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Barely started? China has been producing its own avionics since the mid 1960's after Sino-Soviet split. Every Chinese produced planes in PLAAF inventory were equipped with China's own avionics, except Su-27SK/UBK and Su-30MKK/MK2. Use your head before you post next time. J-20's design was aimed to provide better supercruise and manoevurability that F-22 at the cost of lower stealth requirement. This had been stated by several insiders, and yet here you are telling me how it is. I think you just gave me a chuckle.

You need to stop drinking the cool aid from whatever crap source you are viewing from. J-20's radar is a completely new system, not a variant of J-10B's radar. Its dimension alone, stated by huzhigeng, is the largest among all 4th gen aircrafts.

Do you honestly think that China has decades of experience building AESA radars? Remember, the ones on the J-10B and J-20 are among the first AESAs to be ever produced in China. Aiming for one thing is different from attaining one thing. And I seriously question the "insiders" claim of the J-20 aiming for superior supercruise and maneuverability when the F-22 specifications are barely unveiled.

J-10B was believed to be a testbed for J-20 avionics and several sources said that the J-20's radar is a more powerful variant of the J-10B's radar. By that I mean bigger.
Do you honestly think that China has decades of experience building AESA radars? Remember, the ones on the J-10B and J-20 are among the first AESAs to be ever produced in China. Aiming for one thing is different from attaining one thing. And I seriously question the "insiders" claim of the J-20 aiming for superior supercruise and maneuverability when the F-22 specifications are barely unveiled.

J-10B was believed to be a testbed for J-20 avionics and several sources said that the J-20's radar is a more powerful variant of the J-10B's radar. By that I mean bigger.
Among the first AESA ever produced by China? That really shows how much you know, close to nothing. China had been playing with AESA research since the 1960's. First operational AESA, Type 7010, was pressed into service by mid 1970's. Simply because they did not put their product into mass service, does not mean they are new to the playground. A major limiting factor was the cost to produce small scale T/R modules, which prior to mid 2000's was 4 or 5 times more costly than what Japan and United States could make them for. Budget was extremely tight for PLA from 1980's to late 1990's because of Deng Xiaoping's policy that cut military spending. It was simply impossible for them to mass produce. Go read up before making more baseless claims:


You are certainly free to question the insiders, but they have access to all sorts of testing data and intelligence reports. What do you have?

J-20's avionics were chosen on a bidding process that recently completed, from all over the country. J-10B's avionics package was developed by sub-contractors under CAC. You can't even get that part right. Your sources have always been crap. Don't make me laugh.
Among the first AESA ever produced by China? That really shows how much you know, close to nothing. China had been playing with AESA research since the 1960's. First operational AESA, Type 7010, was pressed into service by mid 1970's. Simply because they did not put their product into mass service, does not mean they are new to the playground. A major limiting factor was the cost to produce small scale T/R modules, which prior to mid 2000's was 4 or 5 times more costly than what Japan and United States could make them for. Budget was extremely tight for PLA from 1980's to late 1990's because of Deng Xiaoping's policy that cut military spending. It was simply impossible for them to mass produce. Go read up before making more baseless claims:


You are certainly free to question the insiders, but they have access to all sorts of testing data and intelligence reports. What do you have?

J-20's avionics were chosen on a bidding process that recently completed, from all over the country. J-10B's avionics package was developed by sub-contractors under CAC. You can't even get that part right. Your sources have always been crap. Don't make me laugh.

Are you sure you arent confusing a good old ESA with an AESA??
Are you sure you arent confusing a good old ESA with an AESA??
If you meant ESA, development of such system in China started in the 1960's. AESA came later at around 1970's and several test models were built. However, the cost to produce T/R modules was prohibitively expensive for Chinese military at the time due to small budget. Even now they have no plan to upgrade existing planes with them due to cost factor.

It's all covered in the source I posted.
Are you sure you arent confusing a good old ESA with an AESA??
Electronic Scanning (or steering) Array (ESA) is the overall technology. Under it are 'passive' (PESA) or 'active' (AESA). The latter is much more difficult to manufacture in terms of transmit/receive module, more problematic in deployment into existing platforms, and more difficult in terms of software sophistication to fully exploit an AESA system's flexibility. In fact, if the software sophistication is not available, an AESA system is no better than its PESA brethen. In that case, a PESA can still be an advantage over the old mechanically scanned system, although that advantage is not as great as an AESA over everything else.
Among the first AESA ever produced by China? That really shows how much you know, close to nothing. China had been playing with AESA research since the 1960's. First operational AESA, Type 7010, was pressed into service by mid 1970's. Simply because they did not put their product into mass service, does not mean they are new to the playground. A major limiting factor was the cost to produce small scale T/R modules, which prior to mid 2000's was 4 or 5 times more costly than what Japan and United States could make them for. Budget was extremely tight for PLA from 1980's to late 1990's because of Deng Xiaoping's policy that cut military spending. It was simply impossible for them to mass produce. Go read up before making more baseless claims:


You are certainly free to question the insiders, but they have access to all sorts of testing data and intelligence reports. What do you have?

J-20's avionics were chosen on a bidding process that recently completed, from all over the country. J-10B's avionics package was developed by sub-contractors under CAC. You can't even get that part right. Your sources have always been crap. Don't make me laugh.


Indeed 7010 AESA was operational in 1970s

extracted from Sinodefence
7010 Radar

Developed by 14th Electronic Institute in Nanjing in 1976, 7010 radar was a fixed, land-based phased array surveillance radar designed to detect, identify, and track intercontinental ballistic missiles and other objects in outer space. The development of 7010 radar began in 1970 and the radar became fully operational in 1976. The 40m X 20m radar antenna was built on the Huangyang Mountain slope 1,600m above the sea level in Xuanhua, Hebei Province, about 140km northwest of Beijing. A second site was built in Henan Province. In July 1979, the 7010 radar sites provided accurate data on the re-entry time of the de-orbited U.S. Skylab spacecraft. On 12 January 1983, 7010 radar successfully predicted the time and place of landing for the failed Soviet Union nuclear-powered satellite Cosmos 1402. The radar site was abandoned in the early 1990s.
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