he call a embassy??? my question is why?? have you any answer???
One cannot merely blame the judiciary when real blame lies with the LEA's. Court's require proof beyond doubt to hand out punishments especially capital punishment that these terrorists deserve.....proof that is hardly ever forthcoming hence the lamentable conviction rate.

Only next comes the integrity of the judges which also is a problem. Actually, today integrity is a big big problem in our country, be it Government officials, media, judiciary, LEA's, Military or even common man.

Its the law... it favors the terrorist basically and the anti terror bill is still not being passed. Basically when the testimony of a policeman or a soldier simply does not count and they can murder civilians who want to testify then we will surely have a 4% conviction rate.

Remember that callous Wahabi Mullah who tried to frame innocent Rimsha, a handicapped girl... Everything was well... he was jailed. Everything was set to go against him. There were many witnesses, one even claiming for journalists that the Mullah had said to him he was going to burn the Quran to frame Rimsha and it was a necessary thing "for Islam"... suddenly everyone retracts their statements... gotta wonder what the **** happened!?!?!?

The Taliban presence is being underestimated. There was an article (upon which I based an entire section of my book) that stated that a man had given a loan to a powerful guy who wasn't returning it. Taliban saw him crying in the mosque and followed him home. Asked him what happened. He told them... next day they threaten the guy and suddenly the guy gets his money back and the Taliban get a very vociferous supporter.
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