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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

Horus has been issuing payback threats ever since I can remember. I have to say I really enjoy his melodramatic meltdowns and the big words that come with it. Such theatrics. Laughing my *** off, literally!
Not his fault either, there agencies have built a culture of paranoia, Have you ever seen a single pakistani member ever introspect of what has gone wrong.
Where he said that ajmal kasab is Pakistani ?.....
He mentioned about cordon-off of village after orchestrated interview of jew tv to find truth....
And your media take it to next dimension....

Here watch it again....
I find your desperation to blame others for your own failed policies of rearing jihadi snakes for decades who are now biting you, funny.

first, please end the still enduring love affair with the Afghan Taliban, and then the India specific Punjabi rats for the jihad in Kashmir who have been spared the zarb-e-azb, then you might have a chance a peace. Else, I'm afraid Obama's prediction will turn out to be true, you simply can't play the good jihadi/bad jihadi game anymore.

Here's how it'll play out should the Pakistani state try to "kill Indian kids" as "revenge", they'll be traced back, evidence will be presented to a world that has zero appetite for any islamist terror cause, and the blowback in resulting sanctions will be a cost Pakistan will be unable to bear.
Here people get positive ratings for posting comments like " its time the Indians see their blood flowing in their streets just like they made us and our children see it. Its time the old enemy is given a taste of its shameful history. Lets give Brahmins a fight they are itching for. " What else we can expect here.....:(
So your are aftab in this janam and your previous janam was sinchan....
And after ban what will be your next janam....

Yes, as i said before its time to reply in same manner and language....
Don't want next janam but I could be Maulana Fazlullah in next
Not his fault either, there agencies have built a culture of paranoia, Have you ever seen a single pakistani member ever introspect of what has gone wrong.
Look at your own house first sir...Have you ever considered that during an active operation your media, social media, political parties start blaming Pakistan without any evidence? So it means "agencies have built a culture of paranoia, Have you ever seen a single Indian member ever introspect of what has gone wrong"
We stopped supporting Kashmir fighters during mid-rule of Musharraf its time to begin supporting them again.
India and Bangladesh has provided number of evidence that directly link isi to terrorist groups after 1999. Hell I've seen confession videos from terrorists captured in india just like these .

There are multiple videos
So what's your take? You think India as being the Arch enemy of Pakistan doesn't event remotely have some connection with TTP? Then who are funding them? From where they get ammunition and training and other logistic support?
P.S: Don't say that these are Pak Trained Talibans, you do realize that those are different..though I oppose them equally, but this group is totally different from them...!

So now the contention is India is providing ammunition, when Indian Army itself runs out of ammunition almost every other month.
Where do they get ammunition from, I don't know, could be from illicint weapons industry in Pakistan, could be from the same source that supplies RPGs, RPKs, PKMs, AKM's to JeM, LeT, HuM, sipah e sahaba.
Or maybe these are the remnants of the agency that armed trained and suppied over 18000 talibs from Darul Uloom Haqqania for Mullah Omars Holy war.

That Is not true, please check Wikipedia.
India operates Embassies and consulates in every major city even many small consulates (around 50) in very remote areas near Pak-Afghan border. Just give me some time I will post complete list.
please do.
ISPR propaganda machine is on hyperdrive now a days.
We share the equal blame of 60,000 martyred. We got to know way back that India is involved and we were not taking any action. Even we were asking for peace talk with an intolerant state. I am not saying to go on war, but it is the time to take an action before its too late.

Who is the real tolerant in here ?
A nation that systematically eradicates minorities ,(seeking refugeee staus in India ) or a vibrant democracy .Sorry for offtopic .

On topic :We wouldnt believe this no matter what .
Pakistan created all non state actors for strategic achievements .Now they are biting the same hands that feed them .India didnt do any thing in there .
You policy failure .Dont blame us.
is the video authentic?
why was Pakistan sitting quietly on this for years?
Indeed it is not the first time but what really interesting is it is coming out of 2nd in command Mehsud.

The befitting reply was also thought and considered as well but there were complications. The complications i meant by our internal candle Mafia, Human Rights and NGO's lovers those promulgated almost every mind of this country by the means of innocence. The immediate response is need to be like internal cleansing.

Zia was rightly going to get rid of this Nawaz Sharif as he become aware of his nexus with those proxy lovers living by hatred towards Pakistan. The same intentions of our rivals are openly expressed time to time so also evident after Pathankot incident. We did not forget their sleeper cells in Karachi and all over Pakistan.

These proxies in the shape of refugees were much favoured to hire for these types of dirty works though being gift of Zia. This was the reason that US helped India to enter into Afghanistan otherwise during USSR invasion it was only Pakistan that was used by US to confront and then when it comes to deal with their pawns in the name of Jihad, they very well executed the phase 2 of their plan into Afghanistan by uploading India. These northern alliances neither were in our favour nor would ever be but the best friends of India.

Nothing has done yet so far by our political leadership like look at Hamid Mir. The same Mir whose telephonic conversation was leaked once while talking to TTP commander back in days discussing about marching of Army etc but alas the same Mir ran whole election campaign of NS and become most loved. The time has come that these types of people are also need to be handled which are snakes in disguise of sympathizers.

This is the time that we need to deal with this Refugees thing first and tighten our internal security. Need to expand our intelligence network so also to build immediate communication bridges. A scrutiny should be done from civilian level to civil services, from media houses to the sympathizers of these terrorists, from political parties/wings to Awan-e-Bala so then we will have the amount of exact threat.

The remaining 8 months of COAS would hopefully be fruitful and more impacted than before. Counter Intelligence is must of this time as well. First of all our internal security is need to be tightened and an accountability work has to be done despite all those Sari and Mango diplomacy.

I bet still no political party in Pakistan will rise these things because they are afraid to loose their luxurious life and protocols yet the patriots and their kids are left to the mercy of these rented mercenaries. i pray and wish that results of Op Zarb-E-Azb be fruitful and this op may continue from inside to every corner till the end of terrorist in every form whether supporter, facilitator or the executioner otherwise this country has sustained enough and never to forget that we wouldn't exist if the motherland doesn't.

Pakistan Zindabad

Isnt he the one who "leaked" the Pakistan-Sri Lanka Jf-17 deal to media via his Geo news group, causing complications?
Have seen admins posting this kinda shit
Dont expect anything lol
Here people get positive ratings for posting comments like " its time the Indians see their blood flowing in their streets just like they made us and our children see it. Its time the old enemy is given a taste of its shameful history. Lets give Brahmins a fight they are itching for. " What else we can expect here.....:(
india should know that we have nothing to lose but they have every thing.currently we are only sponsoring freedom fighter in Kashmir.when push will come to shove we are also capable enough to spread terror in every corner of your country and after few blast your so much prized economy and foreign investment will start going down the drain.

Then other powerful nations will talk for us .Because they also need our growth and power :D
This is the reality in this world .
Have seen admins posting this kinda shit
Dont expect anything lol
Ok Sir.....:(......
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