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Jan 6, 2007
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那么,我们知道,印度为了维持它的庞大机群,几十年来一直在不停的生产米格21。那么他们生产的飞机水平如何呢?印度不是没有做过这方面的工作,也不是没有获得一定的成果,但是以中国的眼光来看,实在是非常有限的。20年来LAC所取得的进展为什么没有表现在印度生产的其他飞机上呢?我认为可能的原因有3 个,第一,印度自身的技术进展有限。第二,印度对引进的技术无法真正掌握。第三,印度对米格21本身吃的不透。印度90年代中期对米格21提出了改进的要求,参与竞争的有以色列和俄罗斯两种方案。而有意思的是,曾经有人把米格21的两个改进方案和中国同一时期生产的歼七放在一起进行对比,结果是中国版本无条件胜出。印度当然不愿意买比中国落后的飞机了,但是俄罗斯敢拿着比中国歼七落后得多的方案跑到印度去招摇撞骗,可见当时印度的航空工业水平如何了。而可悲的是:直到现在,不争气的印度人自己制造的米格21仍然属于无名之辈的行列。





About Indian LCA test flight ponder

The LCA development course was in 1983 proposes by the Indian government, in 1988 completed the duty plan, at the beginning of the 90's completed the reference design. In January, 2001 will fly, only then composes the fifth prototype to this December, it is said that very quick officially will go into production. Should say its progress certainly does not calculate slowly. Must know that, China's first kind independently develops and the large-scale equipment jet-type fighter plane □□to annihilate the bang seven "to fly the leopard", in 1978 the project started, 1988 new years flew, in 2000 only then finalized, but newly annihilated has experienced 18 years triturating, "18 years old, have finally enlisted in the military." Should say said regarding China and the India such technology base weak country, "the first generation" definitely compares the difficult labor. Generally says the technical reserve decision development cycle, the technical span decision test flight cycle. In the test flight process, very is in particular easy to expose the significant design flaw and the technical barrier, causes the design to revise even overthrows is heavy. This point in flew in the middle of the leopard project once many times to perform. But said regarding LCA that, we now regarding this project may say is completely did not understand, the light depends on the hearsay to be very difficult as soon as to peep 全豹. Actually had it in the test flight test flight any project, achieved any performance index, has met any barrier is knew without knowing where to begin. But I still was allowed to see some things from this project simple report. First is this news too low key. Although I can see the report all is the reprint, but we still saw its report too insufficiently detailed, only said its handling quality is extremely good, also said it was "the good flying platform". As for is how good, is unknown, calculated involves the secret, also may do several acrobatic maneuvers to display its good flight performance. I thought regarding LCA such regarding India said has the time development significance the project, also is an experience roughly prepares the project which disputed, once obtains the truth which the significant breakthrough decidedly does not have not to do wantonly propagandizes. Next, it also has together Gao Kanyao. Does the airplane people all to know that, in the airplane triturating, most has the challenge question is not the engine or the radar, also is not the material and the processing craft, is not the aerodynamics and structure mechanics, but is the systems engineering ability. Simple said how is big pile either advanced or is practical, either domestically produced or the introduction equipment and the technology knead together into an overall ability. Now we may see, LAC to "good weapon platform" transformation, moreover "in the afterwards 18 months, will carry on each kind of weapon and the sensor integration and the test." In other words, present LAC, the weapon and the fire control system do not have the conformity to go in, "the sensor" refers is any we is not clear, possibly is refers to the instruction which matches with the weapon, the guidance and the control device, also possibly is said a part of aircraft statuses supervisory system not too consummates. We are very easy to infer, the present LCA technical condition is at "the owlet dragon" most much 03 conditions, but was not 04 conditions ∩ dragons passed through for two years from 03 to 04. But 03 itself already was in every sense of the term "the good flying platform", if is not Palestine's request higher, it took the weapon platform also was qualified. As for 04, its navigation electricity and the armament system all are the mature product in fact, these two year Cheng Feigan work actually also is the system conformity. Then LCA in receives in the experiment definitely will face the significant test, will not be able to do well also must remelt once again, said regarding first development advanced airplane India, 18 month-long cycles will be very intense without doubt. Such process even possibly must continue after the LCA service: Does not arrive in certain systems time first serves with the substitute, again will carry on the promotion in the future. Third, our blind LAC project to India entire aviation industry technology radiation effect I as a result of the work reason, long-term and annihilate seven, the bang six such old types have the social dealings, but I note, along with flies the leopard and newly annihilates the project the progress, the entire China aviation industry has made the considerable progress. Is precisely on these obsolete types body, we may unceasing see the new technology, new craft, new equipment, modern weapon utilization. Controls the radar, the electron cabin, the compound material, the digitized processing craft, the cruise missile, the precision guidance weapon, the comprehensive navigation electricity, flies the fire to hand over the association, the lifesaving, the correspondence, the navigation, the direction, and so on the technical utilization, caused to annihilate seven and bang six these experiences 50 years machine kind to glow the new student. We may see, each raid annihilates seven and the bang six all has progresses, simultaneously the organizational equipment airplane also in does not stop carries on the reequipment. Down to the present leaves the plant the newest airplane even five year ago identical model all has the huge leap with ten years ago. We definitely may from annihilate seven improvements to see annihilates ten progress. Then, we knew, India in order to maintain its huge airplane group, for several dozens years continuously in the production Mig which does not stop 21. Then they produce airplane level how? India is not has not done this aspect work, also is not has not obtained the certain achievement, but looked by China's judgement, is really extremely limited. For 20 year LAC obtains hasn't the progress displayed why on other airplanes which produces in India? I thought the possible reason to have 3, first, the Indian own technology progress is limited. Second, India is unable to the introduction technology truly to grasp. Third, India airtight which eats to Mig 21 itself. The Indian 90's intermediate stages 21 proposed to the Mig the improvement request, participation competes has Israeli and the Russian two kind of plans. What but is interesting, once some people annihilated the Mig 21 two improvement programs and the Chinese at the same time production seven put carry on in the same place the contrast, the result were the Chinese edition unconditionally win. India certainly was not willing to buy the airplane which fell behind compared to China, but Russia dared to take is annihilating China seven is backward than much plans to run to India mooches, obviously at that time India's aviation industry level how. What but is pitiful: Until now, did not make every effort to succeed Indian make the Mig 21 still belonged to Generation X's ranks. But we may see differently to from this point common place: Has carried on 20 year advanced projects, involves the entire aviation industry the aspects, how can link a presentable achievement all not to have? I suspected that, this is possible and the excessively many technical introduction concerns. Certainly, the introduction technology is not a misdemeanor, brings the principle. But after brings you study, the research, must have a thorough understanding, then transforms own thing! Indian what all hasn't how learned? Difficult to be inadequate they is stands looks lively? Looked like from this point, India's LCA even if obtains successfully, extremely is also limited to the India aviation industry promotion. Fourth, India has the enormous dropping variance to the LCA expected value with its actual aviation industry level between. India's aviation industry level, haven't I seen how the material object, also has not visited its factory. But looked India makes the Mig 21 and the puma can see to a clue. In front of me already had said, can make the upscale product in India in the situation, was completely does not have the reason not to be able to compose the performance good low-grade product. What scale is LCA? According to Indian's view, belongs to the fourth generation, or western standard fourth generation, but also takes in 2020 all not to be able to fall behind. From the second-generation to the fourth generation, technical span has in a big way? Two technical gaps! We fly the leopard are the second-generation half, the owlet dragon is the three generations, annihilated ten is the three generations, China uses nearly for 30 years only then to cross the together gap. Xin 酸苦 辣实 in is insufficient to the outside humanity. We knew LCA the majority of subsystems have all used the foreign technology, the foreign equipment even foreign country design, but the final system integration and the conformity definitely are Indian does, otherwise simply gave the LCA peaceful US designation to knock it off. Although so, I surmount an obstacle to the Indian the ability still expressed deeply the suspicion, some things have not done never had known, we started to do fly leopard's and annihilated in front of the tens also to the difficult problem which possibly faced have made like this such guess. After the result does only then discovered simply is not such a matter, very many big troubles all are the problem cause since childhood. LCA until now already passed through 570 times of test flights, said the truth such test flight intensity was not certainly big, very many related reliable question all not necessarily could expose. But the Chinese team new airplane test is a quite huge systems engineering, our wind tunnel, the upper air tried the chassis, the ground microwave laboratory, the simulation test system all already achieves the extremely high level. Speaking of the test flight, not only has the prototype test flight, but also has the small batch to be in the lead the use test flight, but also usefully annihilates 82 and teaches eight reequipment the technical confirmation machine test flights □□with the mature aircraft conversion technology confirmation machine, may carry on not mature prototype is also more complex than many test flights. It can be said that, the China aviation industry to the new fighter plane test intensity, the difficulty, dynamics and widespread has all achieved the suitable altitude. Finally, China develops in recent years the airplane all has the very big technology overlapping, very annihilates ten on the equipment and the technology, flies the leopard and annihilates seven all can help it the test flight, even the entire subsystem collection Chengdu may complete on other machine kind of body. But we may see, India is does not have this kind of condition, it only has L the CA project to carry on, its Mig 21 and the puma does not make every effort to succeed, also had not seen it makes this aspect the work. Then I only can see to a choice, that is lets the American help it to do. It is well known, in 1998 Further India and a US'S relational severance, but after that is very quick 热络 gets up once again, in view of the fact that LC A has widely used the American technology, helps India to carry on the comprehensive system test is very possible. But must want to achieve "the fourth generation" the standard, the American is willing to provide the thing is extremely limited. In the LCA entire project, we saw massive from US, England, the mature technology which Israel introduced, reasonably said, LCA should not receive the molecular project progress to be tired, the Indian aspect main work should lie in the body design and the system integration. But said from its development advancement that, India in the material manufacture, the processing craft, the aerodynamics, as well as the system integration ability aspect exists seriously is insufficient. From LCA2001 year first test flight, after when separates more than 1 year only then second test flight to look that, it had the possibility to bump into the trouble in the compound material structure aspect. LCA has used excessively many compound materials, yes, excessively were many. The manufacture high performance compound material is not actually difficult, but the compound material biggest weakness is the reliable question. Said from the manufacture angle that, basically is very difficult to guarantee can produce the quality completely consistent product, down to the compound material performance generally all by the intensity, degree of hardness, the common difference did not express. But uses one probability expression method, for instance said "has 90% confidence to be allowed to achieve some intensity standard", or "has 99% confidence to be allowed to achieve some intensity standard". Thereupon, when compound material design, frequently must enlarge its margin of safety, also increases thickness, thus reduced the compound material regarding the metal material specific tenacity superiority. We may see used massive compound materials LCA to reduce weight the effect not to be certainly obvious. Awfully is, the compound material is extremely easy to suffer injury, moreover examines □□the metal material damage often is a crack with difficulty, corrodes and so on, the majority of damages may the visual examination, achieve with difficulty the place may use the looking glass. But compound material if has the lamination, question and so on air bubble, is absolutely cannot look on the surface. If merely is the use in the airplane surface, may inspect with a portable-type ultrasonic wave examining wounds or injuries machine, but if uses in the internal structure, inspects can extremely trouble. This also is material technological advance country and so on US maintains the discrete basic reason at in the compound material use. After I guess the LCA first test flight as soon as put is a year half reason possibly is the compound material appeared the significant damage, thus could not but overthrow to the body structure design is heavy. As for present LCA compound material question whether already did solve, our were unknown, but, the speaking of 570 test flights, still was insufficient to confirm its reliability.

I did the best i could if there is any mistakes i applaogize.
NO its Translation of the above article.:angel:

Ahaan.....:?: so you can understand chinese, bring some one over here to confirm his honesty:angel: just kidding dude:crazy2:

The article points some thing about LCA's body structure design, which seems to be a bit heavy, i quite agree with that, for Light combat aircraft i think its a bit oversized.
The article points some thing about LCA's body structure design, which seems to be a bit heavy,
I think you might be mistaken there. The body is over 45% composite material. Composite materials besides being stronger and absorbing radar waves also are lighter than aluminium.

i quite agree with that, for Light combat aircraft i think its a bit oversized.
Its the smallest aircraft of its designation in the world. How can you call it oversized?
I think it was saying that the materials are more prone to damage rather heavy in weight...
And certain composites are more prone to failure if not prepared properly.

It is kinda hard to make out what is being said (lost in translation etc etc)

Where there not issues regarding build qaulity for other indigenous projects?
I think it was saying that the materials are more prone to damage rather heavy in weight...
More prone to damage when compared with what?

And certain composites are more prone to failure if not prepared properly.
Well I'm assuming the DRDO has prepared them decently.
More prone to damage when compared with what?

Well I'm assuming the DRDO has prepared them decently.

Well (and this is just conjecture as the article is a little difficult to make head nor tail of) I am gonna say that the author of the article is saying that the particular composite is weaker (whether this is due to the manufacture or design) to comparable materials on other aircraft.

As for the assumption part.... we would covering old ground there........
The article points some thing about LCA's body structure design, which seems to be a bit heavy, i quite agree with that, for Light combat aircraft i think its a bit oversized.

You need to check that before you make a comment like that.

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